Reunited With My Friends-Part 2

Miracle's POV

We talked while they eat their meal, then I show them to their rooms, which are on the second floor. I still can't believe my friends are here with me and I felt overjoyed.

"Wow! I never had time to stay in a mansion before. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Miracle." Stella said the minute we get inside her chamber. The driver together with the housemaid brought their things to their assigned place. I stifle a laugh when I saw Stella run to her bed, and rollover her body the moment she hit the mattress followed by her best friend, Chad. I am glad that I am now part of their pack.

"I should be the one thanking you, guys, for accepting me as additional members to your group." I spoke.

"Of course, you are sweet and stunning that is why we want you to come with us during the orientation. We didn't know you were the Heiress of the White Empire! My goodness, Mira! I still can't believe it." Chad replied. He got up from bed, and he hugged me.

"Now can you tell us what is your real deal with Jace?" Stella asked.

"Okay, I will tell you all, and this would be the last time I will talk about him because I am in the process to wipe out all my memories with him, and before that, I have to confess something about myself, and I hope you will still like me after you will know the real me." I said we were both seated on the bed and I started telling them about Johnny, my cousin Amanda, Jaxson, and Jace. I am glad they never interrupted me while I narrated everything. No matter how many years had passed, I even cry when I talked about Johnny.

Chad offered a tissue to me, and I am sobbing the entire time I told them about my first love. Then everything happened between me and Jace. They both embraced me after they heard my story.

"Hey! Miracle, I just want you to know it changes nothing, I admire you as my friend, and to be honest, I like you more. It wasn't your fault, you just have a good heart that you trusted Amanda so much, and I am so proud of you, Mira, to surpass everything and you were so brave. You were so young back then and to witness such kind of violence is too much." Stella said she is still caressing my back.

" Yes! Stella is right that the traumatic incident you experienced is something you can't forget in your whole life, and I am glad you could pass that stage, and I am so proud of you, you have done nothing, Miracle, I can't expect you had a tough life, I thought being the daughter of Thomas White, there is nothing you want to ask for, but I realized you don't have the freedom that we have." Chad said, and we group hugged.

"I suspect you are upset now because of the matter of the heart, I can't believe both your past and present are here with you, and they are both hot and attractive." Stella declared.

"I stated before, I like Jace, but right now I have to add Jaxson to my list." Chad replied.

"Jaxson and Jace are both gorgeous and hot. But everything will be up to you, and as of the moment, I hate Jace for what he did. Jaxson made a mistake once, and he wanted to prove it to you. He was sorry. I am not telling you to choose Jaxson, but I felt you should give him a second chance because he seems sincere and according to you, he declared he never  stops loving you, it is so romantic and award-winning, Mira." Stella suggested.

"You have a point Stella, but I think Jace likes Miracle, though I am gay, I can tell the way he looked at Miracle, he has a girlfriend, maybe he delivered those hurtful words to you not because he doesn't like or love you, but he wants you to forget him. You don't know he is likewise having a hard time, so don't avoid Jace, you were once close to him because you felt a deeper connection towards him." Chad said, and I can see the look on Stella's face. She disagreed with Chad.

"Jace is a coward Chad, I can likewise tell that she likes Miracle, she kissed him on his free will for how many times even he knows he has a girlfriend, so it is just the best thing Miracle should steer clear of Jace. He is a selfish jerk." Stella said, and I smiled at her.

"We don't know how he feels Stella, we can see it in his eyes, he is in love with Miracle, I think we need him to realize that before it will be too late, he is making a bad decision if he is going to marry his girlfriend now because maybe he made a promise to her, and he is a man of his words. Maybe we should help him come to his senses and be truthful to himself, he should consider the girl's feelings too. Being married to someone who doesn't love you anymore must be a curse." Chad defended his theory and I hate myself for there is a part of me that is hoping that what Chad has said were all true.

They continue to banter with each other, I just lay on the bed listening to them, I need to be firm with my decision to stay away from Jace, that is the best solution for all this. He doesn't deserve me at all, and I am no longer afraid since he has hurt me so many times. I shed so many tears because of him, and it is time to let him know that I am not a toy to be played with. I wish him to experience the pain that I felt if he loves me, I will make him realize that I am worth to be loved and cherished.

"Hey! Can you please stop your bantering, the decision will be mine, I love your opinions but I have to decide for my own sake? I have given Jace so many chances already, I am just human Chad and it came to where my heart and mind got tired. And I don't prefer to use Jaxson, what I did the other night is unforgivable, and I hated myself for what I did to Jax, I ran to him because I was hurt by Jace and I was ashamed of myself. I desire to heal my heart first before I will try to date Jax again since I want to be fair with him." I said.

"Well, that is fair enough! That is our girl! And that is why we are here to support and cry with you." Stella said.

"Yes. That is why we are here, I think we need to forget boys." Chad added and I laugh.

After we talked, I requested them to change their clothes since I want them to ride ATVs. I bring them to the garage and I can see the excitement on their faces.

" Are you sure we can drive this stuff?" Chad asked, and he chose his helmets and gloves.

"Of course, you can, I will tour you to the vineyard, and we will go to my favorite place." I told them.

"Do you know how to run this thing, guys?" I inquired and both shake their heads, I show to them how to operate the All-Terrain Vehicle, and I set us to move. I urged them to limit their speed, so they can enjoy the scenery.

"Wow! What a place Miracle, I love this paradise!" Stella cries out.

The moment we passed the ongoing construction I can watch the men stop from what they are doing and waved their hands and my buddies waved back at them, I didn't look at the construction site since I am afraid to look at them Jaxson and Jace. I am glad that my companions are enjoying the bumpy rides in going to the creek.

"I love this place, Miracle! This is amazing!" Chad declared after we park our ATVs, and we seated on the rocks near the creek.

"Yeah. I felt it in here." I said and watch the crystal water, I never tire of this place. I am so glad my father bought this land for my mom.

"How come Jaxson became the engineer of the construction?" Stella asked.

"They moved here after the incident and her mother continued the treatment. His mother's family also owned a farm not so far from here. It shocked me when I found out he was the engineer. I never expected my dad to hire him. He asked Jaxson to stay away from me and now he let him work with me." I said, and I can't understand my father's reason behind Jaxson's appearance on the manor.

"Maybe your father realized Jax is not a bad person, and he likes his determination, Jax became an engineer because of you. He wanted to have something he can be proud of himself the moment you meet again. I think that is what destiny is all about, my dear friend. Time gives you another opportunity to be reconnected again." Stella answered and I can see the look on Chad's face, and he opposed her comments then.

"Stella, we make our destiny, if Mira will choose Jax, then she makes her future to be with him, not the other way around." He said.

"If they are not destined to be together Chad, they will never meet and there is no chance their path will cross, that is why it is called destiny because it's meant to be." Stella countered.

I am amused by their opinions about my love life, and I am enjoying their ongoing arguments that I think they will never go tired since they are both quick-witted. I still can't believe that I have real friends now after avoiding getting close to anyone, I can tell I am happy that I meet them, and I could know both of them.