Fake friends

They don't deserve you

They don't want

They want to use you

The throw you away when their finished

Fuck those fake friends

You don't need them

You're better no matter what they say

Don't listen to them do what you do best

People follow these people and do whatever they say dont. Be your own person and don't try to be like them. You are your own person and don't let anyone tell you other wise.

They'll try to break you and break you but that's only if you let them. Don't let me belitte you. Don't let them look down on you. Fake friends deserve to be with their own kind.

You be your own person

Don't be sad by their betrayal

Don't try to reconcile with them

Move on and find real friends who like you for you and won't try to change you.

So things that you like and what others tell you that you should like. Don't try to fit in when you know you can't. Don't change your self and your personality just to find new friends and be popular. What is popular and why would you wanna be popular if you're not popular for being yourself.

Just saying don't change youself for others and don't be friends with someone who try to change you