Sliver of Truth

The bell rang and class was finally over.

"At last~ I'm so hungry." Liam yawned and stretched his arms.

He shifted his eyes at Al and smiled.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" He asked with his puppy eyes.

Al sighed and rose up from his seat.

"Let's go, weirdo."

Liam happily stood up when he remembered something.

'Cr*p. I still hadn't cleared up the misunderstanding with Nathalie'

He facepalmed himself and head in Nathalie's direction.


Nathalie was hurriedly arranging her things in the bag. She needed to go home as early as possible. Two demons were in her classroom. One was her best friend while the other one was an archdemon.

Her family was already notified but since this is a public place, they can't suddenly barge their way here. The two demons also haven't done their move. Maybe they meant no harm in here after all.