I Miss Jace

Miracle's POV

I hate myself for changing the schedule of Jace, but I loathe him the moment he told me to forget about the kiss we shared in the billionaire's club, where I had a meeting with one of my father's business partners. It has been one week ago, but most nights I lay wide awake at night thinking about his lips, I might be crazy for fantasizing about Jace King. But there is no way he is getting away with hurting my feelings.

That is why I summoned him and gave him the contract I wrote manually, I don't like a computerized contract, I want it to be more personal, that is why I use a bond paper and an ordinary pen. I wanted to tell him what I want personally, but the moment I saw him standing at my bedroom door, wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, I am amazed, even he was wearing simple clothes, he looked like a perfect model on a magazine cover.

For me Jace King's beauty is flawless, especially when he smiles, though he always frowned at me, I see him smiled genuinely with the cleaning ladies, even to the kitchen staff, that is why I hate him, I don't know, maybe because he doesn't give me the same treatment with the maids, sometimes I wish I am not Miracle White at all so that I will experience to be the receiving end of his perfect smile.

I am pacing back and forth in my capacious room, I felt so nervous, he already left with the contract. I am afraid that he will turn me down, judging by his character, I know he will easily reject me.

I get bored the whole morning thinking about him, so when late afternoon came, I decided to go to the mall, I want Jace to drive me, but I already requested his shift to be changed, after a few hours of sightseeing at the mall, I get tired, I like Charles, he is so cool and I can relax, when I am with him.

"So where are we going now?" Charles asked me, he is smiling at me warmly. This is the first time I wanted to be friends with someone, after a long time, their batch has really different personalities, I wanted Charles to be my friend, while I want Jace King to be my boyfriend.

What? I don't know where did that idea come from? Why suddenly I want Jace to be my boyfriend, something is really wrong with me. I am suddenly terrified of what I thought, am I really have feelings for Jace, or I just want him to fall for me so that his arrogant attitude will be tamed.

"Let us go home Charles, I am tired." I said.

"Are you alright Ms. White? You suddenly look pale?" Charles said the moment he noticed my face.

"Oh! I am fine, I am just exhausted." I lied, how can I tell him that I am thinking about his friend.

"Do you like Jace?" I suddenly asked, I want to slap my mouth and retract what I said. I don't want Charles to have the wrong idea, well I am even confused about what I truly felt for Jace.

"Why do you ask Ms. White, if you don't mind." Charles asked me.

"Well, he seems so arrogant and self-centered, I am just wondering if you get along with him." I said, pretending to sound so casual.

"Of course, I like Jace, he is cool Ms. White, I just don't get it, why you hate him that much." Charles said, then he looked at me seriously, before he returned his eyes on the road, when it comes to face value, Jace and Charles are on the same level, they are both handsome and well-built, they both have ripped bodies, but I am attracted to Jace because of his strong sex appeal.

"I just don't like him period." I said nonchalantly.

"Well, Jace has a strong appeal to women, maybe there is always an exemption in everything in this world." Charles said, then I saw him shaking his head.

The moment I entered the mansion, I looked around trying to find him, but I know he is still in his room, I slowly climbed the stairs, this is the first time I wanted to get home, usually, I don't want to come home in this empty castle. My father built this house as a surprise gift for my mother, how I wish she is still alive, maybe my life has never been so lonely.

I showered and changed into my nightgown, I don't want to sleep, but I have nothing to do, my class has ended two weeks ago. I planned to study culinary course just for fun so that I won't be bored during the whole summer, but my father wants me to work for him starting next week, I need to do something, I don't want to go to my father's office, besides, he wants me to pretend that we don't know each other, he wants me to be a trainee, not his daughter.

As usual, I woke up again in the middle of the night with a loud scream, my body is sweating, even if the air condition unit is functioning well. I am sobbing at the end corner of my room when I heard the opening of my bedroom door.

"Ms. White are you alright? I am sorry if I get inside without knocking first, I heard you scream, I thought you were in danger." Jace said I can feel the worries in his voice, he spoke so gently, that I wanted to run to him. He sits beside me on the floor, I kept my head on my knees. I am still crying.

I stand up and get into my bed, I don't know what entered into my mind, I suddenly asked Jace to stay with me, then out of a sudden I asked him to lie down beside me, he hesitated at first, but I threatened him, in the end, Jace followed my order, and he lay down next to me.

There is something about him that is pulling me to him, I know he is handsome and bewitching, but I can feel something for him that I can't quite explain. I know I made the contract, out of impulse because I wanted him to know that I am his boss, and I can get everything I want, but right now that his personality seems different from his old self, I regret giving him that contract. I am just relieved that he never mentioned the contract, I don't know how am I going to react.

I am awakened early in the morning, and I am so shocked to find my head on his chest and my legs are on his thighs, while his arms are around my waist. I can feel the heartbeat of Jace, it is so calm and steady, I am afraid to open my eyes for I am so ashamed of my current position.

I am glad that I was able to go back to sleep without nightmares, but right now I am facing a real nightmare, I love the feeling of being so close to him, he smells heavenly, I felt, he moved, but I pretended to be asleep. I don't want him to go yet.

Then I am stunned when Jace King started stroking my hair, I can feel the electricity in my whole body, I felt like I am on cloud nine. Then he kissed my head, I never thought that Jace can be so sweet and gentle, I hate feeling this way, aside from the fact that I can never be with him because of the contract he signed as my bodyguard, I can't let anyone be close to me, never again, but how can I stop what I felt for him.

He gently transferred my head on my pillow, then he slowly removed my legs from his thighs. Then he covers my body with the comforter. Jace stood up and walked to the door, I can sense him lingered at the doorway before he finally closed the door quietly.

I suddenly felt cold without his body next to me, how am I going to stop myself from thinking about Jace, our first encounter was a disaster, I am glad my Dad insisted on keeping Jace as one of the five new members of the Elite Bodyguards, or I would never have a chance to be so close to him.

I wake up and have a shower, I need to do something to clear my head, but I can't gainsay that I wanted to see Jace today, but I am sure he will be sleeping the whole day, I know he wasn't able to sleep last night, I know his type, he is dedicated to his work, that is why I am very sure he didn't slack off during his duty.

I felt embarrassed about remembering my sleeping position when I woke up. I hope I didn't snore last night, I eat a light breakfast and proceed to the gym, inside the estate. My Dad provides me everything so that I won't bother him. I let the bodyguards use the gym too, if they want, I allow them to use all the exercise types of equipment found in the gym. I am an only child, then I don't have a close cousin, and I don't even have a best friend anymore.

I hit the gym and I exercise for one hour, then at exactly seven o'clock in the morning, I asked the pilot to take me to the shooting range. I am not an early riser, but it seems Jace makes me one. Mr. Roger greets me warmly.

"Hello there Miracle! It is nice to see you back, I never expected you to be back here so soon." Mr. Roger said, I can see the excitement in his eyes. He is a close friend of Johnny, that is why I stayed here for how many times after he passed. I like it when my Dad is not around, the people around me act normal, but every time my Dad is with me, they seem so formal.

"I was in a hurry last time, because of the choosing of the new bodyguards, but today I want to spend my whole day shooting." I said, then I saw a broad smile on his face. My bodyguards are silently following us, I am glad that they keep a reasonable distance from us. The facility is safe, no outsider can gain access to this place. The electronic gate is so high tech and the wall that surrounds the area is too high.

I like it when Mr. Roger calls me by my first name, we go directly to the range, after I choose my first gun, I started shooting the targets immediately, as usual, Mr. Roger is in awe, he is always my number one fan aside from my father and Johnny.

During lunchtime Mr. Roger asked the chef to prepare my favorite meal, the food is so delicious.

"Are you planning to stay overnight?" He asked me, I nodded to him. I asked all my bodyguards to bring extra clothing, because there are times I want to stay for the night, just like now.

I go to the house after lunch, then I stayed in my room, I don't have the energy to go back to the shooting range, I am planning to swim, but I suddenly felt tired. I spent my whole afternoon reading in our mini library, I was not able to keep track of time until Charles gets inside the library.

I am so engrossed reading my favorite novel, Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I have read it for how many times already, but I never get tired of reading it over and over again. Actually, the novel belongs to my mother, it was her favorite as per my Dad.

"Ms. White, Mr. Roger wants you to join him for dinner, he is waiting for you in the dining area." He said formally, I put the book down and it is almost seven o'clock in the evening, I get up immediately.

"Thank you, Charles." I said and smiled at him. I eat dinner with Mr. Roger at the main dining area of the facility together with my bodyguards. We drink wine, then after one hour I get back to the house, Charles drove the sedan, while the other bodyguards are behind us riding the SUV car.

I retire to my bed immediately, after I take a bath, I quickly put on my nightgown, though I feel a little tipsy, I can't sleep, because I am thinking of Jace, no matter how many times I change position, I am still unable to sleep. I wanted to be in his arms again, I chose to be here to avoid him, but why I am longing to be kissed by him, I am so terrified of my realization, that I really miss Jace, and I never felt this kind of feelings to anyone.