Suffering For Their Comfort

In a village, nearby to the academy, the three of them decided to rest in an inn, it was nighttime and they were tired, but they didn't have enough money to get separated rooms, since Roselyn didn't grab that much money with her and Jack didn't have much either, while Lola's pockets were as empty as her stomach; so they got a room for two, plus a dinner and breakfast, like the receptionist recommended. Jack went to put Roselyn's luggage in the room, the other two went to find a place in the restaurant, connected to the inn, as they wait for Jack.

 They had their dinner, with Lola eating happily, with no limits or worries, Roselyn eating slowly while talking to Lyn about the details of the matter and Jack looking out for any danger or suspicious people. Once back inside their room, Lola immediately slept, the moment her head hit the pillow, Jack sat on the window, checking the area.

 'Did you find out who it is?' Roselyn asked, playing with her headband in her hand.