Chapter 9: Day 6: Hanging Out


Fact: I only give you guys facts/tips whenever I think you guys are almost doomed.

And you guys are pretty muchly gonna doom soon. Dw, I'll try my best to make the consequences smaller :)


Day 6: Morning

"You groaned as you got up from your bed, and head to your closet to see what clothes you could wear for your hanging out with Celestia. You were about to get your favorite jacket, but it just wasn't there? What? Where could it be? Did you bring it somewhere and just forgets? How? "Ugh... Great, whatever, I guess I can get this one." You sigh before picking your second favorite jacket and got out of the room. You got to the bathroom and changed your clothes. With getting downstairs, you didn't see some people today. It was Ramu, Byakuya as always and Shuichi.

Wonder what's happening? You remembered yesterday while reading the opinions, you did saw Ramu getting hit by the baseball bat... And there are some weird opinions too... You don't understand it a little bit... You hope it isn't true... but guess it'd be the truth...? "Oh, good morning (Y/N)! Come, sit down and have some breakfast with us!" Sonia called as you shook your head, and waves at them. "Well, I have to go meet a friend now, I'll eat with them, so bye!" You said and walked away, looking forward to the road, it was a quite long way, but eventually you made it to the park, and saw the two drills girl standing there.

"Celes! Hey!" You called while waving at her as she turned her back and look at you. "Ah, good morning (Y/N). You did get a good sleep, yes?" "Yeah, I had a good sleep. So do you wanna eat breakfast? Dunno, I'm just hungry." You confessed as the female nods and you two walked over to a random convenient store to buy some food. You picked (F/F) and just eat them while sitting with Celestia. The two of you chatted and Celestia just telling some of the cards, or gambling tricks. She seems passionate about it though. So you might as well just go through it it.

You two talked together for a bit longer, and finally you get to go home. "So, see you around?" Celestia asked as you nod. "Yeah, well, see ya!" You got into the mansion and saw Ramu just walking around at the main hall, Maki looking at you, seeming like she wanted to talk. But when you were about to walk up to her, you could feel someone pulling your hand back... It was Chiaki.. Of course it would be her. "(Y/N)... please hang out with me..." You would rather hanging out with Byakuya, or anyone other than Chiaki right now, but you guess you'll have to anyway, maybe it would get her obsession down a bit, and would probably leave you alone.

"Oh, can I come with? I didn't have anything do do either way." Hajime said as he looked at you and Chiaki. The gamer pouts a bit before nodding and decided to leave. Chiaki and Hajime really have split opinions... Chiaki wanted to go to the arcade, while that Hajime just wanted to go to a park to hang out. The two of them fight mostly of the times, making you a bit uncomfortable. "Guys, can we just calm down? We can't go anywhere if you guys keep this on." You said and got in between them. "Oh, of course (Y/N)... Then where do you want to go?" Chiaki quickly give you a quick smile. "Yeah, I'll respect your option, (Y/N)." Hajime agrees too, but he's just glaring at Chiaki a bit. (Cries in Hinanami shipper)

"Let's go to the park, playing games too much isn't good too." You said as Chiaki nods in agreement. "Of course, I don't like games that much to hurt my health, so the park it is!" You could sense that lie. She probably just say that to agree with you or something. You sighed and you three got to a park. Sitting on a bench, Chiaki was leaning on your shoulder as Hajime decided to sit closer to you. You are really uncomfortable now, but you have no other choices but to just sit there and accept it. After a while of Chiaki playing games, and Hajime talking to you. Mostly receiving an awkward moment, but you two just talked.

"Well, should we go back now? I just wanna- Um, go back home and all..." You spoke up and Chiaki nods, but still leaning onto your shoulder. "Well, she can't go if you keep on leaning on her shoulder." Hajime said while taking my hand and holding it tightly. "Hm... I just wanna lean more... I wanna sleep..." Chiaki said while keep on. You're now uncomfortable, wanting to get out, and dislike both of these people. You saw this ship quite a lot, and in here they really be hating on each other.

I am in the library, as always with Ramu... But today was a little bit different for Ramu, every once in a while she would just stare at her phone and not focusing on reading. I wonder what is it? Is it cause she's texting someone? No, I doubt that she'd do that... but what if she did? Wait, why am I even caring... I decided to focus more into my book as Ramu just keep getting distracted. "Ramu? Why won't you just read your book, stop looking to your phone, it's not good." I said out loud, clearly getting annoyed by her anticipation.

"Just a little bit Bya, I need to-" "No, you're not, just read your book." I leaned further away from my chair and grabbed her phone. "Hey! Give that back!" "No, until we're done you're getting this phone back." "Heeey! Stop being a mom and give. Me. Back. My. Phone!" The female demanded as I just shove the phone to my pocket. "No." Ramu stood up from her chair and started to come at me. What's up with her? Why is this phone to important? "Byakuya! It's important just let me have it back! Pleaaase!" "No-" "If won't then I'll take it by force!" The brunette jumped at me, trying to reach for the phone in my pocket, but I held her wrist back with pushing her away.

"Ow... Now my wrist hurts..." "Serves you well, I'll continue reading now. I'll return your phone once we finish." "Meanie!!" "Yeah I know I am." Ramu groaned before taking a seat and picking up the book.

You finally came back to the mansion, it was a hell of the day. You're really tired, and only wanted to be alone... But Chiaki being Chiaki, she's clinging onto your arm, and you just ignores it and went to your room. Hajime went to his's instead, which is good. Once you got to the font door, you shook your arm a little to try and wake her up. "Hm...?" "We have arrived, so you should go to your room now." You said as Chiaki let go of your arm and rub her eyes. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow... Goodbye (Y/N)..." Chiaki yawned before walking away. But before you could even reach your room, a hand placed onto your shoulder.

"I swear to God-" "O-Oh I'm s-sorry..." Shuichi stuttered as you gazes at him. He's one of that person who have a creepy opinion, but you really couldn't do anything about it. "I-I was just wondering that... U-Um... I'm getting nightmares recently... a-and I really want someone with me... s-so... Can I stay at your room?" "No." "Pl-Please?" Shuichi asked again, seeming to never give up. "I swear to God- I have had enough for today, I only want a peaceful time alone for me, so just go and ask someone else."

"Please... I want to stay with you... You're the only one who could understand me and I... Well..." "Ugh fine." You just want Shuichi to let go off your hand as you entered the room. You got your clothes and went to the bathroom to change it. With walking in again, Shuichi is already asleep. 'Should I just go...?' You thought to yourself as you wanted to go now. You really don't want Shuichi to sleep with you, so yes, you're going to sleep somewhere else even if it means the couch. You quietly get your pillow and went downstairs. But surprisingly for you, Ramu is there too.

"Ramu? What are you doing this late?" "Same goes to you- Why did you carry your pillow out here?" The female questioned. "Ah, it was Shuichi, he said he wanted to stay at my room, but I don't like it, so I just decided to go to the couch instead." You explained. "Oh, really? You can take my room if you like." Ramu said as you shook your head. "No thanks, I don't like to sleep with anyone-" "You got the wrong idea! I'll sleep out here instead, I don't mind sleeping on the couch, sometimes I just sleep on the floor in my room anyway..." Ramu said and looked to the ground, turning away from you.

"Oh, I see, well goodnight Ramu, if you want, I guess you could y'know, don't suffer out here." You said while walking away. "Gotcha, goodnight."


Ramu Takeshi•


Love: -5

Friendship: 65

Jealousy: -80

Note: Ramu likes to mood swing, she's a calm person to be around, but she could easily be jealous with other people, she just doesn't show it.

Personality: Kamidere + Yandere

Opinion: Byakuya didn't give me back my phone... That was expected really.

Kaede Akamatsu•


Love: -100

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -92

Note: Kaede's hobbies is playing piano, she likes to talk to people when interacting and she's a kind person, she's safe to talk to.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I don't know, but I don't think it's save around Shuichi anymore...

Sayaka Maizono•


Love: -120

Friendship: -65

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sayaka loves singing and wishes to be a pop star. She doesn't really like you since you came here, but she'll tolerate you anyway.

Personality: Kanedere + Yandere

Opinion: I wonder who did (Y/N) hang out with in the morning?

Leon Kuwata•


Love: -99

Friendship: -97

Jealousy: -90

Note: Leon likes to play baseball and he's sometimes humorous. But sometimes he could be angry. He doesn't really like to have you around but he'll handle that.

Personality: Bodere + Yandere

Opinion: I practiced baseball again. Luckily I didn't hit anything.

Chiaki Nanami•


Love: -70

Friendship: -70

Jealousy: -100

Note: Chiaki loves to play games, and often sleepy. She likes new people so she'd love to have you around.

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: I can't describe my feelings anymore... I love her, I love (Y/N)! I want to hang out with her...

Nagito Komaeda•


Love: -98

Friendship: -95

Jealousy: -97

Note: Nagito, well, let's say he's lucky. He likes hope and really look down on himself, so if you're talking to him, well, try to cheer him up.

- Nagito likes bagel

Personality: Hinedere + Yandere

Opinion: I feel like Chiaki got a lot of hope today, but... A little bit too much, is that a good thing?

Maki Harukawa•


Love: -100

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -100

Note: Not sure what she likes to do, but she's a cold person, and doesn't like to interact with anyone.

Personality: Kuudere + Yandere

Opinion: I didn't got a chance since she have to leave early during the morning...

Shuichi Saihara•


Love: -80

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -90

Note: Shuichi is good at investigations and detective solving stuff. He doesn't have any strong opinion on you, so he hope that you are not a bad person.

Personality: Dandere + Yandere

Opinion: Zzz (No shit Sherlock)

Sonia Nevermind•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sonia is a smart person, and she'll be open up to anyone, she's also kind and outgoing.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I made some more cupcakes with Sayaka!

Kokichi Oma•


Love: -80

Friendship: -70

Jealousy: -110

Note: Kokichi is a deceiving person. He often lies just for attention unless if he have some sort of goal. He usually gets what he wants.

- Kokichi's statuses can jump pretty fast.

- Due to the bad end, it may effect the character's opinions on everyone.

Personality: Sadodere + Yandere

Opinion: I pranked some of the strangers on the street today until I bumped into Celestia. Well let's say she teach me a lesson on 'how to not to prank people'

Byakuya Togami•


Love: -50

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -100

Note: Byakuya doesn't like interactions with anyone. He's just blunt and usually spend time on his own. Usually hard to befriend with.

Personality: Oujidere + Yandere

Opinion: I'm not returning her phone.

Rantaro Amami•


Love: -90

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -100

Note: Rantaro works at a coffee shop. He seems like a chill guy to talk with. He look like he's interested in you, and maybe would want to know you better

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: The coffee shop is a bit crowded today?

Junko Enoshima•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Junko is a popular fashionista, except the fact that you doesn't know her. She's interested in your personality and ready to break you at any time... Ramu also calls her 'Despair Lord' for some reason.

Personality: Dorodere + Yandere

Opinion: I'm living with crazy people.

Mukuro Ikusaba•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Mukuro is some sort of Junko's guard. Mukuro doesn't like you cause she saw how well Junko want to get along with you.

Personality: Dorodere + Yandere

Opinion: Junko seems uncomfortable around here...

Tsumugi Shirogane•


Love: -95

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -95

Note: Tsumugi really enjoy cosplaying and want to talk about anime all day. She's also pretty cheerful.

Personality: Nidere + Yandere

Opinion: I need some help for trying one of my cosplays!

Hajime Hinata•


Love: -85

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -90

Note: Hajime is rather a not talking much type, he doesn't want to start a conversation with anyone. He feel like you're a nice person to talk to.

Personality: Bijindere + Yandere

Opinion: Chiaki is the most annoying creature in this world... Stop trying to take (Y/N) away from me...

Celestia Ludenburg•


Love: -95

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -100

Note: Celestia is a gambler. She likes drinking milk tea and like talking to people who's perfect to her. She seems interested in you.

Personality: Kindere + Yandere

Opinion: I had a fun time hanging out with (Y/N) today...


-The Music Will Calm Your Heart: Congratulations! This will help you easier to make friends anytime you need! Not an item to use, an ability. Obtained this ability from Sayaka.

-Fashionable Time: An onetime use item. This item will make a character increase their love for you. Be careful on which character you use it on. Obtained this ability from Tsumugi.

-A Favor? Two, Please!: A two-time use item. Which means you'll have the ability to ask one character to do favors for you at any time. But only 2 times on 1 character. It will decrease love/friendship. -2 (minimum); -5 (maximum). Obtained this ability from Byakuya.

-Jealousy No More!: An one time use item. This item will help you decrease a character's jealousy. Obtained this ability from Chiaki.



Use 'A Favor? Two, Please!' On...

A/ Byakuya

B/ Kokichi

C/ No one

Give a gift to...

A/ Junko

B/ Mukuro

C/ Maki


A/ Cosplay with Tsumugi

B/ Bake some cake with Sonia

C/ Sing with Sayaka and Kaede