Piece of Sh*t

"Why the hell are you here?", Vanessa asked her father with a glare.

Vanessa's father laughed. He looked at Vanessa's figure and licked his lips.

"Is this how you treat your father, my lovely Vanessa?", Darcel spoked as if he was hurt.

"I never considered you as my father, Darcel", an impolite tone came from Vanessa's mouth.

This was the first time Kite saw Vanessa act like this. Her previous lovely and cute demeanor was replaced by a cold and arrogant one.

But what left him speechless and angry at the same time was Darcel's next words.

"Have you consider it?" Darcel raised his eyebrows.

"How horny can you be? First, you rape my mother and now you're planning to do it with me next? You're an asshole!!" Vanessa lost her rationality when she heard Darcel's question.

Kite's gaze towards Darcel grew colder. He held his sword's hilt and prepared to kill this fuck-up father.

"You only need to serve me once and I'll finally let you go, Vanessa. After that, you can go wherever you want with your little lover", he ridiculed both of them. He finally looked at Kite with disdain. He didn't place Kite in his eyes at all. He was a prestigious Level 47 Grade 1 Swordsman. He even has the qualifications to become a guild leader.

Unfortunately, they antagonize someone they must not. Resulting in his guild becoming history.

But right now even though he was scared of the Severus the Snake, right now he was not in sight. If he killed Kite here and chopped him into pieces then throw him in the gutter, no one will know who the culprit was.

When Kite heard the word 'serve', he didn't hesitate any longer. The distance between the two of them and Darcel was 7 meters. They were standing while Darcel was lying lazily on the sofa.

Start Blink!

He used this skill two times in quick succession. He appeared above Darcel and executes his deadliest combo.

Wolf Bite!

His sword release a corporeal image of a green wolf opening its maw, ready to devour Darcel in one bite.

Moon Slash Technique!

A moon tattoo appeared on the wolf's forehead. Its color started turning slightly silver.

All this was done instantly. Kite's eye showed no hesitation. This was the second time he was about to engage in a battle with a fellow human.

First was the Assassin, HiddenBlade. If it was not for the Infinity Ring, he might be in heaven already. And now he was prepared to kill this son of a b*tch.

Vanessa was his woman. He will kill anyone who'll try slandering her even if it cost his own life. Vanessa didn't hesitate to sacrifice her life for him, how could he not do the same.

Just as Kite's sword was about to hit Dancel's body, his opponent finally moved. He brandished his gigantic sword at lightning speed and executed his own skill while lying on the ground.


This was a basic skill ordinary Swordsman class has. Rare classes were rare after all. Kite only got lucky for obtaining a rare class.

The level difference between the two of them was a whooping 33 levels. The results were obvious.

Even if Kite executed all his skills on Darcel, he could only shove 1/4 of his HP. Kite's skill vanished and his sword almost cracked. It was not only their Levels that were part apart, but their equipment was also miles apart from quality.

Kite was thrown 30 meters away from Darcel and smashed on the ceiling of the mansion. His body was embedded there and his HP went red.

Your HP will appear green if you have full health. Then it will turn into yellow and finally red if you're being damage continuously. Red meant that your HP was about to reach zero. And when it reached zero then your dead.

You can see the HP bar floating in everyone's head. It was not visible if you don't use the system's inspect. This was to avoid your sight being hindered too much by HP bars floating.

"Kite!" Vanessa used her movement skill to head to Kite's direction. But Darcel reacted quickly.

"Who said you can go there? Come one, just one night and I'll leave you alone", he gently said. He had already caught Vanessa's hand.

"Fuck off old man!" Vanessa's mind was fixated only at Kite. She must first help him before dealing with this man.


Darcel looked at her with pity. "If gentleness won't work, then I guess I could only use forceful methods."

There was no hesitation in his eyes, only pure lust. He immediately slashed one of Vanessa's legs using his broad sword.


An ear-piercing shout shook the entire mansion. Vanessa's face turned pale, devoid of blood. One of her legs was bleeding profusely.

"It's your fault for acting like this. Next time you better listen to your sweet father's order." Darcel shook his head.

"You fucking pyscho!"

Darcel ignored him and lifted her up to his shoulder. He carried her body while walking to Kite's direction.

Kite was already unconscious. His head smashed at the ceiling with a lot of power, resulting in him losing consciousness. His head had a slight crack and was bleeding everywhere. There was also a slash mark on his chest that came from Darcel's sword.

When Darcel finally reached Kite location, he jumped. His jump was abnormally high while still holding Vanessa. He grabbed Kite's foot and smashed him into the ground. Kite's HP bar turned blackish red. Just slight damage and he will be dead.

Darcel lifted his broad sword high up in the air and was about to slashed Kite's head when Vanessa shouted.

"Fine! I'll serve you forever if you want! Just let him go! Please...", Vanessa begged. She couldn't handle seeing her lover die in front of her. She would rather die in his stead than him dying here.

"Do you think I'll listen to your dilly dal-" Before he could finish what he was saying, an idea popped out from Darcel's head. He smiled evilly and looked at Vanessa's eye.

"I'll let your little lover go. But first, he must come with us to ensure you wouldn't try to escape. I'll let the both of you go after this", he said righteously, as if he was giving benefits and blessing to the two.