Dont you hate....?

Don't You Hate...?

When you're asked to do EVERYTHING in return for nothing?

When you're shoes NEVER wanna stay tied?

When you go to school in ONE weather and walk out into ANOTHER?

When you're friend tries to use you as a PERSONAL SERVANT?

When everyone keeps telling you to SMILE?

When LIFE keeps getting in you're WAY?

When talking solves NOTHING?

When THINKING just leads to DARK times?

When loneliness is you're ONLY FRIEND?

When LIVING is the only answer to a simple "how are you"?

When you TALK and no one HEARS?

When you SCREAM but it's sound is NONE?

When you LIVE and don't WANT to?

Don't you HATE?

Don't you HATE?

Don't you HATE?

Someone please tell me don't you just HATE...the way things GO DOWN?

Cause I know I HATE the way things are SET UP?