I Am Fooling Myself

Jace's POV

I no longer report to work after Miracle's disappearance. We track her down, and we find out she is in her grandmother's place. The moment I realized she left, I felt like part of me is missing. I miss her everywhere, especially her scent. We all go back to the White estate and Thomas White briefs us on what to do. He was so furious with all of us, he called us names and I understand how he feels. I am even disappointed with myself, I am supposed to be her bodyguard inside the building, yet she escaped under my watch.

I should have been careful, I never expected her to run off. We all thought we will lose our job, but I followed my instinct and made Thomas White listened to me. He then knew that her daughter loves me, and I don't know how I feel about it, it is awkward since I told him how many times I don't love her girl the same way. I realize I am only fooling myself and I hate thinking about it.

What I felt for Miracle is real and strong, but I can't be that man. I am already committed to someone, and I am going to fulfill my promise to Caitlin whatever it takes.

"Jace, please lead your group. I know you care about my daughter. I don't think Mira will like you without a reason, she must have seen something in you that is why she wants you. I trust you, Jace, don't be involved with her and don't make any promises you can't keep. It is okay for me if you will ask her to be your girlfriend and if you are sincere and ready to be with her whatever happens." Mr. White said.

" I know you are like your father, a man with principle, I can't tell you felt nothing for her, but your pride and beliefs are the reasons you stay away from her, and I am glad. Mira is not as tough as what she seems, she is fragile Jace. If I could only erase from her memory the things that happen on that day, I already did it. It's sad to mention, I am wealthy and successful in terms of my business, but I can't even stop the pain of my daughter, ironic isn't it?" He asked I am speechless I couldn't believe Mr. White is telling me all about it.

He summoned me to come to his study, Jimmy went to my quarter and told me that Mr. White wants to have a word with me. They schedule our flight for tomorrow morning. We will fly using the private jet of Mr. White. He handed me a glass of cognac and I took it from his hand.

"I used to have a drink with your father, I never thought that one day I will be face to face with his son. I am sure Johnny is very proud of you." He added.

" Thank you, sir." I replied.

" Jace, I am asking you to protect my daughter in any way you can. I don't want her to hate me that is why I ask you to stay there at the manor pretending to go with the construction. I assume you don't care to pretend to be with the engineer on the site. She wants to live like an ordinary person, but I can't let that happen, Jace, she is my only offspring, I hope she will understand that I am doing all this for her." Mr. White continued talking to me.

"The guest house project is for her, I wish her to run that guest residence, for the time being, I can't force her to work for me she needs to come out of her shell, and I think this is the best way for her to associate with strangers. She doesn't prefer to get close to anyone Jace that is why I wondered why she liked you?" He asked and looked at me in the eyes.

"Do you know why, Jace?" He challenged me.

"I don't have any idea, Mr. White. She never told me the reason." I replied, I felt so nervous, Mr. White is intimidating, maybe because I am thinking he is one of the wealthiest men in the country that is why I am feeling frightened.

"Don't be too humble Jace, of course, you are handsome Jace." He stated then he laughed. I can't hold my smile that formed on my face. I can't believe that Mr. Thomas White knows how to joke, or he is serious about what he spoke?

"I will not take so much of your time Jace, please watch out for my daughter for me, I can make amendments to the contract Jace just for you, but I don't want my girl to suffer, and I am judging about your situation, it seems you are not meant to be." He declared.

" Don't worry Mr. White, I will protect Miracle with my life." I replied, then I stand up and left his study. The whole time we are on the air I am only thinking about Miracle. We go to our safe dwelling, which is located to another property bought by Mr. White, near the manor. He expected something like this will happen, that is why he built a residence for his bodyguards who will look out for his daughter, but Charles and I will live at the mansion as per instruction by Mr. White. The other bodyguards will stay as far away from her, but they will use materials that easy to track Miracle so she can never get away again.

Charles is responsible for putting the tracking device. I am glad he volunteered. I plan to get in the manor at midnight so she was sleeping already, I don't know what to do to her the minute I see her again, yet all my plans of staying away from her were gone the point I saw her figure sleeping in the rocking chair, I can't stop myself but go near her. I will never get tired of admiring her angelic face. I wanted to kiss her again. I am watching her for almost one hour when she opened her eyes.

I stifle a laugh when she got scared of me at first, then she hit me in the chest until I cornered her, and no matter how I told myself to stay away from her, I can't stop myself. I kissed her hungrily, and I am so glad that she still has feelings for me. We kissed for a protracted time before she slapped me hard on the face, then she runs away from me going to her room. I am left caressing my swollen cheek. I almost forgot Miracle is strong, she knows a lot of self-defense and approximately many martial arts. My father taught her the basics. I don't care how hard she slapped me as long as I tasted her lips once again. Finally, I will be able to sleep again tonight, now that I see her safe and feisty as ever.

I wake up early, Miracle doesn't have any idea that I am staying at the manor and my room is next to her. The mansion has many bedrooms, but Mr. White wants us to stay close to her, to be honest, I can sympathize with Miracle, it is difficult living with bodyguards wherever you go, but there is nothing she can do, she can never change the fact that she is the daughter of Thomas White.

Amelia waited for us last midnight and show us to our rooms. I don't have plans on seeing Mira last night, but I wanted to feel the fresh air, I never expected her to be sleeping on the balcony in the middle of the night, she must be exhausted from her daily activities.

I woke up early and went to the dining room and I met John the site engineer. Amelia introduced us to each other, I can perceive he is a good man and a responsible type. I had a wonderful conversation with John and Amelia when Miracle gets inside the dining hall. She looks so gorgeous wearing her skinny jeans that hug her body in the right places. Her fit white long-sleeved emphasized her boobs and her curves. I can't take my eyes off her, then I saw John gawking at her. I suddenly felt jealous, to be honest, I don't have any right to feel this way, but I can't help myself.

John is an engineer, he has an acceptable profession, and he has a pleasing personality and I can't deny he also has a toned body, John has a big chance to court her and Miracle will fall for him. My chest tightened at the idea. This is not a good sign, John is a tough competition, I won't let him have her, not a chance. I am glad Mira stayed away from us and opted to drag Charles along with her. We finish eating our breakfast and I walked around the place and I saw Mira and Charles having a marvelous time together, I hope we can do things like that, I envy Charles, even though I know Mira only likes him as a friend, I still want to take his place to be with Miracle. This is more complicated than I thought. How can I stop myself fantasizing about her?

I am selfish to want Mira to be my girl when I already made my choice a long time ago. Maybe it is best to start forgetting her and just focus on the job. I don't know why she hit me after our amorous kiss, maybe she hated me for following her here. I think I will use that slapped as my excuse to avoid her. I don't wish to upset her, and I am a hypocrite if I would say I will never be affected if she will find someone new in her life, it hurt me to see John gaping at her, how much more if he will become her boyfriend. Who am I to express those words when I have a girlfriend waiting for me? I need to act now before I will lose my mind. Avoiding her is the finest solution for all this, and I have to do it while I still can.