
 Roselyn slowly regained her consciousness, back to her body, still feeling the stab in her back. 'That hurt' she said, feeling like she should feel betrayed, because she was stabbed in the back, but that what she wanted so no one can be blamed for that. 

 'That's why we won't that again, hopefully, this is just for immense emergency.' Lyn said, as Roselyn opened her eyes, to see Jonathan taking the action, of stabbing his stomach the same way she did. Luckily, she was quick enough to stop him before he reached his skin, as she put her hand on his stomach, getting the arrow in the middle of her hand.

 "What the heck are you doing? Were you thinking at all?" Roselyn shouted at him, as he stared at her wide eyed, one single tear falling from his eyes. 

 He pinched himself, to make sure he isn't dreaming then pinched her to see if she was real and when he confirmed she is, he hugged her tightly, his tears falling one by one, increasing by the second.