
Walking on her own, pushing herself in a wheelchair was harder than she thought, where did Corey go? He left her alone on a wheelchair and went to god knows where, leaving her to struggle on her own, if she had the choice, she would have got up and walked, but her legs aren't supportive of that idea. 


 And now, she is lost, of course she is, this place is huge, how could she not get lost in this huge ass castle, why is it so big and why does everything look the same? Every hallway and every corner is the same, so bland and scary. She reached a dead end and sighed loudly, cursing at her luck and Lyn not knowing anything about this place, she turned around to go look for a way to her way; after a few meters, she heard noises behind her, several people talking to each other, but how could that be possible? There is no door in here and there is only one way, and she is walking back from it, so how in the world did these people get there?