Title Gained

When the Hobgoblin mentioned Kite as Jax's successor, a system message appeared.

| New Title Gained!

Jax's Successor

Deal 2.4 times bonus damage to Celestials and Chthonians races. Also, this bonus damage will be furthered enhance by two times when engaging Jax's Creations in battle. Increase the chance of subduing Jax's Creations. |

| Automatically equip new title since the host doesn't possess any title. |

Kite's back was drenched in sweat. His face was stricken in terror. He has no abilities left to defend from this attack. It was too strong. His new title has no use in this battle. It only focused on total damage.

Vanessa was also in despair. They could both die here in this situation. And even though Kite could go back in time because of him being Jax's successor, she couldn't do the same. She just experienced the feeling of being loved. And the Vanessa in other timelines was not the Vanessa of this timeline. She was also sad for the Vanessa in the other timeline Kite left behind. Even though they were the same entity, the memories they possess were different. This was what Vanessa thought.

She fired a lot of arrows hoping to disrupt the skill the Boss was using. But it was no use. All her attacks and skill will either disintegrated by the skill's aura or only left a tiny amount o damage. She has no sword in her inventory to lend Kite. Rangers don't use sword anyway. And if she did obtain a sword from monsters drop, she'll just sell those for extra income. Now she regretted her decisions in the past.

The Ogre's Tusk was 60 meters away from him. The impact of the spear towards the sword was immensely resulting in the Ogre's Tusk being thrown far away.

Vanessa used her fastest movement skill to head to where the sword was embedded.

Shadow Steps!

Kite's Star Blink charges were all used now. It also only has a short blink distance of 5 meters so he has no choice but to abandon it.

Of course, Vanessa kept shooting arrows to the boss. Just as she was about to grab the sword, the King had already unleashed his attacks.

Red Dragon!

The Hobgoblin King pierce in Kite's direction. A huge, red eastern dragon appeared and open its maw preparing to devour Kite whole. The ground beneath it crumbled into nothingness and the palace was completely annihilated.


The voice was from Vanessa. She grabbed the sword and throw it to Kite's direction. Kite was surprised at first then after that cast Vanessa a thankful look. He really felt gratified for her actions.

He grabbed the sword that was thrown into him and went into a stance. Then sword tip was pointed in Kite's left direction. His two hands grabbed the hilt. His left blue ey shined resplendently.

Second Noxious Sword!

Killing intent flickered in his surroundings. Red aura began emitting from his sword as if it can't wait to kill someone. But he was not done yet!

Moon Slash Second Style!

A bright moon appeared on his back. Its bright luster shined downwards toward his sword. Adding silver light to the killing red hue in the green sword.

Just as the Red Dragon's maw about to devour Kite, a red giant phantom sword appeared. It was the same in height with the Red Dragon but instead of emitting fire energy, it releases a shocking amount of killing intent.

There was also a moon engraving on the red sword's hilt. It slashed downwards aiming to split the dragon into two.

The dragon changed its target and headed towards the sword. A clash between a red sword and a red dragon took place in this dungeon.

Rocks and debris flew into the air. A shocking tornado appeared above the palace. Storms were generated and all living things in the area were completely eradicated.

Kite's body was bleeding everywhere. This sort of battle only took place in his imagination. Never will he thought that he'll be transported in another world and battle like crazy for real. He still didn't notice the changes happening on his body, especially his left eye. He only knew that somehow his sight was increased threefold.

The clashed lasted for 5 minutes until the red dragon couldn't take it anymore. It started to crumble bit by bit. But its roar reverberated the sky. It was like shouting in despair. A lofty dragon like him was about to be completely destroyed by a single sword.

Seeing this, the Hobgoblin King's face fell. Just as expected, Jax's disciple was indeed worthy of its name. He did envision having his revenge but it seemed he underestimated this boy. Now that he lost hope his skill weakened more and the gigantic sword split him into two.


| -1400 HP |

| You've killed Hobgoblin King(Last Boss)! |

| Level difference of two is detected. ExP is increased by 1.1 times. |

| Congratulations 25,250 Experience Points acquired! |

| Level up! |

| Level up! |

He leveled up two times.

Massive loots appeared on the Boss's corpse and Kite looked greedily at it. He forgot to take the loots the Hidden Boss dropped back in the other timeline. But now he won't forget about this loot. This was a huge harvest for a hidden dungeon. Maybe because of the boss gained intelligence far from its level.

He looked at Vanessa from far away and signaled her to get here. She obeyed her lover's words and went towards him.

A massive black gate appeared on the throne the boss used to sit. After that, a new system message appeared.

| Dungeon, Goblin's Paradise (Hard Mode) is c completed!

Time took to finished it: 46:37:40 (minute, seconds, milliseconds) |

| 5000 ExP rewarded to all participants in the dungeon clear |

There were a lot of materials and weapons on the ground. And one higher grade weapon was what caught Kite's eye.

| Venomous Knife (Epic)

[One Use Item]

Level 10-50

Deal 7000 damage and inflict Poison Status on target. |

Sadly it was only a one-use item. But the damage was massive so he can use this in a life-threatening situation.

There was also one skill book. But Kite's luck might be absent today.

| Almighty Blessing (Rare)[Priest Class]

Heal 3% percent of HP to all units within a 10-meter radius of the caster. Also, add a small endurance stat for one minute. No cast time. |

This was a rare skill book. If he could sell this then he could at most earn 200 golds. It won't just heal but also buff your teammates on a battle. It also has no cast time which was pretty rare nowadays. Thinking about it, he indeed knew someone who possesses a priest class. Nessa, maybe she would buy this skill book from him. Thinking about her, he smiled. But he immediately frowned when he sense danger coming from behind him.

Vanessa who has a higher level than him noticed the facial expression he made. And judging from the skill book he was holding, it was probably Nessa who he was thinking about. There was only one acquaintance Kite made during the time when he left the slums. And it was none other than the Advance Priest Class Cleric, Nessa.