

Voting time will be at the end of the chapter! Cause you're gonna need all infos before voting!



You have heard, well, a lot about it. Other people talked about it, even your friends trying to pull you in that fandom. You didn't understand why. Why would people like a game, where it's just killing each other, and then got killed because of it? It's... nonsense really. But you stopped thinking about it. It's not like it will affect your life so you just ignored that game and live on with your own path, your own life.

It's another pleasant afternoon at school, and you were just doing your assignments. You were supposed to go back at home now, but you would rather stay here really. At least there's some... lively things here. At home, there is only you, and yourself. It's lonely to say the least, so you just decide to be at school until you have to leave. "Hey (Y/N)! Look! My parents agreed to buy for me Danganronpa! Look! I'm so happy!" Your friend, Tsuki ran over to you with that happy smile on her face. "Oh, that's... congratulations? Well, you can play it when you got home." You didn't really want to smile at her, or anything at all. You just... didn't know how to response.

You're not a fan of the game, and never will be anyway, so why should you care? "Aww, I was hoping my dear (Y/N) will play it with meee... I mean, you have to get into it sometimes, you know? I mean... it's sucky that you wouldn't be into an amazing fandom like this and all..." The female pouted as you just groans a little. "See Tsuki, I'm just not interested, so leave me alone, you can play that game if you wanted to, just stop trying already." You let out a huff before getting out of the classroom. You looked up at the sky, and it has been signaling it'd rain for a while now... ah, right...

You decide to be hurry on it and made your way as quickly as possible, but too late. One drop, two drops... the sky turned black as the rain fell down, you groaned and covered your head with a bag and hurried up to the closest bus stop so that you can wait until the rain is over. Sitting down on the bench, you let out a huge sigh and looked up at the sky. 'The rain isn't gonna end soon, isn't it...?' You leaned backwards and started to swing your leg, just like that, you were bored, you didn't have anything to do everyday, just study, eat, sleep.

Another sigh escaped your mouth and the water just fall down more and more. You then saw someone, coming at the bus stop too. She is holding an umbrella, but... why does she need to come here...? What does she want...? Those are the only questions that has been in your head. "Here, have this umbrella, I don't need it otherwise." The girl just closed the umbrella and gave it to you, after that she walked away, leaving you standing there. "Hey! Wait a second! Who the hell are you?" You called out, but he never responded, and continued walking. "Ugh, weirdo..." You groaned before looking to the umbrella again.

She doesn't look like someone in your school, or anyone related to you, nor your friend's friends. So what is she doing? A mere stranger... is this going to be fine? Nah, it's not like you can drug someone using an umbrella... right? You decided to just shrug all of it off and opened the umbrella. Seems working well. You got out from the bus station and continued with your journey going back home. The rain stopped once you got home. "Jeez, why does it have to rain today." You groaned for the millionth time today as you threw the umbrella to the ground, and go to the bathroom so that you could finally get a proper bath and change yourself.


After doing everything, you flopped yourself onto that comfy bed of yours and covered your eyes by your arm. It's just another annoying day, like any other ones. It's useless to think about everything that has been happening... but... "Hm... should I return that umbrella...? Maybe I can do that somehow... whatever, I will figure it out sooner or later." You sighed and turned off the light. You wanted to go to sleep more early today because school pressure and other stuff. You stared at the ceiling for a while before closing your eyes. It was a long day, and now you just needed some rest... besides, tomorrow would be Saturday and you'd have all time for yourself... right? All alone...



"Hey! You're always like this whenever we go to the library, get up jeez!"

You could hear a voice... of someone? Right next to you. You feel like you were at a table of some sort, and... why not in your bed...? What's... happening? You hurriedly lift your head up and looked at the girl across you. You are at some place, looks like a library, and in your hand is some book, and the female who is with you look like... that girl who gave you that umbrella? "Aha, finally you're up. Anyway, wanna go back home now or?" The stranger questioned you again as you tilted your head with confusion. You absolutely doesn't understand what the hell is going on.

"I-Is this a dre- no, nightmare? Who the hell?! I know, I just need to pinch myself right?!" You asked in panic as you started to pinch yourself in the cheek, but it's just painful, and... not effective to explain what's going on. "Hm... Did you seriously forgot who I am? That's jeez, disappointing really... We were just uniting again after years and you are already like that." The brunette sighed and lean backwards, putting her hands behind her head, she continued. "If you don't know, I'm Ramu Takeshi, nice to meet you again (Y/N)." She smiled as you just looked at her with a disgusted face.

"I don't need an introduction? I just need to know where am I?" You asked again and Ramu just chuckled. "It's not strange that you forget everything so soon. Come on, you were stuck in the rain so I have to bring you here. After that you just fall asleep for Atua knows what reason. Anyway, let's go now. She smiled at you as you just stared at her with confusion again. "H-How did you... this is all confusing! Just let me go home! My home!" You demanded again, but Ramu only looks at you with a confused expression. "Hm, afraid not so, honey, you just asked to live with me, so~ that's what we're doing!" Ramu smiled and took your wrist.

"Come on! Let's go! It's not far away from this place so I'm sure your lazy self can make it!" She said and pulled you up from the chair and got out of the public library. Ramu called a taxi over and just sorta dragged you inside that car. Confusion written all over your face, as you just sitting inside that car. 'Is she kidnapping me or...' You trailed off and tried to remember whatever that happened. It was just a normal day at school, Tsuki introduced you to her new Danganronpa game, it was raining, and maybe this Ramu girl gave you the umbrella, after you got home you went to the bathroom and then go to sleep.

There isn't anything off besides this girl! Maybe she's the root to this? Maybe you shouldn't take this umbrella after all? Everything is so confusing and you can't even think straight now. After a while of driving, it seems like you have arrived to the location... "Alright! We have made it, (Y/N)~ Get up, get up!" Ramu smiled and opened the door for you, making it like you're a celebrity or something. With closing the door, you finally can look at the plac...e... "You live at a... mansion...?" You asked and pointed to the huge building. "Yeah, why? Jeez, don't tell me you don't remember- oh wait, you already forgot a lot of things."

Ramu teased before pulling your wrist again. Getting to the door, she knocked on it a few times, and someone finally answered it. As the door opens, it reveals a female with long blue hair, she wears a high school uniform-looking outfit, and she's beautiful not gonna lie. "Oh! Welcome back Ramu! And..." She looked over to you and smiled at you a little. "Ah, this gal's name is (Y/N)! Say hi!" Ramu smiled as the blue haired female nodded and bow at you. "Good afternoon (Y/N), my name is Sayaka Maizono." She introduces as you nod and bowed back.

"So, (Y/N) will be living with us from now on, so don't be a shy bean, I'll help you out!" Ramu said in a cheerful tone of hers and entered the mansion. You saw some people were chatting, and some just standing there. But then all of their attention were adverted to you as you entered the mansion. "Hey everyone! We have a new person coming in town!" Ramu announced as she pulled you to meet with others. It seems like everyone had gathered around. "Oh, newcomer? Hm, hi then." A red-haired guy said as you awkwardly waved back at him.

"Come on, introduce yourselves! It's not like she would know who you are if you don't say!" Ramu pouted as some of them nods to each other. "I'm Sonia Nevermind! Well, I'm not sure what other way to introduce myself, but nice to meet you!" The long blonde haired girl introduced first as you nodded. "Hm, name's Leon Kuwata, nice to meet you I guess." The red headed dude shrugged. "My name is Nagito Komaeda, nice to meet you." The white haired guy said before looking over to a girl next to him, she was sleeping while holding a game controller... how weird. He shakes her arm a little bit to wake her up as she looked at you with a confused face.

"Oh, my name is Chiaki Nanami... and I like playing games, I guess..." She trailed off and continued to fall asleep again. 'Wait... these characters... look familiar...?' You thought to yourself and looked at them with a suspicious eye. You stopped narrowing your eyes when you noticed a male with dark hair and some tips is purple. 'He's that character! Um- He's from Danganronpa?! Wait, does that mean all of these are from... Danganronpa...? But I thought Danganronpa is fictional? Or it's a killing game? The hell happened?' Those questions has been playing in your head as the next person introduces themselves.

"Nishishi~ Guess it's my turn? Don't look at me like that (Y/N)-chan~ If you're wondering, I am Kokichi Oma, and nice to meet you, not." He gave you a cheerful look as he say so and you just looked at him with disgust. You really don't wanna deal with this right now... "Sorry, he's just l-like that... I-I'm Shuichi Saihara, I hope we can g-get along..." You gazed over to the dark blue haired male as he introduces. "... Name's Maki Harukawa. Don't try to be all friendly with me, that's all I'm saying." The dark brown haired female closes her eyes and looked away.

"Oh, it's my turn? Then, I'm Kaede Akamatsu." The blonde quickly introduced herself, and there's only that glasses guy left... "We have a lot of people now, do you necessarily have to bring more? Whatever. Name's Byakuya Togami. And it's Togami to you." Byakuya said before walking upstairs to go somewhere. "Hm, sorry (Y/N), that guy is rude, so it will get quite a long time for you two to get along." Ramu said before shrugging, you just stared at everyone. Some of them decided to go somewhere else rather than talking to you. After that, Ramu helped you with finding your room and other stuff.

"So, here is your room! Those are the boxes you need to unpack, if you need my help, feel free to ask anyone here, even me. But either way, I'll go back to my room now." Ramu smiled and you just looked around your room with an uneasy feeling. You didn't know how you got here, you barely trust anyone, and you definitely doesn't want to get to know these people... but if you have to do that to get out... then you will. The moment you stuffed your hands in your pockets, you feel like there's also something. You pulled the object out to see... and it's a phone? You just opened the screen to check what's inside... and it's some statuses with the people in this mansion here...

"Huh, maybe some useful information..."


Ramu Takeshi•


Love: -10

Friendship: 50

Jealousy: -100

Note: Ramu likes to mood swing, she can be sweet but can be toxic at the same time. Preferably not to mess around with her and have a proper conversation when interacts.

Personality: Kamidere + Yandere

Opinion: (Y/N) is an interesting person to talk with!

Kaede Akamatsu•


Love: -100

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -100

Note: Kaede's hobbies is playing piano, she likes to talk to people when interacting and she's a kind person, she's safe to talk to.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I still doesn't understand why Ramu must bring another person here but... I guess I can talk to her.

Sayaka Maizono•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sayaka loves singing and wishes to be a pop star. She doesn't really like you since you came here, but she'll tolerate you anyway.

Personality: Kanedere + Yandere

Opinion: Sure, Ramu can bring anyone here but... (Y/N) seems like a strange person, she doesn't seem like liking us either

Leon Kuwata•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Leon likes to play baseball and he's sometimes humorous. But sometimes he could be angry. He doesn't really like to have you around but he'll handle that.

Personality: Bodere + Yandere

Opinion: I don't understand why (Y/N) must be here, but sure, Ramu can do what she likes I guess.

Chiaki Nanami•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Chiaki loves to play games, and often sleepy. She likes new people so she'd love to have you around.

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: I don't know much, but I guess (Y/N) is nice.

Nagito Komaeda•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Nagito, well, let's say he's lucky. He likes hope and really look down on himself, so if you're talking to him, well, try to cheer him up.

Personality: Hinedere + Yandere

Opinion: I haven't talked to (Y/N) much, but if I did, maybe I can learn more about her. I hope she's a hopeful person.

Maki Harukawa•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Not sure what she likes to do, but she's a cold person, and doesn't like to interact with anyone.

Personality: Kuudere + Yandere

Opinion: I don't have any opinion on (Y/N).

Shuichi Saihara•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Shuichi is good at investigations and detective solving stuff. He doesn't have any strong opinion on you, so he hope that you are not a bad person.

Personality: Dandere + Yandere

Opinion: I guess I'll know (Y/N) better if I just talk to her.

Sonia Nevermind•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sonia is a smart person, and she'll be open up to anyone, she's also kind and outgoing.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I wonder what kind of person (Y/N) is...

Kokichi Oma•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Kokichi is a deceiving person. He often lies just for attention unless if he have some sort of goal. He usually gets what he wants.

Personality: Sadodere + Yandere

Opinion: Hmm~ (Y/N) seems interesting~ Maybe she isn't really like these stupid people.

Byakuya Togami•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Byakuya doesn't like interactions with anyone. He's just blunt and usually spend time on his own. Usually hard to befriend with.

Personality: Oujidere + Yandere

Opinion: (Y/N) is just another useless person that isn't needed for this world. Why did Ramu even bring someone as her here.



You will hang out with:

A) Ramu

B) Byakuya

C) Sayaka

Go to...:

A) The library with Sonia

B) Music room with Kaede and Sayaka

C) Asking Shuichi to help with unpacking the boxes in her room instead.

Have a late night talk with

A) Leon

B) Maki

C) Kokichi