Chapter 22

Lux's POV

The guardians and I were to go back to the second heaven to give the Jade Emporer and Empress (my parents) the book of life. It was better off there than here on earth. After all it was a heavenly ancient treasure and it was much safer there than here. I was glad that we had been able to register everyone before Babayada caused any further destruction.

We were yet to know how Scott died. I had a feeling his death was not just Babayada. I mean, she's a cold murderer but then why kill a true alpha first?. My vision and the death of Scott had a link. I was so sure but then I couldn't just tell Stiles because he was still mourning. I didn't want to make him feel worse or Kira who was his girlfriend (They weren't mates anyways but it could still hurt due to the small bond they'd shared). Moreover, Babayada had killed Scott for some other reason which I was pretty much sure that none of us would like.

We slowly walked through the emotionless water, one by one in our full form as we got in the great hall where my parents were seated at the end of the Hall where their thrones were. There were a few other gods and goddesses as well.

We slowly made our way to the front. Meters away from my parents. "The seven guardians pay their respects to you". We all said in unison as we knelt down and kowtowed three times to show our respect. Mother smiled at us. Father kept that straight grim face of his as his usual.

"Rise!". They both said after our third kowtow. We rose to our feet.

"I bet that the rituals went well". Mother interjected.

"Yes dear Empress". We all answered in unison.

"Good". She responded still not hiding the smile that was on her face.

"Bring forth the book!". Father exclaimed. I took in a deep breathe as I retrieved the book from my astral storage and stepped forward to give his guard the book, who then passed it to him.

Father took the book in his hands and looked at it. He hummed in approval as he weighed it using his hand. "Good". He said.

"They deserve a banquet. Don't you think so my lord?". Mother asked Father.

"Of course. At last peace will reign amongst the immortals that the Trinity chose to live among men!". Father agreed.

I let out a nervous chuckle not knowing how else to express myself. I was in front of my parents anyway, they wouldn't mind a little informality, right?.

"What's wrong Guardian White?". Father asked.

Damn him and his formalities. I guess one day he'll wake up and forget that he has a daughter!.

"I am afraid we can not wait for the party my lord.. My lady!". I said with a small bow.

Mother's face fell. She was sad.

Well, sorry to break it this way mother but Babayada is up and strong!.

"The vision I had days ago..". I trailed off.

"What about it?". Mother asked quickly.

"It was a warning that Babayada would strike". I answered.

"And?". Father pressed for more answers.

"She already struck and unfortunately she killed one of the true alpha's in Beacon Hills!". Guardian Red said.

"It was around eleven at night when the killings were made". Guardian Green added with a small bow too.

"That's unacceptable!". Father exclaimed suddenly.

"But no soul passed through here at that time!". Mother argued.

"Huh? What do you mean there's no soul that passed through here at that time?". I asked straightening up more than I should have.

"Hades never summoned anyone at that particular time. He was here for a meeting with us to discuss about the lives of the supernatural creatures on earth". Mother explained..

"It now makes sense!". I thought aloud.

"The alpha died in his mind but he is still alive?". Guardian Yellow asked of course she was always the last one amongst us to decipher things.

"Babayada fooled us all". Guardian Blue said.

"She wants to use Scott's body for her business!". I exclaimed. "She didn't actually kill him. She just wanted a strong body to use."

Mother nodded in agreement. "Go look for a book called The Origins it was once here on heaven but it was lost. It will help you in fighting and knowing Babayada's schemes". Mother advised.

"Yes my lady". We all said with a low bow.

"Update us with new news concerning Babayada." Father said.

"Yes my lord". We answered.

"Be careful daughter. I bless you all with strength and wisdom to fight against this vicious demon". Mother mind linked me as we kowtowed again then we left not forgetting to send her a small smile to show that I had heard her.


"How was the meeting?". Peter asked as we appeared in the living room where he and Isaac were playing video games. Sebastian, Julius, Romeo and Malachi were cuddled up in a puppy pile on one of the air mattresses at the furthest corner of the room.

"Not bad!". I answered.

"Not good". Red responded. Peter huffed.

"Which is which?". He questioned.

"Either can do". Red answered as he slumped on the coach beside him.

"Where's Stiles?". I asked after looking around in the room and missing his presence.

"In the kitchen helping Keeper to bake tea scones". Isaac said, eyes glued on the TV.

"And the rest?". I asked as the other guardians went to their rooms to rest and others sneaked in the kitchen to help themselves or raid whatever Keeper and Stiles were baking.

It smelt nice anyway.

"Out with my nephew. It stopped drizzling". Peter answered.

"I noticed. And Stiles' Dad?". I asked because I couldn't hear his heartbeat in the house and I'd figured it out he wasn't the type to follow Derek around. So obviously he wasn't with Derek.

"Was called up in the station. He had to leave". Stiles answered as he appeared on the doorway, his right cheek flushed with flour as well as his clothes.

I hummed and went to embrace him.

"Did you bake or did the oven bake you instead?". Peter asked.

"Shut up Peter!". Stiles snarled.

"What? It was just a question". Peter answered defensively.

"Focus on the game or go get baked as well". Isaac snapped at him.

"Fine". He grunted and turned his attention back at the game they were playing. Red was already asleep, his head on Peter's shoulder.

"So tell me lovely one, what have you been up to?". I asked Stiles as he lead me to the kitchen where Keeper was taking out ready frosted cupcakes.

"Woah. You made these you two?". I asked.

"Yep. All the hard work". Stiles said but I couldn't miss the sarcasm in his tone.

"Stop lying. All you did was stare and play around". Keeper huffed as she served Yellow and Orange some of the cupcakes.

Stiles blushed, "Did you have to say it all loud? C'mon... Where's the love?".

"Haha very funny". Keeper snapped.

"You two cut it off or I'll hex you". Yellow threatened.

"You aren't a witch!". Stiles argued. "Only witches and wizards hex people".

"Well witched have pointy hats. I have one". Yellow responded while pointing her hat with her finger before taking a bite of her cupcake.

"Be serious".

"I am". Yellow replied with frosted filled lips.

"Anyways, how was the meeting?". Keeper asked.

"Not bad". Peter yelled from the living room.

"Not good". Isaac added.

"What was that?". Keeper asked with a chuckle.

"Either can do!". Isaac and Peter yelled in unison from the living room.

"They're game sick". I said quickly.

"Is that even a word?". Orange asked.

"Yeah two words". I answered. "Game and sick".

Stiles' phone rang. He answered it. It was his father. Yellow and Orange stopped eating. Even Isaac and Peter were now in the kitchen to listen up just in case the older man was in danger or needed help.

"Son?". He questioned. His voice hesitant and exhausted.

"Yes Pops?". Stiles answered in a slightly panicked voice.

"Something came up". John answered.

"What is it Dad?". Stiles asked.

I could hear John take in a deep shaky breathe, "Scott's body is missing!".

"What do you mean it's missing?". Stiles asked puzzled.

John took in another deep breathe, "Stiles, Scott's body is not in the morgue where we left it. Melissa is upset."

Stiles let out a nervous chuckle as he scratched his head, "Why? You think someone stole his body?".

"It's unlikely. Everything just seems off and..." He trailed off then sighed, "Unnatural". He added.

My heart thumped hard against my chest. Scott's body was missing? Just like that?. I could feel Yellow's and Orange's eyes on me. We were all thinking of the same thing... That the assumptions we'd made were.... Right!.

"I will be there by evening. Don't worry son, I'll update you on everything". John said.

I could feel the uneasiness and confusion in the room caused by Stiles, Keeper, Peter and Isaac.

Stiles exhaled, "Okay Dad. You call me in case of anything and take care please."

"I will".

"We'll try to track his body down if that's possible". Stiles' promised.

"Thank you son". John replied and with that, the line went dead..

Stiles looked at me, his hand raking back his hair. He took in a deep breathe.

"I am sorry but we kinda know what's going on". I said.

"What do you mean?". Stiles asked.

"The meeting.. Babayada..." I trailed off then sighed, "Scott is not dead". I said.

This was not the way I had intended in breaking the news. Not this way.

His face turned white.

He gasped in shock.

"What?". Isaac, Peter and Keeper asked in unison. 

This was a heck of a day!.