You Will Float Too

 Seeing Jonathan in that state, made Roselyn want to scold him and save him at the same time, so she did the latter first, she took two healing pills from her bag and told Liam to give her water, he did as told, pouring the water in a wooden bowl, she gave him, and handed it back to her. She tried to give it to him, but he couldn't swallow, he wasn't even able to sit up or open his mouth, other than to breath, she turned to look at Liam, asking him with her eyes what to do.


 "Eat it and make him swallow it, do it fast, he is suffering." Liam said, what she already expected him to say, she actually wanted him to tell her, he will do it, since she is a 'lady', but if she could kiss Jack to run away and stop him from probably killing herself,, she could stick her tongue inside of Jonathan's mouth to save his life, that he risked for her.