History of Godryk

Kite put down the book and sighed.

"This world is majestic!"

It was said in the book that at first there was nothing in the cosmos apart from two entities.

Zoi, the Titaness of Life, and Charos, the Titan of Death.

One day they both decided to create a world where life and death could flourish together as one. And the two decided to create a world named 'Godryk'.

The two titans created millions of lifeforms. Different kinds of animals, faunas, monsters, and races were created. Their creations coexist and lived peacefully thanks to the two Titans

Gods were also created using the two Titans' very own life essence. They were the leader of their own respective races. And they were also the strongest existence in the world.

But even though the two Titans tried to make life and death coexist, deep in their hearts they knew it was impossible. The two sides were born to be opposite to each other.

Conflicts and discords were inevitable. Because of rising conflicts, countless disagreements, and combined grudges between different kinds of races, it escalated turning from a simple farce to a full pledge war.

Godryk was split into three factions.

The Celestials were one of the three. They claim themselves to be the one and rightful rulers. They were lead by one of the three strongest Gods in existence. The Goddess of Judgement, Kriss. She was the progenitor of all Elves. She was said to be the most beautiful existence in the cosmos, even more, beautiful than her creator, Zoi. She was also famed for being the fastest of all beings in Godryk and no one was her match. The Celestials then claim the Northern Plains and the Eastern Archipelago, two of the five major continents of Godryk.

The Chthonian was the second faction. They oppose the Celestials' tyranny and claim themselves the strongest. No one can ever order and rule these Chthonians. They were prideful and evil creatures who only seek blood and flesh. They were lead by one of the three strongest gods in history. The God of Insanity, Paronia. He was the progenitor of all Mavros race. The race of destruction. They were like elves but purple-skinned and had red wings on their back. The more the pair of the wings the stronger they are. It was even said in the book that Paronia had a million pairs of wings. The Mavros race symbolizes death and calamity. These factions claim the two continents. The Southern Highlands and the Western Desert.

The last group was the Oddress. They were lead by humans. The last God of the three strongest gods in existence was Jax, the Sword God. He invented a billion sword techniques that are still used here in the current era. He was not an ordinary human. He surpasses them all. Having 3 pairs of arms that each wields a legendary sword. He'll kill you if you provoke him and he will not care at all if you leave him alone. He leads humans and other races to prosper in the presence of the two clashing superpowers.

They were scattered in the world and didn't participate in any battle and war. But most of them were in the Central Continent. The two also kept their distance and made sure to not harm these races. Jax was the protector of this group and because of him the humans and their allies still exist today.

These ancient superpowers constantly battle each other. Of course, the Oddress didn't dare to participate. And so does the two, they didn't attack their territory at all.

After a while, the Celestials and Chthonians couldn't hold their patience anymore and soon started an all-out war. Godryk was drowned in destruction. Famine, deaths, illness, and many more, flooded the world's living beings. The destruction the two groups caused made the two Titans fume in anger.

These were their creations but now they were slaughtering each other. It was like the feeling of a mother seeing her children kill each other. They can't tolerate it anymore and decided to intervene at some point. They can't directly interfere because they made a vow to never participate in Godryk's affair.

They soon find out that Jax never participated in the war and didn't seek to battle for supremacy. His heart was pure and just. He dislikes killing.

The Titans took note of this and decided to use him as their solution to this mess.

At that point billions of life forms were dead. The Gods of the two superpowers continued their battle for hundred of years with no clear winner. The two made an agreement and finally stop the war for supremacy.

Of course, the Titans were happy. They didn't need to intervene anymore, the problem fixed itself. But just as they thought of this after a thousand years the two groups, the Celestials, and the Chthonians franticly attack the Oddress' territory. They grew afraid that if the two of them battled for longer the Oddress might attack and claim the title of the world's ruler.

The two made an agreement to wipe out Oddress and continue their battle afterward. This event was known as the "Oddress Downfall". Because of the sudden attack of the two, the scattered territory of the Oddress was on the brink of extinction.

"Wow, to think that this world has a huge amount of events that happen. And this is just the beginning." Kite can't help but be amazed. This was more intense compared to the world war on Earth. It was like comparing a real war and a battle using soldier figurines.

The two Titans grew more angered. The two Titans bestowed Jax two swords to teach the two a lesson. The Life Sword and the Death Sword. Each countering the opposing enemies. The name may sound simple but these swords were the most tyrannical weapon of all.

The three strongest gods battled in the airspace of Godryk for a hundred years until Jax tore both of Kriss' legs and rip off all of Paronia's wings. He didn't kill them because he too suffered great injuries. The three pairs of arms he had were all destroyed. The three of them look liked zombies floating in midair. Their bodies were devoid of blood. They then decided to end this war and the three factions lived in harmony once more.

"So the other part of the book is on the second floor. Damn it, I at least need to pay 10 silvers." Kite stomped his foot.

The complete history of this world was fragmented. It was incomplete. This book was only a brief introduction to the creation of this world.

If he was on Earth he probably will question the authenticity of this book. But now that he was in this magical world where almost nothing was impossible, then this history book was probably real. Titans and Gods might exist.

The Gods created by the Titans were called the Ancient Gods. They were automatically born as God and don't need to grow stronger. They only refine their techniques and skills. While the people using their system to reach Grade 9 are called Neotoric Gods. They were mortals who ascended to Godhood.

Kite suddenly was struck by an idea. What if he was sent here by a Godly being.

'Then does that mean I must reach Godhood myself to find and ask the God who sent him in this world, why he was sent here?' He silently mused.

He perspired. This was a thing of legends. The strongest in the kingdom was only a Grade 3 Assassin. How could he reach Grade 9 with the number of resources he has. He must level up faster. He must reach Godhood if he wanted to go back to Earth. His family and friends are all waiting for him.

Although it sounded impossible, he must persevere. He refused the thought that there was no reason he was sent here.

He put the book back on its shelf and took a deep breath. He glanced at the elf near him. Nessa was focused on her book. Her eyes were glued to it.

Kite check for other books to read when he finally found something interesting. It was titled "System's Origin".

He took it and sat down once more. He browses it for an hour until he finally finished it. He put it down and again, sorted out his learnings.

Basically, no one knows why the system exists. Somebody theorized that it was a gift from the Titans above after the war to grow stronger and prosperous. Others said it was given to us since the beginning. While some scholars believe it was created by an unknown entity comparable to the Titans themselves. They just don't have any proper clue. History books only talked about the events that happen. The system was not mention even once. But there was a single clue regarding the system. It was not directly mentioned but a hint was given.

It was said that before Jax the Sword God died he sacrificed his remaining life essence to grant humanity a blessing. That was all.

But the human system has a special function on it that others don't have. It was theorized that this was Jax's blessing mentioned in the book.

The special function was called 'race change'. Humans were capable of transforming to other races permanently without any flaws. After that, they will be no longer human but another race as a whole. There were records of humans becoming goblins, orcs, draconians, and even elves.

Kite was surprised by it and check his own system. After checking and fidgeting with his system, he finally found that function. In Kite's eyes, the system becomes clouded in mysteries.

He finally noticed that it was already noon. He still needs to have a class test to become an official swordsman. The fee was also 1 silver so he can still afford it. Plus after nighttime, he has another important thing to do.

He looked beside him and saw Nessa. She was still focusing on what she was reading. It was the same skill book she was reading since they enter the library.

He waited for another half an hour and finally, Nessa was done. She stared at Kite and smiled.

Kite froze. She was breathtaking. He shook his head smiled back at her.

"You took so long. Looks like you're done. I'm about to head to the Swordsman Barracks to initiate a class change."

Nessa stuck out her tongue. "I tried learning a more advanced healing skill. But my knowledge is still lacking. To learn it, I'll need a lot of time. I guess I'll return her tomorrow." She shrug.

Kite was shocked. Was learning a skill this hard. If he was learning it then will he take more time? He didn't even know the concept of swordsmanship so he could only give up learning skill books about sword arts.

"Ai, it's easier to learn from skill books outside the library. You'll only learn it as fast as a blinking of an eye. Unfortunately, it's a super rare drop and too expensive to buy." Nessa sighed. It was really hard to get a skill book outside the library but learning it inside here was harder.

They stood up and left the establishment after putting the book back on its shelf. They hailed a carriage and hop on.

When they reach the inner area's gate they didn't jump off. The barracks were near the core area's gate. It was more prosperous there so the barracks were placed there.

Another hour passed until finally, they reached the core area's gate. They hop out of the carriage and directly went into the barracks. They can see people entering and leaving the establishment, all of them were swordsmen.

He took a deep breath and prepared himself. A bunch of tests will be given to him and a quest to officially become a swordsman.

Nessa told him this information because all of the classes took tests and a quest albeit different in form.

He entered it and the sight of bulky men greeted him. Some carry a big broad sword, others had two long swords on their waist, while the most common were single sword swordsmen like him.

A pretty dwarf suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Good afternoon miss and sir!"

She was really cute. Her looks were like someone at the age of 19 but her stature was short. Kite can't help but have a strange feeling.

'Is this a legal loli?' He silently mused. It was the first time he saw someone like her.

"I'm here to take a test to become a swordsman!" Kite declared full of determination.