A Blessing Curse

Roselyn stared at Corey for about ten minutes, as he struggled to form a sentence, or say that one word, so she had enough and told him, to go away and not bother her. She stepped away from him, but he held her hand and stopped her from going; Roselyn didn't take it well, she didn't want to be near him, him touching her was enough to make her flinch and start shaking, telling to let go of her and stay far away.

 "Please, I promise I won't do anything to you." Corey said, letting go of Roselyn, since he doesn't want her to uncomfortable.

 "I… I want to believe that, Corey, but you need to understand that what you did to me, isn't something to forget or brush over." Roselyn said, trying to stop her uncontrollably shaking hand.

 "You don't need to do any of that, just please don't ignore me." Corey accepted the fact that Roselyn won't forgive him, maybe one day she will, but they will never be the same, they won't have the same relationship they had.