A Whole New World

While in the carriage, in the outer area, he saw a big library. At first, he planned to go there before going to the guild but change his idea. Why? He could probably guess it has an entering fee. Scholar-looking and well-dressed people are the only ones that were entering the establishment.

After an hour the carriage finally reached the end of the outer area, near the gate. He jumped down and so are the other passengers. Most of them wore armors and had weapons. Bows, shields, staffs, and other cool-looking weapons were on display.

He headed to the outer edge of Millow Forest. A lot of people were also heading there. It was not that far away, just a casual stroll for half an hour and you'll reach its entrance.

After reaching the forest he finally noticed something. All of the adventurers were in groups. He was the only one that plans to go solo in the forest. He also saw people recruiting members to join their groups.

"I guess I need to join a group." Kite thought to himself.

He headed to a group full of buff men to join them. They were swarmed by countless adventurers that plan to join their group.

What can Kite say? All of them seem strong and strength can determine life and death. And now it seems impossible for him to join this group so he headed to another location. Maybe it's even impossible to join any group here at all. His level was only 2 and he doesn't have any class yet. Meaning to say he has no Active Combat Skills to use nor any Passive Skills. It may be possible to join if he was a Level 2 Cleric and has a simple Healing Spell but alas he's not.

He decided to risk it and plan to head alone. He was not an idiot. He knew no one would take him or if someone does he'll probably be cannon fodder or a bag carrier. Even if it's risky he couldn't do anything.

Many people notice Kite since he has no armor at all and looks shabby. Plus he's young, about 16 years old or something. His complexion was really skinny and short so he attracts quite an attention.

Normally kid at his age will be either be accompanied by other men to level up or other people will leave a dying monster to him to kill it. Only a rare few will risk hunting alone. Kids in the slum don't even dream of leveling up.

"Is that kid retarded? He knows this is the 'Millow Forest' right?" A sturdy man with an ax behind him laughed. Kite was only seeking death. Just the monster alone in the border area has level 2 monster and the most powerful one are level 10 at most. And sometimes other monsters will group up and hunt in packs. The kid might be so excited for his first level up. Not knowing his life was on the line.

"I bet he's just being kind and want a baby monster to level up." A scholarly-looking gentleman laughed too. Unlike humans, monsters level up by eating humans or monsters alike. They were not restricted like humans which can only level up and grew strong at the age of 15.

The majority of the adventurers laughed out loud after seeing Kite entered the forest. No one paid him any look of pity or remorse. Only pure disregard and contempt.

Kite was of course ashamed by it and can't help but grit his teeth. He didn't suffer such humiliation before in his life. Now he was more determined to grow stronger.

When he was about to enter he can already see the towering trees. Their height were literally towering like that of a twenty-story high building. The trees reached a staggering 150 meters or more and there are a bunch of them. He can also saw flying beasts that were in different colors and sizes.

The system also displays the status of monsters that were flying. He realized that the status screen only activates when he focused on it. So finding the herbs will still depend on his own eyes. The quest he took already showed the image of the herb so he can only do his best to find some.

The wild boars were also easy to find but hunting them is another story. Plus, like other commonly RPG games, 'kill stealing' also exist here in this world. That means he shouldn't only focus on killing monsters but also look out for hidden enemies. He was after all a source of experience points for both monsters and humans.

He walked in the entrance and was bedazzled by the view. It was literally a fantasy-like world. Plants were in the shape of stars, moon, and even shaped like animals. The flowers were so fragrant and their design was unique.

Kite took a deep breath and look carefully at his surroundings. Argentin Flowers are classified as herbs that grew randomly in the forest. Sometimes you don't realize that you already step on it due to its small size.

Argentin Flowers were flowers that were shaped like the sun with 8 rays in it as the petals. Oddly the color in the center is white while the petals are blue. They are commonly used to brew health potions and others.

There is a lot of health/mana potion and pellets which can be brewed and concoct by different kinds of herbs. There are no limitations in recipes and both 'Alchemists' and 'Apothecaries' continued to invent many different formulas on how to make potions and medicine. That's why Argentin Flowers were highly sought because of their low price. The lower the price to make a health/mana potion the better.

He chooses this specific collecting mission because it only needs him to collect 5 herbs at a minimum. So at least it will not take him long before he can collect 5 herbs. And if it's not nighttime yet he could collect more to increase his reward.

Kite then focused and walk carefully around the forest. The Millow Forest was enormously big so the rate of encountering fellow adventurers was low.

He searched for an hour and finally found one herb. It's either luck or misfortune but he encounters a wild boar at the same time.

[Wild Boar](Common Beast, Boar)

Level 2

HP: 130/130

He first looks at his surroundings. He must first ensure that no one is around because his prey might be stolen. Kill stealing was normal after all. And most importantly, he might also be killed and attacked for experience points.

After ensuring no one was around, he gazed at the beast once more.

The boar was at most 1 meters tall and 4 meters in length. It was brown in color with red small line patterns in its body. Its eyes were bloodshot. And its mouth was drooling a huge amount of saliva.

Kite was afraid. The beast was terrifying. Imagine a teenager encountering a tiger or lion in the wild. This experience was one that he'll never forget... if he can still leave here alive.

He steadied his mind and prepared his soul. He then bent his knees, unsheathed his sword, and focus his eyes forward warily. He should never attack first. It was Kite's first encounter with this kind of beast. He couldn't afford to gamble his life nonchalantly.

The boar look at Kite with a greedy look. To monsters like him, humans were one of his prey. He wants to kill Kite just as Kite wants to kill it.

The boar couldn't control his patience anymore and directly lunged towards Kite.

Kite was dumbstruck. The speed of the boar was just like an average man sprinting towards him. Luckily he didn't risk attacking first or he'll die without knowing why.

He quickly twists his feet to the left and jumped away. The boar missed him and before it can turn in his direction a sword of light comes directly in its side.

Kite slashed with all his might. Holding the sword using two hands. After that, he hurriedly keeps his distance and seriously stared at the boar.

A message screen appeared in Kite's eye.

| -36 HP |

The boar now look more terrifying than before. Its side was bleeding hard. It prepared to attack once more.

Another message screen appeared.

| Bleeding effect activated!

3 HP will be deducted every second for 10 seconds |

| -3 HP|

The boar rammed towards Kite once more. It was even faster than before. Kite panicked and pointed his sword forward. The boar was just too fast. He couldn't react anymore was just only pointed his sword forward.

| -3HP|

The boar looked at the sword in front of it but its speed was too fast. It couldn't stop its sprint anymore and was struck by the sword.

| Critical Hit!

-83 HP |

| -3 HP|

Kite was flung in the air and landed 3 meters away from the boar. He stands up only to see another message appeared.

| -3 HP |

His sword was struck at the head of the beast. When he moved closer to the boar he puked.

It was too bloody, too gory. He just killed a living being. The feeling of stabbing and slashing a living flesh was an experience he'll never forget. He took deep breaths until he finally steadied his raging emotions.

Two motes of light appear in the side of the corpse and slowly transformed into two items.

Kite curiously went to it. Is this the loot I can obtain from beasts? He silently mused.

He picked up the first item and its status appeared in front.

| Boar Boots(Common)

Level 1 to 5

Agility +3

Movement speed plus 5%

Durability: 40/40

Boots you can obtain by killing boars |

He of course wear it and feel his body being a little bit lighter.

He picks the last item which is a small red bead. Don't judge its size because it was heavy. It was at least 3 kilograms heavy.

He checked its stats and was happy when he read it.

| Beast Core (Boar)

Level 2

Could be used for alchemy, forging, and others. Extremely rare and hard to find. Could be sell for a huge amount of coins. |

It was his first kill but his first loot was bountiful. He looks at the messenger screen on the other side of his vision. He didn't pay any attention to it earlier because of some reason but now he could read it.

| Level 2 Wild Boar killed

80 Experience Points gained |

There were also 2 copper coins beside the corpse and he took them.

So leveling up one time needs three boars to kill, he mused. He tidied himself and chop the corpse, into tiny pieces, and drained its blood. He put it in his bag and continued forward.


It was midnight when a lone silhouette exited the Millow Forest. He was covered in blood and looked like a ghost.

Of course, it was Kite. He was so exhausted. He only stayed at the border but Level 5 and above monster still appears sometimes. He encounters many monsters until he killed 4 more boars for the price of one of his finger being bitten off.

It was not that serious but the blood loss could make him faint. He warily looks around. Most adventurers return before night comes so no one was in sight. Kite can be easily killed here so he must stay cautious. He can only be relaxed after reaching the city. Killing was prohibited there.

He walks for half an hour and finally reached the gate. The guard in charge of this gate look at him pitifully and asked, "Boy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. How much for the fee?", Kite didn't even bat him an eye. He was exhausted beyond imagination.

The guard didn't mind Kite's attitude. He could discern that his breathing was ragged so he quickly said, "5 copper, boy."

Kite took out 5 copper from his pocket. The monster he killed dropped a total of 13 copper coins. 5 copper was no biggie.

He went to a nearby inn, paid 5 copper to stay for a night, and directly fell asleep. He didn't wash his body anymore. He couldn't bear to stay awake for a second. Finally, his first hunt in this world was finished and luckily he was still alive.

Finally, the hapless boy was already Level 3.