
 "Rose…" Oliver weakly said, slowly opening his eyes, to see Roselyn's face in front of him, the face he haven't seen for the past year; she really changed a lot, her hair is shorter and she looks more mature and there is blood….blood? Before he could think about what's going on, he was hugged by Roselyn, who cried on his shoulder, thanking him for being alive. Oliver patted her on the back with a smile and reassured her that's he is fine, after all he is not a weak old man who would die from something like this. 


 "I am really glad, Bella will be ecstatic to see you." Roselyn said, with a big smile, letting go of the hug; happy that Bella won't hate her now and she can go back to her life, studying and hanging around with her friends.


 "Who are these two gentlemen?" Oliver asked, glancing at Jonathan, who were standing a bit far away from them, not knowing what to do or say to him.