Vanessa's Origin

When Darcel woke up, he was greeted by a fascinated sight. He met an unbelievable breathtaking young woman.

"You're awake!" The girl happily cheered when he saw Darcel woke up.

Seeing that smile, Darcel froze. She was too cute. He probably guessed that she's at the age of 14 judging from her face and stature.

Darcel slowly got up and looked at his body. There was a new set of clothes there. He looked around and when he saw that the girl was the only one here, he blushed.

"Did... did... you... clothes...?" Darcel stuttered. Even though he was already 20 years old, unknowingly he began to shy around this girl.

Darcel was a prideful individual. If his father saw this scene, he'll probably beat Darcel up.

Nancy looked at him puzzlingly. Why was his face turning red? This uncle was really strange.

"Uncle. I can't understand what you are saying", the girl asked innocently.

Hearing the word 'uncle', Darcel's face fell. "Did you change my clothes?" He dejectedly asked.

"Of course! I'm the only one here in this house. You're really a strange uncle!"

When he heard that 'uncle' word again, he finally breathed a sigh of defeat.

But he didn't felt strange about this girl living on her own in this house. There are a lot of people who live by themselves in this world. Godryk was immensely big, unlike Earth where 7 billion can overpopulate the world. Plus Godryk has only 20% of water. Ordinary Level 10 Grade 0 Water Elementalist can produce 20 liters of water every minute. This was the reason the two Titan only created 20% water but this 20% was the size of 20 Earth combined. Godryk has billion of races with millions of people each race. But Godryk still has no complete map of itself.

"I'm Nancy! May I know your name uncle?" Nancy cutely asked.

Nancy. Dancel kept this name deep into his memory. "I'm Dancel. I'm still young so please don't call me uncle", he pleaded.

"I understand Uncle Darcel!", Nancy happily shouted.

'So cute! But why would you still call me uncle, huhuhu.' Darcel could only accept this title he was given to.

Normally Darcel would kill the person here to gain a decent amount of ExP and haul all the things here. But the girl living here was cute. And this was the territory of the strongest family here in the country he was in. The Uravek Country, ruled by the Ghost Race side race, Banshee Race. And committing murder in their territory was equal to challenging their rule. His level was also too low, only at Level 20.

Banshees' were the race that everyone feared in this country and the surrounding ones. Banshees' has two unique skills everyone has, 'Death Cry' and the 'Own Demise'.

Death Cry was a debuff skill that reduced the luck of a person that mostly result in death. Luck was one of the hidden attributes that can't be seen on the system. The higher the luck the higher the chance you gain better loot in monsters and other things that relied on luck to win, for example, the lottery. But it doesn't only function like normal luck in RPG games. It also meant literally. When your luck goes in the negative then the loot drop 'drops' and sometimes you can't get any loot from a monster anymore. You may also encounter a lot of bad luck that caused your level to dropped, attribute dropped, and sometimes death.

Own Demise was a sacrificing skill that sacrificed a Banshee's life for someone. And the one who received the sacrifice will have their luck boosted to another level. Not only that, but that person will be protected for one time. When a person or monster tried to kill that person who received the sacrifice, then the attacker will be dead immediately, no question asked. But the condition was that the Level will not be higher than the one who sacrificed their life for 20 Levels.

These two skills cause a lot of people who dare to cause trouble in their territory scared. No one wanted to die after all and you'll only live once and after that was game over.

And Darcel was still a normal person. He doesn't want to die that easily.

"Uncle Darcel! Can I add you as my friend? You're the second person I met other than my mother", Nancy meekly asked.

"Sure sure. But may I ask where is your mother?", Darcel probed.

"She left me here when I was 8 years old. Mom promised me that she'll get me back when I turned eighteen!" Nancy smiled once more. Her smile was so innocent that all the people who saw it will have no choice but to protect her for eternity. And this was what Darcel's current feelings were.

| Nancy want you to add as her friend

Accept or Deny |

Darcel quickly accepted and her status was showed in the system message screen.

| Name: Nancy (Human)

Class: None

Level: 3

HP:120/120 |

Seeing that she was fellow human, Darcel let his guard down. If her race was one of the Celestials or Chthonians then he may be in danger.

"Wow! Uncle Darcel, you're already Level 20. But my mom's level is higher, hehe", she cutely giggled.

Darcel could only smile at her reactions. He decided to spend more time with the girl before he'll leave this place.

But Darcel grew fonder of the girl as days go by. He treated Nancy as his own sister and the more he spent time with her the more attached he became.

This was strange for Darcel. He didn't possess this kind of personality before. He has his own sisters and brothers in his home but they never treated him as their own family. After all, he came from a concubine's womb.

Unknowingly one year passed but Dancel was still accompanying the girl.

He realized that they were on an oasis in the desert. And this oasis was large bot strangely no people ever venture here as well as monsters. But Dancel didn't mind. Spending time with this so-called sister of his was fun enough and he enjoyed it really much.

Nancy also liked her uncle so much. He always played with her and always make her laugh. He told a lot of stories she really enjoyed. And she became a father figure for her.

But this all changed when Nancy brought another man on the verge of dying.