The Bouquet

Miracle's POV

I got so happy that my father stayed and he didn't entertain any business calls for the day, I am in the hospital for more than twenty-four hours already. My Dad asked Michael to cancel all his appointments within the week. This is the first time my father takes good care of me. He prepares my food and he peeled fresh fruits for me. I can tell he is so worried about me, and I understand he feels so afraid if I am going to experience the same nightmares I had experienced after I had been Kidnapped five years ago and it only stopped recently after I meet Jace. I am certain my boyfriend has something to do about my emotional strength, because of him I became stronger. But I am enjoying my father's attention, so I didn't tell him I am fine and he doesn't need to worry about me at all.

I heard knocking on the door, and Charles appeared and he is holding a beautiful bouquet in his hands and I can smell the fragrance of the fresh flowers.