Revenge II

Kite prepared himself. Now that he knew the person who killed him he must properly 'thank' this kindhearted individual.

He then brewed a simple plan. He left his room and went outside the guild. He hailed a carriage and went to the outer area gate. He paid the driver and begun dashing towards Millow Forest.

Fresh winds brushed his body. Since he leveled up his speed got much faster. Although not comparable to Nessa and Hidden Blade.

He acted like nothing was wrong and entered the forest.

When he entered the forest, two guys who were silently hiding in the bush followed him.

"Hey, he really is the one who slept with Nessa?" HiddenBlade clad completely in black coldly spoke.

"He sure is. Even though he hid his face with a wolf mask, his frame will stay the same," Pigeon who was beside HiddenBlade coldly replied.

"I also memorized his scent using my summoned rat that day" He added. His body movements and his tone showed fear and respect to Hidden Blade.

Their conversation was still the same.

Because Kite was dashing at great speed you wouldn't notice his eyes moving in different directions. He wanted to see clues where they were hiding.

When he didn't notice something wrong, he still persisted in going to the wolf's den like usual. He didn't act suspiciously and looked very normal. He reached the den and hunted the way he used to.

After some time...

He was now confronting all the 11 wolves like in the past, he still acted ordinarily as if he wasn't aware of his past death. His back was still exposed for the assassin to take advantage of.

Now that he was more prepared and earlier, his body didn't react like what happened back then. He didn't feel excited and no changes in his body appeared. Only coldness and ruthlessness were in his eyes.

Just as he was supposed to kill the ninth wolf, Hidden Blade began his ambush. He was in stealth for a long time now and finally, a chance appeared.

Kite felt the coldness in his back. He didn't turn around immediately. Just as Hidden Blade's dagger reached Kite's neck, Kite began his counterattack. He suddenly turned around and saw a floating blade reaching for his neck. He stepped backward quickly and raise his sword up in the air. It started gathering baneful qi and his sword look horrifying.

Hidden Blade flashed a terrified expression. 

First Noxious Sword!

He slashed downwards with all his strength. It only took a second for all this to happen.

Because of Hidden Blade's surprise, he couldn't react faster. He was struck by the sword in his head and felt his vision blurring. What he last saw before his death was...

A child with dead eyes. It showed intense rage, anger but also... loneliness.

| Critical Hit!

-1570 HP |

| You've killed Rex(HiddenBlade)! |

| Level difference of twenty-one is detected. Experience Points are increased sevenfold. |

| Congratulations 26,560 Experience Points acquired! |

| Level up! |

| Level up! |

| Level up! |

| Level up! |

| Level up! |

| Level up! |

He leveled up six times.

The skill, First Noxious Sword's 10x damage, 100% crit chance, and the 90% reduced armor dealt a lot of damage. HiddenBlade was an assassin, they don't wear any armor at all. His HP was all-time low and so was his defense. This all led to his death.

Hidden Blade's head exploded in pieces. Kite looked at it with coldness. After a minute of looking at his corpse, Kite's coldness was replaced by a shocked look. He immediately puked and felt terrified. He just killed a living human. He fell on his butt and shivered.

He dug a hole near the bushes and drag Hidden Blade's corpse. He threw it there and whispered, "This is revenge for killing me."

Kite looked around to see if someone other than Hidden Blade was here. He breathed a sigh of relief when he sensed no one. If someone was still lying in ambush, then he'll welcome his second death.

Alas, he was wrong. Pigeon who was hiding from afar saw all of this happening. He summoned a bird beast to look around if there were adventurers who were here. He was also observing the fight. When he saw his friend dying in the hands of Kite, he raged. He got even angrier when Kite dragged his corpse and simply threw it in the pit. He wanted to rush at once when he sorted out his feelings.

Kite was clearly a Level 5 Swordsman. There were only two possibilities.

It's either he used a skill to hide his real level or he has godly equipment. He didn't take the possibility that Kite used a skill or a technique. His summoned monster was in the air. He couldn't sense the baneful aura Kite unleashed. What he saw was only Kite raising his sword and slashing it downward. Nothing else. So he didn't thought of that possibility.

After thinking about it for a while greed covered his face. If he could somehow get that godly equipment he could instantly turn into a noble. Women and money will automatically come to him. Even though it may be a skill to conceal his level and no equipment or item was involved, the prospect of gaining a godly item that will make him rich still overshadowed the risk involved.

Even though he was a Summoner, that doesn't mean he was restricted by staves and such. He'll be able to wield the weapon but unlike Swordsman, he wouldn't receive the bonus damage and stats. The same goes for other classes.

They can wield any weapon, but those weapons and equipment that were suited to the user's class will burst their true potential.

Pigeon planned to bait some of his friends to get that item. He will do anything in this world just to get rich.

Kite left after doing the deed.

He hunted a few wolves. After that, he went to the city and hailed a carriage. He then arrived in front of the guild and entered.

The young boy approached Anna and hand out the corpse of the wolves he hunted. He of course sliced them up and put them in his new shoulder bag.

"Anna, I'm already done"

Anna was shocked. He finished the quest in only hours. He was only a low leveled kid when he first joined the guild. To think that he grows this fast.

| Combat Quest 'Exterminator' complete!

Received 15 silvers and one random suitable weapon! |

| Generating one random weapon... |

| Ogre's Tusk obtained |

A green sword appeared in Kite's hands. Instead of calling it a sword, it is more suited to call it a green fang. He checked its status.

Ogre's Tusk (Rare)

Level 10 to Level 30(Damage will increase with level)

Attack Damage: 30

Strength: +10

Durability: 220/220

Equipment Ability:

Ogre's Descent(Active Skill) When your HP reached 20% active skill Ogre's Descent could be activated. All your stats will rise up for 40% and will be immune to all damages for 4 second.

Description: Sword created by using an Ogre's Tusk. It contains the very essence of the Ogre's body.

Kite looked at it and felt satisfied. Now that it was nearing evening he decided to get some foods and head to his room in the guild.