Chapter 27

Stiles' POV

Everyone held hands. Everyone was in a panicking state apart from Lux who seemed to be calm enough. She closed her eyes and chanted something that I couldn't hear due to the noise that was being caused by whatever was attacking the plane underneath plus the engine which roared with exhaustion. We we're struggling to breathe as the plane went down but suddenly, it was like a blur of light had taken over.

We weren't in the plane anymore. We were on a ship?.

"Thank the Heavens I was close, eh?". A woman came into view. She was in her mid thirties, had dark hair and a large golden crown on her head. She was in a red Chinese like gown embroided with gold, in her hands she was holding a green-blue sceptre. She smiled at us as we stood up from the ship's floor.

"Thank you Goddess Mazu". Lux said with a low bow before turning to face us. The woman, Goddess Mazu, gave a low bow as well to acknowledge her.

"Guys, this is Goddess Mazu. Aaaand we are on her "flying ship" as we speak at the moment so don't freak out". Lux explained not forgetting the air quotes that she had added.

"Oh trust me, I'm trying not to". I said teasingly trying to catch my breathe.

"Flying ship? Aawessomeee". Malia squealed happily.

Keeper smiled. It was evident that this was an old acquittance of hers though she said nothing. 

Derek just snorted while Peter looked around. Lydia and Jackson were oddly quiet but I was sure that they were saving their comments for later on.

"This is your team?". The Goddess asked.

"Yes, we were to fly to Jamaica but we were attacked and that's why I called you to help us. I apologize if there was any inconvenience caused". Lux answered.

"No worries. I was on patrol anyway. I'll fly you to Jamaica then.. Or even better, I can ship you through the Caribbean Sea". Goddess Mazu offered.

"Thank you. That will be great". Lux responded with a smile.

"It's nothing. Don't mention it. Just make yourselves comfortable. I'll tell Lily to show you to your cabins". Mazu replied as she led us to a hall like room where five men stood.

"This is my team. Four were water demons before and one was a prince but you know how his story goes... His elder brother plotted to kill him, he escaped but all is good now". She said. "Meet Ja Ying and Ja Yong who are twins, Ga Liñ Jong, Mworse who once kidnapped women and turned them into old hags and Prince Bi An". She introduced them to us, they gave a low bow before leaving.

"Plus Lily, she's on your team now, right? She's learning how to use the magic mirror huh?". Lux asked. The Goddess nodded with that same smile that never seemed to fade off of her face.

A young lady almost our age came running towards us shouting Goddess Mazu's name. She was taller, slim and was she under Aderalls or something?..

"Um, this is Lily. Lily, this is Lux.. The daughter of the Jade Emporer and her team". Mazu introduced us, gesturing us with her free hand that wasn't holding the sceptre. Lily was about to kowtow before us but Lux stopped her so she gave a low bow instead.

"I have heard great and many things about you. But how comes you look younger than me? I thought the many things a god or goddess did the older they became.. But you look like you're sixteen or something". Lily said as she tilted her head a little while looking at Lux.

"I'm immortal, remember?". Lux said totally amused by the way the older girl was hyper. "She's just like you". Lux mind linked me.

"Oh yeah... You're really beautiful though. What's your secret?". Lily asked.

"Trust me sweetheart, she won't tell me either". Lydia blutered out with a pinched smile and flip of hair which I realized she had been doing it often these days.

"Oh". Lily mumbled.

"Please show them to the guest cabins. Next stop, Jamaica!". The Goddess suggested trying to hide her amused smile behind her hand.

"Right away Goddess Mazu". Lily replied, giving a low bow and leading us away apart from Keeper and Lux who stayed behind to catch up with the Goddess.


"This place is overly fancy". Lydia remarked.

"Gold.. Everywhere!". Malia added with a struck of awe in her expressions.

"It's beautiful". Malachi said, he was holding hands with Sebastian it was obvious that there was a thing between the two. But who dared ask?. They looked good together anyways.

"Yeah". I replied as we followed Lily.

"This ship was a gift from the Jade Emporer to Goddess Mazu". Lily explained.

"The Jade Emporer like Lux's parents?". Jackson asked.

"Yes. Goddess White's parents". Lily replied.

"Woah they're really rich then". Lydia said.

"Rich is not the word to use". Lily deadpanned.

Silence took over as she showed us to our various cabin rooms. "You better rest, Call me in case you need anything". Was all she said before turning to leave.

Malachi, Sebastian decided to share their cabin so as Julius and Romeo. Dad gave me a squeeze on the shoulder, I gave him a nod before he left for his room. Isaac, Malia, Peter, Derek and Lydia did the same before leaving. Jackson stayed back.

"Aren't you going to your cabin?". I questioned.

"Um, I... I want to talk to you". He stuttered. He never stuttered before, what did he want to talk to me about?.

I raised a brow at him. He let out a sigh while looking away then back at me, "Stop looking at me like that".

"Like how?". I asked, my brows furrowed.

Jackson let out another sigh. "I... I just want to thank you".

"Thank me?". I asked puzzled. 

He nodded, "Yes Stiles. I want to thank you for helping me out during the kanima thing and all that. Being there for Lydia when I wasn't".

"Lydia is my friend, I did what I was supposed to do as a friend's duty". I remarked. "Even though you wanted to kill us all, I understand you we're not yourself at that time".

"Thank you". Jackson appreciated. "I'm also sorry for all the ill treatment".

My brow raised higher in question. This was not Jackson or  was I dreaming.

"You're kidding me, right?". I asked.

"Kidding you? Why should I be doing that?". He asked back.

"You know, because I'm just Stiles". I know, I know, that was a lame response.

Jackson snorted, "Exactly, you're Stiles and you deserve better. You deserve all the good things Stiles. I've been an asshole I know. Pushing you around and treating you like trash was not right. I'm sorry".

"You know, this is literary one of those moments that you've spoken much to me in one go, right?". I asked.

He nodded in agreement, "I just want you take me as a friend. I want to make it up to you".

"You want us to be friends?".

He nodded again, "Y-Yes! Yes I want us to be friends".

"Okay but only on one condition".

His eyebrow perched up before he spoke, "Name your price".

"Get back together with Lydia. Please. We all know she took part in bringing you back when you we're a lizard guy".

Jackson sighed, "Don't let that trouble you Stiles. I love her too much to let her go".

I smiled at that. "Then we're good".

He smiled as well which seemed odd since he was smiling at me and not Lydia whom we we're all used to him openly showing his feelings off too. But I knew that this was the start of a great acquisition.

"See you later". Jackson said as he turned to leave.

"See ya Jack boy". I replied earning a snort from him. Somehow, I felt lighter than the way I was before. I opened the door to my room and got in before shutting it behind me. Did they serve curly fries here?.


All I could see was blood and more blood.

It was as if blood was the sea that we we're sailing on...

It was as if the clouds had opened up and it was raining blood drops instead of water droplets...

Blood was everywhere and all I could see was.... Half of where I was, was covered by a deep misty fog that was heavy you could almost touch it and you couldn't see through it, I couldn't see what was there in the fog and I didn't struggle to see past the fog... While the other side was.... Bloody!.

It made me feel... Have the urge to puke but I didn't.

I stood in the middle... In between the two strange fog and bloody sight... I couldn't move and I didn't know why, somehow I was comfortable there that I forgot to attempt to move.

So, I stood there, watching nothing in particular until the white deep fog started to fade away revealing what was there.

Somehow, I started feeling uncomfortable and disturbed... Something was itching me and my heart ached.. Ached due to an unknown reason to me... I moved to look beyond the land that had been covered by the fog, it then caught my attention.

The figure lying on the dusty earth floor was very familiar to me.

From a distance, I could hear people crying as if they were mourning?.... But I couldn't see them. It was just the familiar figure on the ground and I.

The figure was of a female... I was so sure about it... It was in a red dress and the dark brown hair?... Where had I seen that before?.

It then hit me as I inched closer to the body.... The familiar peach petals scent that I loved so much..

The figure on the floor in a red dress was Lux.

I stood perplexed to the earth floor as I looked at her unmoving body. She wasn't moving, I couldn't feel any emotions from her.. Not fear, not pain, not agony... No nothing.. There were no emotions from her.

No Emotions!.

It was painful but it was the reality.

She was dead.

Did gods die?.

I thought they were immortals and death was a stranger to them?.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move closer towards her any further because I was so sure that I couldn't take it to see her face that was facing the other side as her back was facing me.

I don't know how long I stood there but what reminded me that I was still standing was when I had fallen on my knees, a chocking sound released from my throat as I cried.

The heart ache and empty feeling.... Was this how to felt to loose a guardian? To loose a mate? Someone you just learnt to love?. Was this how Derek had felt when he had lost Paige?.... When Peter had lost his wife such that he became insane?... I could become insane too because I was already used to having Lux around and now without her here.... How would life be?... How would my life be?...

My mind felt empty as well, I couldn't process anything but all I wanted was this to be a dream... One of those dreams I had during the nogitsune, one of those dreams I could wake up from and be a little relieved that the worst had yet to happen...  That I still had time to save everyone from the chaos that was sure to come.

I sobbed out trying to relieve my heart off of the tight feeling it felt but it was as if, the more I cried, the tighter it became, sending waves of pain all over my body.

I felt a sudden sting on my back, so sharp that I let out a scream...

I jerked awake!..

It was just a dream!

No! A nightmare and a nasty one... Lux was dead in my dream. ..

I looked around, I was in my cabin room that we I was supposed to share with Lux. But where was she?.  

Just then, the door to my room opened revealing a very agonized looking Malachi...