New Plan

    It hadn't been Lyn's intention to create a world, with real people in it, but because she did, she was stuck trying to save those people, at first, she carried the burden without much thought, she felt obliged to, but then with each try, she got to know the people better, she got to love them and she wanted them to live, a happy life, she didn't want them to die, unlike the gods who put her in there and slowly started losing hope.

  And with the last trial being held right now, they completely gave up on the world, in fact, they wanted to destroy themselves and get done with it, yes, it will weigh on their powers but it would be much better than constantly having to worry about what's going to come out of that world, the only reason they didn't, was Lyn, or more like Cyan, who wanted to give Lyn a chance to finish what she started, it was her world and they were giving her a chance to fix it.