Ch.14-cuz I’m a vampire

No one POV: (sana's side):

air I miss Tzuyu already..."DING". a message? is it from Tzuyu?? hOw its from Jihyo whatever...WHAT THE FUXK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




apparently he gave those girls hugs and a kiss for the youngest one




Don't ask me. They're cute though




Whatever squirrel I'm going to find my bro and sis, talk later~






I threw my phone on my bed and buried my head into the sheets. Why is Tzuyu hugging those girls??? And he even kissed one of them? Well I get it maybe they're really good friends but does he have to kiss her when he has a girlfriend???? Hmph! I'M NOT TALKING TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!

Tzuyu's side:

I teleported to Mina and Chaeng's location. Mina and chaeyoung, along with Jihyo, were behind the walls. "What are you guys doing?" I asked.They seemed alarmed and jumped away. "Owh its you, you scared us Yoda!!"Chaeyoung said.

"Sorry. What are you guys doing? ithoguth I told you guys to stop them? Why are they still ummm preparing and reloading their weapons?" I asked while getting rid of 5000 arrows flying towards us.

"Well...we brought Jihyo and wanted to talk but they didn't see Jihyo and started shooting..."Mina said.

"Where are your braincells???you guys could just teleport...I thought Mina could think of this...I suppose you two have 0 braincells when you're together." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Jihyo, Mina and Chaeyoung. 

we teleported in front of Park Jinyoung, jihyo's brother. "AHHHHHHHH" Jiyoung shouted and pulled out his weapon. 

"Put it away Jinyoung, that wouldn't do any harm for me." I said calmly.

"oppa, it's me. They're not bad ones." jihyo stepped up and said.

Jinyoung blinked his eyes. "Jihyo? WHAT are you doing here? DID THEY KIDNAP YOU AND BRAINWASH YOU??!!!!" jinyoung asked, glaring at us.

"No. I came with them. They asked for truce. Trust me oppa, I'm smarter than the both of you and I know this will be the best decision we've ever made." jihyo persuaded. "come out Miss Jimin." I said. then, a woman came out from the trees. "Woah, didn't expect a vamp could see my existence." She seemed impressed. 

"I saw you long ago. But I didn't want to wreck the 'invisible' impression in front of your brother and sister, so I didn't call you.But Jihyo 's having quite a hard timing telling you, so I did." I said calmly.

"Anyways, we're here for truce. Leave the hunters, we'll protect you. It's always better to join the stronger right?" mina said.

"jihyo-" Jinyoung started but she was cut off. "Dad would never agree to this, and the boss would kill us before we even leave." Jimin said.

"he won't, and he can't. This is a promise from the Chous." I promised.

"And the Sons." Chaeyoung added.

jimin thought for a moment. "I talked to dad about it. He didn't want to stay but he was threatened remember? If we join them, we won't have to continue this, and the vampires didn't even do anything to US in first place? We were the ones who disturbed their lives right? I've had enough of this. I don't want to be a hunter." Jihyo argued.

"Dad agreed?" Jinyoung asked.

Jihyo nodded. "I'm not being threatened unnie, oppa. They're my friends." 

Jimin and Jinyoung exchanged glances. Jiyoung called Mr. Park. "Jinyoung ah, how's the battle, have you seen Jihyo and her friends yet?" Jihyo's dad's voice asked. "yes dad. Are we-" 

"yes jinyoung, Jimin's here too right? I've just handed in a resign letter to the boss. And the child, what was it? oh yes, Tzuyu. He helped us move already. I'm in Vampile now to register as a citizen who will live in the human world, that's what they call it., with the help of a fine young man, what was it? yes, Daniel, seems like your sister's type to me, I own't mind if you date a vampire kiddos, anyways, We'll stay on earth of course, just not in hunter harbor, but in the house they provided. it's quite big and Jihyo liked it too, I bet you two will. listen to Tzuyu okay? byeeeee." He hung up.Jihyo noona was blushing for a bit. I think she likes Daniel? Did they meet before? I suppose they did...oh was it that time when Daniel came to us to report about Vampile? I remember that Jihyo and Daniel saw each other...hehehe this will be fun~Finally Jihyo noona isn't alone

Jinyoung and jimin looked at me in disbelief. "Thank you." jimin muttered. I smiled and said. "It's fine. so are you going to join us with your sister and parents? or stay with the hunters, waiting to get killed by me?" I looked at the two, playing with the ball of fire in my hands. 

"We-we'll join." Jimin stuttered. "Good. mina, Bring them to Mr. park. Jihyo too. Then take them safely back to earth and plant Vampile's safety armor on them. Remember to take off their Hunter's armor. chaeyoung, we're leaving to find Nayeon." I said and disappeared along with chaeyoung.

"Jeongyeon." I telepathed to Jeongyeon. 

"yeah Tzu?" he replied.

"The portal, we're going to ask nayeon to join us." I said.

"Alone or with Dahyun?"

"Dahyun. We could get momo too."


"SWISHHHHH" jeongyeon and dahyun appeared. "Good let's gooo." Chaeyoung said and we went back into the portal, again.

"DING DONG!!!, it's me, Jeongyeon."Jeongyeon called.

"Oh come in Jeongyeon. Nayeon's upstairs...oh, who do we have here?"

"They're my friends, and I'm here to do some business with you, not business, more like... a present?" 

"Hmmm...if it's business, I'll be happy to hear. have a seat." Mr Im nodded and sat down.

"So...We know you're in part of Vampire hunters Right?" Dahyun said. Mr.Im seemed to be quite startled. "H-how do you know?" 

"We would like you to quit and join us instead. you don't have to fight anymore. We'll protect you and your family, of course in exchange you have to quit the organization. We can make sure of your safety Mr. Im. I really hope you can join us. Don't worry about the 'boss'. With us here, he can't do anything to you." I went straight to the topic.

"Why?" he asked.

"Then why did you join the organization dad? You thought Vampires are bad, bloodsucking monsters. But did they ever do anything to us? or anyone on earth? you only heard the story of the boss, maybe he made a mistake?! even if he didn't, we should stop doing this dad. The vampires never, ever fought back, they just defended themselves, not making attacks. That's enough to make the hate of the boss' gone. Why would a kind like this kill humans?" Nayeon stepped down the staircase. 

"Nayeon ah, go to your room first..." Mr. Im said. 

"No dad. I'm going with them no matter what kind of decision you make. I'm with them."

...Mr. Im kept silent.

"mr. Im, if a vampire is in front of you, what would It or you do?" Jeongyeon asked.

"It would kill me." he answered without thinking.

"Then what are we doing now?"


"Exactly. If vampires are like what you said, you would've been dead by now. but you aren't. We're sitting here peacefully, and I'm persuading you. I'm not threatening you. don't this proof Vampires are't what you think? Cuz I'm a vampire." jeongyeon said.

"What??!!!" mr.Im bounced up and looked for a weapon.

I Snapped my fingers to freeze him. 

"Mr. Im, we're not here to hurt you. We're here for business. Are you joining us or not. If yes, come with us. If no, we're leaving. but I won't promise I won't kill you the next time I see you, in the spot of enemies." I warned him and snapped my fingers again, freeing him.

"nayeon noona, are you coming?" I asked softly, totally different from the tone I used just now."


oof scary tzu...

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ac: shiba_7321

btw sorry for the boring chapters these days, I cant skip the process cuz it's part of the plot....