Dying for their love

 'What is he going to do to me?' Roselyn thought as she crawled back in the bed, trying to get away from the king; but that wasn't good enough; he kept getting closer until she got to the end of the bed and he reached her, touching her all over and kissing her neck.

 'I think we both know the answer to that question. You need to get away Alex or else he will....' Lyn knew and anyone with eyes could tell he is attempting to sleep with her, without her consent, based on the fact she was a sex worker in the past.

 'I can't, he is stronger than me and he is holding me down; I am scared Lyn, his hands are disgusting, I don't want this, please do something.' Roselyn's tears started falling, as she was being assaulted by the king, who was enjoying her shaking and crying noise.