Hidden Boss

Ansel was doing just fine in the dungeon. He slowly got used to killing and he improved a lot. This just showed how talented the lad was. 

After a while, they met the first boss of the dungeon.

| Goblin Warrior(1st Boss)

Level 10

HP:1600 |

Bosses have more HP than other normal goblins at their level. There were three bosses in each dungeon, regardless if it's a normal dungeon or a hidden dungeon. The only difference was that, once you cleared one difficulty of a hidden dungeon it will never appear again. So basically, you could only clear a hidden dungeon thrice. Once for every difficulty. 

Hidden Dungeons weren't only rare, but also the rewards you'll gain inside were bountiful. 

Kite decided to help Ansel this time. He also wanted to improve his swordplay and also want to experience team fights.

He has been killing monsters none stop for the past week by himself. He needed some time to hunt monsters with other people. He wouldn't believe in bullshits like 'I can level up on my own' or 'I'm a blessed individual with plot armor'.

And now that Ansel was Level 8, they can team up to fight this Boss.

"Ansel just continue to hold this boss's aggro. I'll be the main DPS." Kite instructed.

He doesn't know if gaming terms and gaming elements work here. So he decided to probe Ansel if he understood his instruction. He used gaming terms like 'aggro' and 'DPS' to checked if they do understand.

To his surprise, Ansel just seriously nodded. He looked at Vanessa and saw her face. She looked normal and no fluctuations appeared when he said those gaming terms. 

Shield Taunt!

Ansel has already begun the battle. He ran towards the goblin and smashed his glowing shield in its face.


After getting hit and stunned for a while. Kite made his move.

Wolf Bite!

An image of a green wolf's head appeared above Kite's sword. The wolf image on top of his sword opened its maw. It tore down some flesh in its stomach.

| -130 |

After that, a sharp sound echoed. A half-moon image also appeared after the wolf image disappeared. The goblin's arm was completely severed from his body.

Moon Slash Technique!


The goblin warrior howled in pain.

| Critical Hit!

-245 HP |

Then the goblin seemed to send a message of help to his friends. It continuously stomped its feet five times. Suddenly ten small goblins surround Kite and Ansel out of nowhere.

"I'll deal with all these goblins." Kite wanted to help his master's nephew to repay this debt of gratitude. So he volunteered to fight these little pests. He can easily eliminate them fast and helped Ansel as soon as possible. He was not suited for dealing with damage, he was a tanker. And a tanker's only job was to receive the damage intended for their teammates.

Kite look at these goblins. His eyes showed a murderous look and he began his slaughter. He slashed, thrust, chopped, pierced, sweep, and smashed his sword finishing all his enemies. He gained some experience points from them albeit a little. His enemies were 2-5 levels lower than him, so their ExP rewards were reduced.

He checked at how Ansel was doing and smiled. He was still holding himself somehow.

"Ansel retreat!" Kite shouted. Ansel did what he was told and step backward. Kite used his one and only binding skill.

Forest Bind.

Vanessa gasped in surprise. 

Swordsman's skills were more focused on damage and attack speed.

To think Kite has a rare crowd control skill. Even tanks and mage have a hard time looking for one. 

Vines shrouded the goblin's body.

"Quickly use disabling skills. Stun, restrain, root, let's chain stun him." Since this world looked like a game, then let us treat it is a game then. 

Ansel nodded. These terms were quite normal when adventuring and leveling up so he didn't feel strange from it. It was like a normal command he was receiving and.

The kid possessed two disabling skills. Even though he was a young master, he only has two. Showing how rare crowd control skills were. 

They quickly played the goblin warrior to death. They gained one rare belt and some materials. Ansel didn't care about all these kinds of stuff. He was rich enough to have a full set of rare equipment. So Kite gladly took all the loots this boss dropped. He planned to sell all of the materials and quickly equipped his new belt.

| Paradise Belt(Rare)

Level 5 to Level 15

Vitality: +5

Endurance: +5

Strength: +3

Set Equipment Effect:

2 Equipments: Add 100 HP

4 Equipments: +10 Strength

5 Equipments: Paradise's Burst(Active Skill) Release a shockwave knocking your enemies 5 meters away from you(Effect will lower the higher the level of the target) |

"Let' go!" Kite shouted. He was excited about the prospects of gaining a level and new stronger equipment. 

They headed forward and encountered high-level goblins. They quickly swept their way forward and finally reach the second boss.

| Goblin Shaman(2nd Boss)

Level 10

HP: 1100 |

This boss has a high damage output monster. But in exchange, it was sloppy, had lower resistance to crowd control skills, and had low HP. They quickly killed it because of chain stuns. They didn't gain any pieces of equipment but a lot of materials were dropped. Just like always, Ansel didn't pick a single dropped, while Kite greedily put all these materials into his bag.

You can even see his saliva dropping on the ground.

He only had a limited amount of money so every opportunity that comes by will be gladly taken.

They killed a lot of goblins while heading to the last boss. Kite looked forward. The environment here was literally like a Paradise.

The plains, trees, springs, and all of the naturally formed landscapes were a sight to see. But when he turned back, blood and guts covered this so-called Paradise. He was slowly becoming used to gore and blood. And right now not a single discomfort was seen in his eyes.

Vanessa who was following the two of them for a long time saw all of Kite's change. She was observing him from the start when they entered the dungeon. At first, Kite seemed to hold back and minimized his damage to avoid being covered in blood. But as they went on Kite was getting more and more savage as they kill their way to the third boss.

Vanessa was worried about Kite's behavior. These changes were abnormal. 

'Aren't you adapting too fast?!' 

Just when they were about to reach a strange-looking gate, Ansel sense something and looked in the right. There was a strange tablet there and something was drawing him into that item. He went forward because of his own curiosity and looked at the tablet. There was a strange inscription in it and an unknown language was depicted on the tablet. He put his hand on it and a sense of danger appeared in the atmosphere.

Kite and Vanessa were terrified. This aura surrounding the environment was scary, discomfort shrouded the group.

They did notice Ansel going into the tablet but they didn't stop him. They saw many different things on the way and Ansel sometimes checked it out and took some that were interesting for him. So they didn't think about it that much when he approached the tablet.

The tablet cracked and the ground beneath it shook. Suddenly, a green hand appeared on the ground. It seemingly pulled itself upward and it looked like it was getting itself out from the ground. The gang retreated and glanced at the monster spawning in front of them. Even the high-level Ranger, Vanessa sensed the amount of danger this monster was currently emitting.

| Goblin Zombie Lord(Hidden Boss)

Level 20

HP: 4000 |

"A Hidden Boss!" Kite was shocked. This was the first time he encountered such a thing.