
 "And what's wrong with that?" Roselyn asked, wondering why Lola had that strong of a reaction, people were homophobic here? If so, Lyn has explanations to do.

 "We are supposed to love people from different genders, not the same ones." Lola reasoned, having heard that presented as an argument, every time the topic was brought; it was wrong for her, even if she felt the slightest attraction to girls, uhm Roselyn uhm, she would deny it and make up some excuse, saying it's nothing; it was true that she was not attracted to girls at all, she has those moments like anyone else, when you are wow that person is attractive, nice, kind or anything, but she doesn't like it when she does.

 "Who says so?" Roselyn didn't like Lola's idea towards homosexuality, because it didn't make sense, what does that even mean, who made that rule in the first place? Retarded people? Or people who are jealous of others' happiness?