
Was Nancy selfish? For leaving her child alone in his evil Father?

If people can hear her heart-wrenching story, people will have varying emotions and opinions regarding the matter.

However, for Vanessa, it was a whole different case.

Knowing how cruel and lustful Darcel was, her mother should have suffered a lot from the hands of this despicable old man.

"Damn it! I was too optimistic!" Darcel howled. Of course he knew something was off about her from the beginning when they first met. 

However, because of his perspective from this 'weak' girl, even if she was someone from nobility, her threat was low. Who would thought that this child, this fragile girl, was a Banshee! 

Banshee, a side race of the Ghost Race. Possessed two innate skills from birth. 

One was "Death Cry" while the other one was "Own Demise". The former was a debuff skill while the latter is sacrificing skill.