The Impossible Favor

Jace's POV

I do not know how I felt as I listened to her narrate everything that happened on that painful day. I never expect Miracle to tell me everything, and the reality shocked me. I hate myself for loathing her for how many years, I am not worthy of her trust. She is now crying in front of me, I don't know how to comfort her, I want to take away everything that she feels, all the pains, sorrows, and hatred. I moved to her side and wiped her tears away, she was no longer able to finish her story, I feel a strong emotion deep inside my heart.

"Miracle! Please stop crying." I said.

"Jace this is the first time I cried after a long time, Johnny is like a father to me, he was killed by Ryan in front of my very own eyes, because of me he died, I want to meet his son and tell him how sorry I am." Miracle whimpered.

I have goosebumps the moment she said those words, how can I tell her I am Johnny's son, her father forbid me to tell her all about me, I don't want to lie to her, especially now, that I know the real Miracle, it was her cousin after all, Amanda was the reason of the kidnapping incident, all these years I thought it was Miracle, I thought she was a spoiled brat, she was innocent after all, she almost lost her own life.

"Cry all you want Mira, just release everything that you feel right now, you can tell me everything." I said, then I handed her the bottled water, she slowly drank the water, I am definitely in big trouble right now, I can't keep away my eyes from her, she is so beautiful, she looks so perfect in my eyes.

"Jace, can you help me?" She asked me, I suddenly feel nervous.

"Sure, what it is Miracle?" I asked her.

"I want to meet Johnny's son, this is the first time I have the courage to look for him, I think I owe him a lot." She said sadly. I almost coughed when I heard her, this is so hard, how am I going to tell her about me, she should not find out the truth.

"Okay! Do you have any idea where is his son is?" I asked innocently.

"Johnny said his son is leaving with his mom, his name is Dylan, he only told me bits about him, before John died he told me that he will spend time with him, he was planning to use his vacation leave that time, maybe if I wasn't kidnapped I think they already have so many memories together, I don't know how I am going to fill in the lost chances they could have." Miracle said.

"He died in my arms Jace, he was wearing a bulletproof vest, but Ryan shot him in the head, I bit Ryan's arm strongly, I don't care if he is going to kill me too, I only care about John's safety that time, on that moment the police arrived, I ducked and rolled on the ground because Ryan shot the police, then I ran to Johnny's side, his face was covered with blood, he was dying in front of me, I beg him to stay with me, I can clearly remember all the words he said to me." Miracle said.

"Miracle! I am so happy that you are safe, I can't live my life if something happened to you, please Mira, there is one favor I want to ask from you, meet Dylan, my son. You will like him Miracle, he is a good lad, be a good friend to him, I want you two to become friends, actually I want you to become my daughter-in-law so that you will become my real daughter, but your world is very different from him, so all I ask from you is to find him."

"That was the last words of Johnny before he died, he wanted me to meet his son, and be friends with him, do you think his son wants to meet me too, Jace?." Miracle asked, my eyes are now red, I can't cry in front of her, I can feel all the pain she felt, I never realized until now that she mourned after she lost my father. It wasn't her fault at all, how can I convince her that none of those things are her fault.

"Of course Miracle, you have done nothing wrong, just tell him everything, and he will surely understand, you are good at heart Miracle." I said, I want to pacify her, then I saw her smiled weakly at me.

The strong Miracle White I know is hiding in a shell, she looks so tough on the outside, but in reality she is so vulnerable and in too much pain, she is so good at hiding her true emotions. I suddenly remember the first day we met, I really hated her that day, now that I know the truth, I want to go into hiding, she deserves better, she lost her mother when she was born, then she experienced tragedy. Now I know she loved my father deeply, and Dad loved her so much to give his life to her.

Knowing all this could heat up the hate I used to have for her, but now that I know the real Miracle, I empathized with her, I want to help her, but the favor she asked of me is impossible.

"You know Jace, the nightmares made me wide awake late at night, they always come every time I sleep, my father brought me to all the well-known physicians in the whole country, even abroad, but none of them was able to cure me, when I slept beside you, I thought you were an angel, you made me sleep like a baby, I haven't experienced that in a long time, after Johnny was gone I became dependent to pills, but I hate the medicines Jace I wanted to be free again." She said, her beautiful eyes are looking at me directly into my soul.

"I hate losing Johnny, a part of me died that day." She said, I wanted to say the same thing, when my father died, I was lost and in pain, I never thought that on that day Miracle was having the same predicament that I have been through, I know the trauma she has undergone was very hard, yet she remained steadfast at least on the outside.

"Do you think I am crazy Jace? Asking you to be my boyfriend tutor is so silly, I am afraid to date again, Jace." She said shyly, I cupped her face, and we are gazing with each other for a long time, her thick and curly eyelashes make me more captivated by her beauty.

"You are not crazy Miracle!" I said, then without warning I kissed her softly on her lips, she was caught off guard, but she recovered easily, she kissed me back with longing and passion, she doesn't need a tutor at all, she knows perfectly how to kiss, her sweet lips makes me want to devour her mouth even more, she tastes so great, and she smells like heaven.

I prolonged our kiss, until we are both lying on the ground, I didn't stop kissing her, until we are both breathless, I am stroking her long curly hair, while taking her lips captive. I heard she moaned when my tongue entered into her mouth and swirled around her tongue, I am loving the sweet sound of her moans, I am so happy to give her pleasures, I want her to forget everything. Her back arches as I continue to deepen our kiss.

I can feel the quickening of her breathing, beads of sweats roll on my forehead, her fingers get to the hem of my T-shirt, and she lifted it just above my abdomen, she traced her fingers along my six-pack and toyed with my belly button, she really knows how to turn me on, I am going to tell her she doesn't need me, if she wants to use my body as experiment I will never turn her down. I want her every touch and every kiss, how am I going to fight the urge to claim her.

It is clearly stated in her handwritten contract that I will teach her everything about dating, and we can explore each other's body. How am I going to resist the temptation I am in, if this is the kind of tutorial she wants, Miracle White will be the death of me. I know she is a virgin, it makes me want her more.

I traced her neck with kisses and nibbled her ear, before I claim her hungry mouth again, then I give her a long passionate kiss before I stand up to clear my head, I need to stop or else I won't be able to stop at all, I need to control myself from now on, I don't want to hurt Miracle, I can see the disappointments in her face after I stopped our make out session, but she was able to replace it with a wide smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Does it mean yes Jace? Are you willing to tutor me now?" She asked me, I can feel the happiness in her voice, I know Miracle likes me too, and she is hiding it from me, I know she needs to protect herself from hurting again, and of course she knows I need my job, right now if this is the only way I can touch and kiss her, who am I to complain, she is my boss after all.

"Yes! I want to tutor you Miracle, but you should follow my lead, is that okay with you? What happened a while ago, just think of it as a warm up, I guess tomorrow we can start the proper tutorial." I said excitedly, I can't help it, I want to kiss her more, but I have to tame my own emotions or I will totally lose it, she smiled widely at me, then I take her hands and let her stand up in the ground.

"I think we need to go now Miracle, your Dad might arrive already." I said, I can see the sunset on the horizon.

"Okay Jace, I am so excited for tomorrow, thank you for listening to all my qualms Jace, honestly, I have never been felt so relaxed and happy, you made me feel alive again, your presence is giving me new hope." She said happily. I don't want to ruin Miracle's happiness, I smiled broadly at her, then I put all the utensils and leftover food on the picnic basket. I can see she smiled, how I wish to look at her every day like this, I want her to keep smiling.