The After Math

  'I think part of the reason she is doing alright for herself is because of how busy she is, she is not focusing on it much, she moved on from it, I can read her thoughts and feel her emotions, and from that, I can tell you, she isn't showing everything.' Lyn knows more than she wants, Roselyn looks like she is doing alright and she is, for the most part, she has friends and a good job, a potential perfect lover but that wasn't all for her, that night still hunts her in her deep thoughts and the self blame still lingers, reminding her that she is the one who caused it because she was a prostitute, her body was. 

  'What do you mean?' Chelsea asked, not getting the full picture, her innocence showing to Lyn, she is still a kid and with living in heaven for years, it made her forget about how humans are.