Take It or Leave It

Jace's POV

I wanted to sit beside Miracle during the company orientation, yet she is so elusive. I tried to communicate with her so many times, but she stopped me before I can start a dialogue. Then she met new friends, I don't know why I care so much about her. I am glad that she is having a wonderful time with Chad and Stella, my instinct is telling me they are good people, judging by the way they spoke with each other they are getting along well.

I am confident that she will talk to me once the orientation is over.  I don't expect her to leave with her new friends. So, I have to tail them wherever they go since I am her bodyguard. I am just confused why she has to come with them. It is obvious Mira is still angry about me, but to be honest, I miss everything about her. I miss the Mira, who shared all her secrets with me, I just hope one day she will forgive me.

I felt her new friends already suspect me because I keep glancing at Miracle for the entire discussion of Ms. Windy. It is apparent I'm the one they talked about earlier in the restaurant because they were talking softly while watching in my direction. I hate myself for being jealous with Chad, he is good-looking and smart too. I just hope Mira will not fall for him, I don't have any right to feel this way, but I can't stop myself.

They proceed to the parking lot, while I keep my distance to ward off any suspicion, or else they will discover our cover. We need to pretend that we don't know each other, but how am I going to evade that to happen when she is trying her best to associate with them? Well, I can't blame Mira, she is just doing the normal thing. She needs to mingle with other people, so she will meet friends and maybe a suitor. Just thinking Mira is having a boyfriend makes my heart ache. I don't want her to be happy with another man. This is not me anymore, why am I being inconsiderate? I can't hurt Caitlin, she had been my rock throughout these years, yet I desire to have Miracle's in my arms.

Miracle gets in at the front seat of Chad's black SUV, while Stella sits at the back. I can see the Mercedes-Benz minivan of my comrades at the parking lot, all of them boarded the van simultaneously, then I followed Chad's car, while the rest of the escorts are tailing me. I heard my phone ring, and it was Charles.

"Hey! Jace why did you let Mira rides another car? Don't you think it's dangerous?" Charles asked.

"Relax Charles, I know them and I promise to protect her, don't worry too much." I said.

"Jace, you should be near her at all times. I can't believe you are doing this, Jace, you are most sensible among us." I can feel the frustrations in Charles voice.

"Charles, I can't force Mira to come with me, she is stubborn. As much as I want to keep her by my side, she decided without even telling me. She already hates me." I said, I can't hide my irritation anymore.

"If Mr. White knows about all this, we could lose our job, you see?" Charles added.

"Yeah! I know Charles, and I am sorry, don't worry, this won't happen again."

"Okay, just don't make her leave without us." Charles said, then he ended the call.

I realized they are going to shop the minute they get inside the MW Shopping Mall, one of the chains owned by Thomas White. I can see Miracle scans the area after she climbed out of the car. And her forehead wrinkles the moment she looked at into my direction, trying to look for a vacant parking space in the parking lot. Of course, I am driving her sports car.

"Chad, Stella!" I called out the name of her companions in purpose, I know Miracle still hates me, but I need to be near her. I opened the window of the car.

"Jace!" Stella exclaimed, and I can see the surprised shows in her face upon seeing me riding an expensive car, I have to deal with another lie. I parked the car three blocks from Chad's SUV, I am so glad that they waited for me, I can understand the expression in Mira's face. I don't know what to do anymore, but I have to play my games. If she won't talk to me, I will not surrender.

"Wow! Nice ride you've got Jace!" Stella declared, I can feel that she is not only admiring the car, but she is more interested in me.

"Thanks, fancy meeting you here." I replied.

"We just wish to have a stroll to relax a little, you can come with us." Stella offered and I can see Miracle is pulling the sleeve of Stella's blouse. I smiled, I see she doesn't want me to tag along with them, but I appreciate her friends can't resist me. I know Chad is gay. At first, I didn't realize it, but I was so angry about Miracle flirting with him during the afternoon discussion. She might have done it on purpose to get me jealous, I was, but I caught Chad looking at me for how many times, and the way he gazed at me is so obvious, that is why I felt he is not straight at all, I became happier.

We will stay at the penthouse tonight and during the whole practicum, but during weekends we will wait for Mira's plan, so we can hang a little later if we want to because we need not go back to the estate.

"Sure. I hope it is okay with you." I pretended to sound hesitant.

"Of course, Jace, you can come with us, you can dine with us too, we will see each other for the following six months more or else, it would be great if we will get to know each other." Stella added.

"Yes! And since we will be assigned to the same department for the first month, it is better to spend time now, right, Miracle?" Chad said, Mira just nodded her head, and she started going to the mall entrance.

I am glad she keeps quiet, I don't want to be rejected by her in front of our new friends, she is walking fast, she is talking with Chad, while I am walking beside Stella. We window-shop for almost one hour until they agreed to eat dinner, I was starving already. They chose to eat pizza, and I find it unusual for Mira to dine in a fast-food restaurant. But I can see it in her eyes, she is having fun.

She is avoiding me the whole time, but she has no choice, I sit beside her, since her friends betrayed her, they sit beside each other. I can smell her fragrance, she smells so good, I wanted to hold her hand. And kiss her.

We eat our pizza, and I am glad that Stella and Chad keep the conversation interesting. Even Mira interacted with them with enthusiasm.

When we called it a night, I offered Miracle a ride. I saw the way they looked at each other, Stella and Chad are smiling at Miracle, I know what is on their mind.

"Sure!" The only word she said to me, at least she didn't turn me down, I can't allow her to have a drive with Chad again, Charles will become furious with me. He loves his job so and the other members of the Elite Bodyguard. I don't wish them to become disappointed with me.

I opened the front seat, since I don't want our friends to know that I am his driver and bodyguard. But I am shocked that Mira opened her right palm in front of me.

"If you want me to have a ride with you Jace, let me drive your car then." She said, her request astounded Stella and Chad. I smiled at Miracle and give her the remote key. She waved at them, then she closed the car window and left the parking lot. We both silent for a long time, until I can't take the silence anymore.

"Ms. Mira, I guess we need to get along, if you wish your identity to be hidden until you finish your practicum." I said.

"Why Jace? I think that is unnecessary." She answered coldly.

"How can I protect you if you continue to be like this?" I asked, frustrated.

"Jace, this is what you wish, right? You don't like to be with me. So, I need you to have a peace of mind. I don't want you to worry about your girlfriend back home, I am sorry if I expressed my feelings for you, but I can assure you it won't happen again." She replied, I can figure out the anger in her voice, and I understand if she is trying to control her tears.

"Miss Mira, we need to talk. You can't go with strangers Mira, something might happen to you, and we will lose our job." I begged.

"There is nothing to communicate about Jace, they are not strangers Jace, they are my friends, but if you insist, I will only talk to you if you agree to be my suitor in front of Stella and Chad, just in facade of them, all you need to do is court me, don't worry I won't accept your fake feelings for, it is only for the show, since you want us to get close in their eyes that is the only way we can do this. Take it or leave it." She responded. I am stunned, I don't know how to answer her. Miracle is giving me a hard time.

"You are speechless Jace, it only means one thing, you don't like the idea." She spoke, then I can feel her sadness, I felt I hurt her once again, but right now I don't have an answer to her proposal. If she only knows how much I admire her, then she will realize her tears are useless, she is not the only one who is having a hard time.

She stopped talking to me during the entire ride until we reached at the Miracle Hotel. She gets out of the car, then she runs going inside the building. I go after her, but she is so fast. I frowned while I push the elevator button, I can see that she had already come to the Penthouse. The time I arrived at her unit, I haven't seen her at all.

"Jace!" I turned around and see Charles and the others behind me.

"It seems we have a feisty lady boss." Charles commented.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Did you talk to her about our job?" Charles asked.

"No! But don't worry Charles, I will talk to her tomorrow." I lied, how can I tell Charles about Miracle's condition? One thing I am sure about, it will make me wide awake tonight.