The Fireworks

Miracle's POV

I felt so happy when my father arrived early the following day, and I hate myself for thinking that my father is only attentive to me every time my life is in danger, and I wish this will always happen, so he has time for me, and I know it was not a good wish at all. I don't want my life to be in danger repeatedly because I don't want my father, Jace, and my friends to worry about me. I just don't know why I am so prone to experience any kind of threat. I don't like that I became an accident-prone person.

The hospital discharged me, and my father insisted I should take the chopper and not the car to make the trip easier and faster. I told him I would board the helicopter provided Jace will join me.

"Of course, Miracle, I know you don't like to board the helicopter without Jace by your side, even for a little while." He said, smiling at me, and I blushed.