Red Dragon II

"Tell me, kid. What animal spirit did you get?" The King questioned.

How could he talk? This was the question that kept bugging Vanessa's head. Even Ansel also felt this way. This was theoretically impossible. A monster from a low-level dungeon will never reach this kind of intelligence.

But Kite's astonishment was just in a brief moment of time. He was only in this world not long ago. Compare to the two, he was cool-headed. 

Kite has no reason to not answer him so he spoke, "Wolf".

Upon hearing this the King laughed.

"Haha, to think I'll meet my creator and killer here in this low leveled dungeon!" He laughed maniacally.

When they heard this they were puzzled.

Creator and killer? Who was he referring to? But before they can think more about what he meant, the Goblin King only said three words that made Kite unconsciously gripped his sword tighter. 

"Sword God Jax!"

Kite heart shook. He was not stupid. He probably knew what's going on. The reason this guy could converse with them although he was low leveled is because of the power of his creator. But what was the reason the Hobgoblin King was here?

The King made his move. He dashed forward and attacked directly while saying, "I know you'll return from the past even if I killed you here. Who knows, maybe you're just pretending but I already killed you one time? Two times? Three?"

Kite frowned. This guy knew too much. His killing intent flared the sky and he rushed towards the boss

The ability to be reborn was his greatest secret 

When Ansel heard what the King said, he was confused. He can't understand what the two were talking about. While Vanessa could somehow piece this information. Kite acting strangely when they reach Severus' villa, he suddenly confessing his love, and his eyes that showed genuine love whenever he looked at her.

'Can Kite travel through time?' She silently thought. Maybe that's the reason Kite fell in love with her, it's because of her future self.

Wolf Bite!

A green wolf image opening its maw appeared above Kite's sword. He chopped his opponent with all his strength hoping to damage him. But the King didn't depend instead he attacked with his own.

Dragon Strike!

He pierced his spear forward and an eastern red dragon appeared on his spear.

The green wolf and the red dragon clashed in mid-air. But Kite's wolf was showing weakness. Cracks appeared until the whole wolf disintegrated. Kite dodged the already weaken attack and carefully observe the Boss.

"You're strong!" Kite couldn't help but comment. This boss was considered much stronger than the Goblin Zombie Lord. He has more intelligence that helped him make rational choices and activate skills at proper timings.

"And you're weak!" It shouted angrily. He was expecting more from Kite. As a creature that was used as a boss in a hidden dungeon, he only has three lives. One at the normal mode, one at the hard mode, and one at the hell mode. As the difficulty rose, his power will be increased. He was stuck here for thousands of years, and now he could converse and exchange pointers with someone with intelligence. But to think this kid was subpar. 

He was placed here by Jax for unknown reasons. And his only mission was to defend this place to preserve his life.

"Show me your real strength!" The Hobgoblin King shouted causing the palace to shake.

"As you wish!" After that, he looked at Vanessa's location and shouted. "Ansel run the fuck away from here. Vanessa help me kill this fucker!"

He was anxious causing him to spout vulgarities. 

Ansel was startled. He glanced at Kite's eye and saw his seriousness. He nodded and used a movement skill to run away from the battlefield.

Vanessa quickly reacted, she drew her bow and continuously released arrow by arrow. She maintained her distance and always moved around the area. If she does this, Kite will have a lot of time to keep the King at bay while she shoots arrows.

Kite executed a ton of attacks to defend against the onslaught of the King. But thanks to Vanessa, the King was also distracted and occupied by the arrows that can threaten him. This leads to unintentionally letting gaps formed from the King's defense. Kite's now bluish left eye glowed and he directly stabbed the weak spot he found. His sight and senses were enhanced by his left eye. He also had experienced a lot of battle from the memories he gained before. 

Silver light coated Kite's sword and he brandished his sword horizontally.

Moon Slash Technique!

The King responded using his own technique.

Empyrean Flames!

His body suddenly was enveloped by golden fire. All of the fire headed to the tip of the spear until all of the flames were in it. His spear's tip looked like the sun from the heavens. It was golden in color and an intense burning sensation was felt all over the dungeon.

Kite who was the nearest person to the Hobgoblin King suffered the most. His face and whole body started to ignite.

"Kite! Go away now!" Vanessa shouted in

despair. This skill was too powerful. She executed a lot of attacks and skills earlier to bring the Boss HP to half. And now even with all of her skill refreshed its cooldown, she can't do anything to counter this skill. 

Baneful aura started spreading around Kite. His face was cold to the extreme. His sword that was glowing in silver light was replaced by a black hue. He lifted it upwards and prepared to strike.

First Noxious Sword!

He steadied his body. He focused on the King's direction.

Star Blink!

Kite's body blurred. Suddenly he appeared in front of the Last Boss. He swung his sword swiftly aiming to cut the Boss into two.

The King, however, sneered. He raised his spear near his chest and block the attack. However, this skill was still created by Sword God Jax. Its essence and origin were a lot more for the naked eye to see.

But the King was still damaged by the baneful qi around the sword. He coughed out blood and was blown out for 10 meters until finally, he stopped.

"You're good! You're actually good!" The boss suddenly laughed.

"Show me more!" It roared.