It's Over

  On a bright day, at 10 am, Roselyn reached the place she first woke up to, to do one thing and that was to stay by Bella's side, but now she was there to break off their relationship. She couldn't take Koi and Leo with her, she left them hidden behind a couple of trees, she gave Leo a piece of meat to busy himself with and a carrot for Koi, and left them a handful of water in a bowl. 

  She walked to a wall, which she knew rarely anyone came by it because it was at the back of the mansion, she climbed the wall and landed safely on the ground, she looked around for any threats and started moving, when she saw nothing.

  The way to Oliver's room was still engraved in her mind, once she reached it, she opened it, to find Oliver in a wheelchair, he was looking at the window; when she opened the door, he turned to look at her, he smiled and said: "I was waiting for you."

  "Did you see me from the window?" Roselyn asked as she walked up to him.