Severus the Serpent

Severus was currently relaxing in a villa near a first-rate guild. Although he was lazily sitting on his chair, his disposition was sharp. Don't be fooled just because his back was hunched. For this man was one of the three Grade 2 Expert in this City! 

A Grade 2 Expert, regardless what class, has the authority to fight for the position of a City Lord. 

His position in the guild was quite special. He was the son of the creator of the guild. And the current Guild Leader was his brother. But he was clearly one of the strongest in this city, heck he could fight for the position of the city lord if he wanted to. He was just too lazy to handle the paperwork. That's why his brother was the one nominated for the position of Guild Leader. 

He was about to take a sip on his tea when a system message appeared.

| System: Kite sent you a message |

"Huh? This little shit still hasn't completed his quest yet? He may be asking for help." Kite forgot to return to Severus when he completed his class quest. So Severus thought that Kite was asking for help regarding the class quest. 

Kite: Help me, master.

Seeing this message, Severus laughed. The tone of his disciple in this message was helpless as if he was begging to help him. 

'Hehe, suffer little rat. Don't worry, your master isn't a masochist. You'll improve more in the face of danger.'

After saying that he nodded. 

"Indeed. I'm a righteous person." 

Severus: Just eat whatever you want to eat. Eat a grasshopper and you'll gain its power. Same with the cockroaches. Just do your best hunting any insects or animals you see around.

When Kite read Severus's reply, although he already completed his quest, he got irritated. His master was so unreliable.

Kite: No I'm already done with my quest. I'm asking for another thing.

Severus was shocked. So he already finished his quest. That was quite fast.

'Hmph, I bet he picked a bad monster to eat judging from how fast he hunted it. Tsktsk, he's to rash. However, I still need to guide him regardless.' 

Severus: What spirit did you get?

He really wanted to know. This rare class was only bound to one animal spirit. And when he was young and possess a low level, he used a snake to eat. There were only two people he knew who have a spirit swordsman class. Kite and his father.

Kite: It's a wolf.

Severus spat the tea he was sipping. He got even more excited.

Severus: How many skills did you get?

Kite: Three. One passive skill and two active skills.

Severus: What!! Three?! I only got two.

'Aren't you too lucky?' 

He was a little bit jealous. He had many helpers when hunting his first animal spirit but this guy from the slums doesn't have any friends but got three skills instead. What an unfair world.

Kite: Stop questioning now. I'm asking for help old man. 

He was a slowly getting impatiens. He needed help and his master was acting nonchalantly, not even a bit caring towards his student.

Honestly, he really couldn't believe that Sevurus was a Level 56 Grade 2 Swordmaster.

Severus, seeing the word 'old man' also got a little angry. He was still in his prime, 36 years old.

Severus: Hey, who's the old man? If you want my help, beg once more.

Kite was fuming, smoke threaten to escape from his head. Vanessa who was beside him felt his wrath silently brewing.

"Are you okay?" Vanessa was worried. Maybe his supposed helper doesn't want to help him.

Kite smiled. His smile was full of warmth when he saw Vanessa's sorry look. He patted her head and spoke, "Don't worry. This old man is a little strange. I just got angry with his reply." 

Feeling her head, Vanessa blushed and smiled. Being pat in the head felt really nice.

His anger slightly calmed down. He looked at his screen and type a message.

Kite: Master they are currently hunting me down. They want to snatch my treasure away from me. Please help this pitiful disciple. 

Severus' carefree look was immediately replaced by a serious one. Kite was his disciple. If somebody did kill him, it was like challenging his own authority. He couldn't care less about Kite's treasure. All people have their own secrets. And he will respect Kite's decision if he doesn't want to tell him about it. He was not that petty. Only a few things can move his heart. 

Severus: Where are you now?

Kite was stunned for a moment. Why did this old man's attitude turn 180 degrees suddenly? Where did his arrogance went?

Kite: Savior's Guild. The guild leader sent his own daughter to assassinate me. Luckily she was nice and let me go. 

"Savior's Guild? A third-rate guild dares to threaten my disciple. Maybe I'll just announce to the city that Kite is my disciple" He silently spoke to himself.

Thinking of that he lazily yawned.

Severus: All right it's settled now. No one's gonna hurt you anymore. If anyone does lay a finger in my disciple, I'll behead him myself.

Kite smiled. Looked like his master still cared about his disciple, albeit not that much.

Kite: Thank you!

After the conversation a maid approach Severus. "Sir, what is it?"

"Announce to the whole city that Kite is my disciple. Whoever dares to lay a hand on him will face my wrath." Severus' voice was full of authority. Not like his usual carefree attitude.

"Your wish is my command" After that maid bowed slightly and left.

Not long after, a piece of shocking news quickly spread throughout the whole city. Severus the Serpent announced that he already took someone as a disciple. And that disciple was Kite! And this Kite was currently being hunted by a ton of people for his treasure.

All those people who had vile intentions perspired. Luckily they didn't do anything about the Swordmaster's disciple. They now felt pitiful for the ones who did make a move on him.

After that, another news exploded. The Savior Guild disbanded and the Guild Leader himself went to Severus to say sorry.

When all the adventurers and citizens of the city heard this they couldn't help but click their tongue. Strength determined your status in this strength-oriented world.

A Grade 2 expert was the pinnacle of strength in this city. Only three experts were at this level, including Severus and the City Lord. 

Severus: Head to my guild. Here is the location.

Kite who was still stuck with Vanessa in his room finally breathed a sigh of relief. They finally left the area. When they arrived outside, not a single adventurer was in sight. They quickly disbanded and all the people here fled for their own life. Kite was quite surprised to see this sight. Wasn't it too fast to resolve this problem?

'This old man has skills!' Kite's eye brightens. 

The two of them went to the guild Severus was in. When they reached the entrance of Severus' guild, Kite was shocked. It was five times bigger than the Savior Guild. This guild was one of the ten first-rate guild in this city.

Black Scythe Guild.

They both entered and many adventurers glanced at them. Their eyes showed shock, jealously, respect, and even reverence.

Severus was the strongest swordsman of the Purple Moon City. To become his disciple, what dog shit luck does this brat from the slums has? 

Suddenly maids appeared left and right. The most eye-catching woman was in the middle. She had short shiny black hair. She has a tail on her back. Her ear was shaped like a cat's. This woman was clearly a member of a side branch of the beastmen race.

"Please follow me, Young Master Kite" This cat woman bowed and spoke curtly.

Kite blinked his eyes. Young master? This was the first time he was called like that. Severus might hold a lot of authority in the guild, he silently thought.

Vanessa was also confused. This guild was a first-rate Guild. Being treated like this and being called Young Master definitely meant that Kite has a high position here. Vanessa doesn't have any friends so she didn't receive any news regarding Severus taking Kite as his disciple. Then why does his information said he was from the slums? A lot of questions were on her mind now and she really wanted to ask Kite all these questions. But she held her curiosity and silently followed Kite.

The catgirl led the way and stayed in front. While the other maid surrounded Kite and Vanessa, left and right.

They finally arrived at a villa. It was just on the backside of the guild. It was like your common villa on Earth but its decoration was unique. Strange and new plants and animals inhabit its surrounding. Some bright objects were floating outside the villa. Even the villa itself looked really mystic and holy.

What greeted them inside was a throne. And a handsome middle-aged man was currently sitting in it.

His hair was purple, his eyes were sharp and his pupils were vertical. The man's eyebrows were also peculiar, a sharp intent was coming from it. Although this man was casually sitting on a throne, his aura was domineering and sharp. 

The man opened his mouth and spoke, "Why are both of you not kneeling yet!?"

Vanessa knew this man. She was quite overwhelmed by his presence. She looked at Kite and was even more surprised. His face was distorted, as if he was disgusted by something. She was about to inform him about who this man was when she heard his voice.

"Damn you old man, quit pretending and get down from that throne!"

Vanessa almost fainted.