Not That Bad

 Roselyn wasn't really in the mood to argue or talk to anyone, so she just nodded her head, moved away from Lola, picked up Leo and her bag, got on top of Koi, patting him and getting him to walk slowly, while the others walked behind her, in complete silence. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and nobody knew how to fix it or get Roselyn to stop looking like she is dead inside.

 "I have to go back." Jonathan said, suddenly stopped walking, finally remembering his horse that he left in a friend's possession, he has to go get him, they might not come back there again for years and he can't abandon him just like that, it's the last and only thing his father gave him. He explained to the others the situation and told them, he will find them after he gets Jun, his precious horse; before he got too far, Liam ran after him, telling Jack that he will follow Jonathan and not leave him on his own.