
  That night, Jack stayed in his room, even after Lola, Roselyn, and Liam tried to coax him to have dinner with them, he didn't move from the bed and kept hugging Leo, who stayed still in the bed, to comfort Jack, his third favorite human.

  Nobody knew what turned the night sour and why Corey left without having said anything, Lola had a clue but she didn't know for sure, but something happened between the two, because of her words, most definitely, but it was for the best, it's better for her brother to cry now then get more depressed later in life, with Corey in his life.

  That week that followed was a calm one, Jack didn't talk much in it and kept to himself, he didn't even face Lola and the latter always had a guilty look, each time she looked at him; the tension was high between them, it made Roselyn worry about the two of them but that wasn't the only thing Roselyn had to worry about.