Rare Class Quest!?

The girl was holding herself somehow. But she was obviously struggling. She was now facing a wolf two levels higher than her. He now knows how tough this wolf was. He one-shot all of them so he didn't quite know what their capabilities were.

Now that Kite had a clear view of the girl, he uses inspect.

| Name: ?

Level: 9

Class: None |

"What a high level." Kite can't help but exclaim. He was already struggling just to reach 1 level but she was already 6 levels higher than him.

He observed the match and noticed something. The girl was drench in her own sweat so much. He did feel tired in his match earlier but her exhaustion was intense. Her breathing was also ragged.

The wolf facing her was not also faring well. Its body was bleeding everywhere. The wolf dashed at unbelievable speed. The girl immediately backs away and dodged to the left.

But the wolf was cunning. Its speed came at a halt, as if the dash earlier was just an illusion.

And just before the girl could stabilize her footing, the wolf dashed once more. This time, even faster. Its first dash was clearly not its fastest speed.

The girl's eyes show panic. But what made Kite amazed was her next move.

The girl bent her knees instead of dodging. Just as the wolf brandished its fang, the girl jumped. She backflips in the air and slashed out her long sword. She activated the skill she learned earlier, moon slash, in mid-air.

| -130 HP |

The wolf growled in pain. It laid on the ground and struggled to regain its footing. But the blood it lost since the beginning of the battle was immense. It couldn't hold on anymore and die. Its corpse started emitting white light. Small white motes flew out of its body until nothing was left.

These wolves that he and the girl fought were only summoned creatures. It's the primary skill summoners use. That's why he didn't receive any experience points from it.

The girl sat down after confirming the wolf's death. She was beyond exhausted. She noticed someone looking at her and turned her head around. She saw Kite and smiled. This man helped her a lot in passing this test. If it wasn't for him executing the technique in front of her, it was possible that she won't be standing in this stage anymore.

Kite was taken aback by her smile. Even though the girl's face was ordinary and her green hair look strange, her current situation made her more alluring. The blood-soaked messy hair around her and add her haggard look made Kite somehow attracted. He shook his head and removed his thoughts.

'Don't tell me I just awoken my fetish?' Kite showed a helpless smile.

Suddenly a beeping sound was heard and a system message appeared in front of him.

| Beryl wants to add you as her friend.

Accept? |

Why won't Kite accept the request? This showed her gratitude and trust in Kite. Normally people here rarely add someone as their friend. Unlike other games when adding friends was normal, here in this world they were not that casual. Adding someone as their friend means you can see each other status in real-time. You can also send private messages to him/her. Not only that you can also send coins via the system although it has a short delay depending on the distance between them.

He accepted it and her full status appeared. Her name now was on display.

She went down the stage and didn't speak at all. She didn't even bat Kite another look. Her smile earlier was now replaced by a cold expression.

Maybe she's the cold type? Kite silently rubbed his chin. He then felt the wind blowing his hair and the middle-aged man earlier appeared.

"Well done brats! Now you only need to complete this quest and you'll be an official swordsman from this day onwards." After saying that, he cast Kite a pondering look.

Kite felt something weird from the man. After staying quiet for a while, the swordsman turned his gaze away from Kite.

"I'll send the quest to you. After you accept it, immediately pay the fee and complete it as soon as possible" He instructed the girl.

Kite was now more puzzled. Why did it seem that he was only talking to Beryl, it doesn't seem he was included at all.

Beryl nodded but was also puzzled about the situation. The situation was weird, it felt like the middle-aged man was only talking to her.

The man clicked something in the air and Beryl received the quest. She stared at Kite and cast him a sorry look before she departed. Kite saw all of this and realized that the man used his system to hand out the class change quest. Maybe he could use this function in the system in the future, he thought to himself.

But he didn't receive any. He was now sure that he didn't pass the test. He thought about it further. When did he mess up? He couldn't understand why he didn't pass the test. But the longer he thought about it the more puzzled he was.

"Is one hitting the monster not allowed?"

The middle-aged man saw all of Kite's expression. This kid didn't even hide his puzzled expression. He was fidgeting and touching his chin every time. He laughed at Kite and finally spoke again.

"Hey kid what's the matter? Upset? Don't worry I have something more amazing!" The man proudly declared.

Kite breathed out a lot of air. He was worried he didn't pass the test. If it were so, he will be forced to take another test somewhere and waste another silver coin.

Two system messages appeared in the air.

| Severus wants to add you as his friend.

Accept? |

| Severus hands out a quest to you.

Do you accept it? |

Kite was surprised. He didn't think that he will also add him as his friend. He asked, "Mr. Severus, why did you add me as your friend. You may have misclick."

"Do you think I'm senile? Of course, I want to add you as my friend!" Severus grumpily replied.

Hearing what he said he looked puzzled. Nevertheless, he clicked yes. His full status was now on display.

| Name: Severus

Level: 56

Class: Grade 1 Snake Swordsman |

Kite was shocked by Severus' level. It was really high. But what left him speechless was the quest description he received.

| Rare Class Quest 'Animals Spirit Swordsman' received. Accept? |

"A rare class!" Kite gasped. He accepted it in an instant as if afraid he'll miss it

| System: Change Class Quest 'Animal Spirit Swordsman' accepted

Difficulty Grade: C

Quest Details: Kill a monster of your choice and eat it.

Note: Must not exceed Level 10 |

The quest requirements seem easy at first but the difficulty grade stated that this was C not F like the quests he picked last time. So he thought that there was something fishy about this.

"Kite, you can be considered as my disciple since this class comes from me personally. It's not like the normal swordsman class." He slowly said.

"Why me?" This was bugging him from the start. What separated him from the other. Severus obviously encountered many test-takers better than him. He wanted to know the reason why he was picked.

"Well, I don't even know myself. The system said you are suitable for this class and stated that you must take it." He looked at Kite with a questioning look.

"I never heard of a class change quest choosing someone suitable before. This is a first. So I thought, why not give it to the boy. I won't make a loss or whatsoever anyways." After saying that he suddenly laughed.

Kite got worried. From their conversation from the start, his master was sort of an...

Unreliable person

"Pay 1 silver before you leave. Oh, I don't want to waste any words with you anymore. You find out what to do and come back to me after completing the quest, understand?" Severus bluntly said.

Hearing this, Kite's expression turned gloomier. This so-called master of his was definitely lazy. Super lazy. He didn't even want to at least give him a tip or what kind of monsters he was supposed to kill and eat. He cursed him silently and walked away impolitely.

Severus didn't mind it too much. He deeply gazed again in Kite's direction before he sighed. No one knows what's on his mind.