Chapter 2

Lux's POV

I gave a low bow in front of father as he gestured me to stand upright with a wave of the hand. I look up at him as he gives me a small smile.

"I'm glad to see you again daughter!". He exclaims.

I bow again lowly acknowledging his words.

"I believe You know why I summoned you here?". He states rather he asks and I look up at him. Great, as usual he goes straight to the point... gods never change, do they?.

"Yes My Lord. To bless me to proceed with my duties". I respond.

Mother smiles widely.

"You are as smart as always!". She says. I give out a small smile

"The Earthlings need a pure guardian. You are the purest of the seven guardians plus you are their leader!". Father starts before he pauses.

Yeah, thanks for remembering I was the leader of the seven guardians before you practically locked me up not to do my duties of promoting justice!.

"A druid from Earth summoned you. He has been trying to summon you for the past two hundred years. Of course you know that is two years in Earth". Mother proceeded for Father. I nodded.

"You were in slumber but now you are awake. Fit to go back.. The Nemeton needs to be guarded". Father said. "You are the only one who can guard it.. Seal it Lux and maintain peace in  Earth".

"We give you our blessings!". Father and Mother both say in unison with gentle wave of their hands towards me and I quickly kneel and kowtow before them  three times to show respect and accepting the blessings before rising up. I can feel Mother's spell is lifted from me... A new energy instills in me, Mother smiles at me and Father gives a nod as I bow lowly at them then leave the great hall... Finally, I'm going back to Earth!.

Scott's POV

We were at Deaton's place. By 'We' I mean the pack; Derek, Isaac- who just got back from his trip. Kira, Malia, Lydia, Cora and Liam.

Ethan and Jackson were in England and London respectively.

Well I was the Alpha making me the leader of the pack since Derek had lost his alpha powers to heal his sister Cora. We were here at Deatons' for a pack meeting that he had called out.

"Why isn't Stiles here?". Deaton asked. I glared at him. Seriously? Did he have to ask such a question on which he knew the answer to?

"Or you didn't tell him about the pack meeting?". He asked.

"He is not pack!". I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Scott, we all know that Stiles isn't the one who killed Allison and Aiden... He was possessed, and no one asks to be in such a situation!".

"I don't care!". I exclaimed angrily as Kira's hand made it's way on my shoulder to comfort me. I looked at her through the corner of my eye, she gave me a reassuring sad smile.

Deaton took a deep breathe as he leaned his hands on the table while looking at everyone.

"I called you here because of the Nemeton". He started. We all looked at him, worry lines filling our faces.

"The Nemeton?". Isaac echoed.

Deaton nodded.

"What happened? What new creature has been leased out?". Derek asked.

"No new supernatural". Deaton answered as he took his hands off the table and crossed his arms against his chest still looking at us.

"There are seven guardians in the world. The guardians protect the seven doors leading to the other side. The Nemeton is one of the doors but it's unguarded". He proceeded.

"One of the guardians isn't doing the job then". Lydia said.

"That guardian is the most powerful but I do not know what happened, she was sealed one thousand years ago.. For the past two years I've been trying to summon her by giving out sacrifices and worshipping her-". I cut him short.

"W-What do you mean?". I asked. Seriously? Who gives out sacrifices to a guardian or worship them? Is this a new cult or something?.

He sighed, "Scott, this guardian is the most powerful because she's the daughter of the Jade god and goddess popularly known as The Jade Rulers or Jade Emporers.. Naturally, she's a goddess!". He explained while looking at me.

"So, as i was saying, I have been trying to give out sacrifices and worshipping her in the hope that she'll unseal herself and come but no!. She didn't. We need her here to guard the Nemeton and we'll be safe". He continued.

"How the hell will we get her to come here?". Malia asked.

"Because she's unsealed and she killed the nogistune's soul thus, the nogistune will never be revived again". Deaton answered.

"That's good then, she'll just come and guard it". I said.

"Scott, you supernaturals need her .. If she comes to guard the Nemeton then, she needs to guard all of you as well and you'll be protected from other supernaturals, hunters and other dangers!". Peter exclaimed as he came through the door to join us, we all looked at him.

"What? You are supernaturals and you don't know about that?". He questioned looking at Derek and I.

"Scott, Peter is right. All seven guardians have a particular human in whom they protect. The human is either supernatural creature or a human close to supernatural creatures... She or he will protect the human thus protecting also the supernaturals around". Deaton said.

"So, one of us should be privileged to have her as his or her guardian?". I asked.

Peter and Deaton nodded.

"When she comes, you are all guaranteed protection just strengthen the pack bond and you have nothing to worry about.." Deaton answered.

"All we have to do is be our brother's keeper so as not to miss her coming". Peter said

"What do you mean by that?". I asked.

"If you don't strengthen the pack bond and shut each other out, when she comes to guide her supernatural, you won't be aware of it". Deaton said.

I nodded.

"The white spirit is very good at hiding." Peter said.

That was easy. We just had to keep our eyes open. Nothing else!.

Lux's POV

I landed down on Earth. I flapped my wings in front before they disappeared from my back, I was taking my human form... Wings, white eyes and glowing skin disappearing... Now if I decided to shift I'd shift to a small white hamster. I looked around, I was in the woods... The Nemeton was a few feet away from me. Seems like the humans cut it down... It's now just a stump of a tree.

I glew my eyes as I looked at it. It had been a long time since it was guarded, The doorway was wide open and spirits both dark and good were roaming freely... Spirits that attracted supernatural creatures down here in this part of the Earth. But now, this was to stop!.

I waved my hand in front as a ball of white light formed on my fingers as I pushed the spirits back and closed the huge door. Israel, the angel under my command appeared. He gave a bow to show respect.

"My lady, I'm glad you are back! I'm under your command. Say a word and it shall be done!". He said before rising up to face me.

"The doorway is closed. Guard it!". I said.

"Yes my lady!".

"Call the other four angels to help in this. If anything happens let me know. Just call my name and I'll be here". I said.

"Yes my lady!". He exclaimed as white smoke covered him before he disappeared to go call the other four. He and the four angels were a small army of mine that helped in doing missions. Each guardian had five angels under their commands to help them out in whatever they needed.

"My lady, we pay our respect to you". Six familiar voices said in unison behind me. I smiled as I slowly turned to face them.

The six guardians.







And I was White...

Seven guardians now united!.

They kowtowed three times before rising up to their feet. I was their leader and friend too..

I rushed towards them and pulled them into a group hug.

"I missed you all". I said beneath my smile.

"We missed you more White". Red said.

"I bet the Earth has really changed by now, huh?". I asked.

"Not much. We all know that one year on earth is a hundred years on the second heaven so basically you have been away from earth for ten years but a thousand years in second heaven". Yellow said as we pulled off of the group hug and stood in a small circle to face each other.

"Gosh! You're making me to feel so old". I said in a teasing tone as they all chuckled.

"You look younger than us though". Green said. "And more beautiful".

I smiled at that.

"Hope you guys haven't been swept off by worldly desires". I muttered.

"HELL NO!". They shouted in unison. I chuckled. As I had said earlier on, being impure while you are a guardian or a goddess is very shameful and embarrassing. And of course, no body wants to be in such a situation where you get so embarrassed.

"So, I bet you guys already found your humans or supernaturals?". I asked. We are all guardians so basically apart from protecting the seven magical doorways, there are seven special humans or supernatural creatures that will be under our care.

"Yeah but for me I got a human who basically is in a pack of Kitsuns and werewolves". Purple said.

I nodded at that.

"I wonder if mine is in a pack of supernaturals or not". I thought out loud.

"Don't worry White, you'll find him or her soon". Orange said with a reassuring smile. I smiled back.

"I hope so. I really do!." I muttered as Israel and the four appeared behind me to start keeping guard.

"I see you've wasted no time in starting your job!". Red said with a huge smirk on his face.

"We all know I'm the hard worker". I responded with a wiggle of my brows. They laughed as we walked away.