Chapter 11: Day 8: Complicated

A/ N:

Kokichi's opinion on the last chapter........

I swear I didn't mean to write 'paper'.......

This is why I shouldn't write a chapter at 4 am.

In fact, I don't even know what he wanted to think about so I'll keep it that way.

Anyway, in return, I've prepared you a fact ;A;

Fact: Right now there are two types of yanderes. One they will get jealous if you didn't spend time with them. But the other one in another hand will not get jealous, but will think about you. There will be more complex yanderes in the future so... yeah.

Fact #2: Some yanderes if their love reaches 0-100, they will protect you. Some yanderes if they reach 0-100, they will be obsessed with you can kill you.

I watched too much Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun

Kokichi could be Hanako

But sometimes he could fit Tsukasa too ig?


Day 8: Morning.

It was another typical morning. You were just preparing to get ready for everything started, not messing up anything. It's now day 8, 3 days away from the bad ending, and nothing too bad has happened. Aside from that, you decided to come downstairs and look around the place. The early birds are Sonia, Sayaka as always. For some reason Byakuya showed up again today, Ramu is just sitting at the couch. While Kokichi is sitting at the table.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)-chan!" The male waved at you as you did a small wave back. "Hm... I have been wanting to question you something, so come with me~" Kokichi smiled as he pulled your hand with him. "What do you want-?" You asked as it seems like you two had already reach the place. "Hm~ I just wanna ask you a favor, you in?" The sly male smirked as you look at him with a confused expression. His tasks could be dangerous, but maybe, you can make him help you back...? That sounds like a good thing to you...

"But what is it?" You asked as Kokichi looked up to the ceiling before responding. "You see~ I can't do much lovely dovey stuff on my own, since I thought I never needed it... But now, I miiiight gonna need your help~" Kokichi laughed a little as you sighs. "Love? You need help with... That?" "Hmm~ Since none of us here would actually help me. Sure I could ask Tsumugi but all she does would be fangirling all day, I don't like it, so yeaaah~! Come on just help me pleaaaase!" The male begged before clasping his hands together.

"I'll try my best to help you... But of course, everything comes with a price..." You said while smiling a little bit. "So if I want you to help me I have to do something for you?" The male titled his head. "Oh, oh! Do tell me more!" "Hm... I need something from someone right now... Byakuya is keeping it, but it's not his's... He's keeping Ramu's phone, and I'm gonna need it. Both the phone and the password." You said as Kokichi looked at you before smiling.

"Mhm~ That seems like a hard task~ But of course, if you're gonna help me out, then nothing is impossible~" Kokichi chuckled and put his hands behind his head. "So, who's this person I need to know?" You asked. Maybe this isn't that bad too, cause if you matchmake two people together, then less people to be worried about... Besides, everything have its upside, it's alright. "It's... Big sis!" Wait... Ramu? Really... You mean, Ramu isn't a dangerous appointment right now... But it's alright, you need her phone anyway.

"Why do you want to get along with Ramu anyway? I mean, what do you see in her...?" "Oh, a lot~ I'm just telling you that~ Either way, I'm going to work on getting the phone for you, have a nice morning, (Y/N)~" Kokichi said as he waves at you and walked away. You decided to go to eat breakfast too. You didn't really know what else to do... Maybe waiting for Kokichi would be the best for now? You're not so sure of what you should do.

You sat there while beginning to eat the food that has been served. Some people were talking to each other, like any other day. There isn't anything new going on... After eating, you decides to head over to the music room, chilling in there. 'Is leaving this to Kokichi a good thing...? He wouldn't do anything, right...? Yeah, let's hope he wouldn't.'

I have already know the password, since well. I know Ramu pretty well myself~ But I'm gonna need the phone next... Getting things from Byakuya is hard, but I did took his glasses a few days ago, so this is just another small challenge~. I turned around the corner and saw Byakuya was in the library again... With me entering, he gazed up. "Good morning, Byakuya!" I waved at him and try to locate the device.

"Togami." The male corrected as I pout a bit. "Geez, stop being so bossy, I don't think people will like that personality of yours." "So?" "I doubt that Ramu would like it either." I already knew that these two are close. More than me, but I don't think that Byakuya would ever confess, so I have a point for that. "Tch, what do you know." The male scoffed again before continue on reading the book.

I saw the phone now, it was on the table, but I need to be sneaky enough to get it. Sayaka taught me how to be sneaky before, since well~ I needed to get something before, but it doesn't really matter anyway. "Just don't mind me here, I'm here to get some books!" I said before getting to a bookshelf and took out a random book. It has a purple cover cause... I like purple. I placed the book on the table, next to the phone and slipped the phone carefully with my hand.

While that, to not be suspicious, I dropped the water cup onto the ground. "Ugh, can you be clumsier than you are now? Just... Go away." Byakuya said as he glared at me. "Aww man... Alright... I'll go then nishishi~ Goodbye Byakuya!" Before he could correct me, I dashed out of the library with the phone in my hand. Now just gotta find (Y/N)~ But wait... I wanna know what's on the phone too...

What's taking Kokichi so long? Maybe it's cause he didn't really good at it... Well, you just have to wait, right?... You didn't know what to do, so you decided to scrolls your phone, and stares at the item... Maybe you could put this into use? Maybe you can use this on someone... You clicked onto the item and view its information.


'This item will reset a character's jealousy back to 0. You can either choose, or use the random generator. Which it will make a character have the most dangerous vibe and high jealousy reset.'


You sighs and decided to click the safest option. Maybe it'd be Shuichi or Hajime. Who knows. After clicking that, you saw the words. 'Shuichi's jealousy has been reset!' You sighed with knowing that Shuichi would be dangerous from now on... Why does this have to happen to you? After all, you still doesn't understand why and how did you get to this place anyway. You scrolled down your phone to get to Shuichi's information.


Shuichi Saihara•


Love: -70

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -100

Note: Shuichi is good at investigations and detective solving stuff. He doesn't have any strong opinion on you, so he hope that you are not a bad person.

Personality: Dandere + Yandere

Opinion: I think that (Y/N) should hang out with me more.... I wonder if she's busy....


You rolled your eyes before putting your phone back inside your pocket. The door opened and you saw a familiar white head. "Oh hey Nagito..." You waved at him. As you remember, he isn't a dangerous guy, besides, he helped you seeing Chiaki's side in his opinion one. So maybe Nagito is safe to be around. Unless he starts to be obsessed with you then that's in another case.

"So, what are you doing?" Nagito began again and you just look at him. "Oh, sorry if you don't wanna talk to a trash like me... I mean I'll go anyway, so-" "Nah, it's fine. Just stay around, I'm just thinking about something so..." You shrugs and Nagito only chuckled and sat down next to you. "Hey uh, can I have your opinion about Chiaki?" You questions and looked at the male.

" Chiaki? Well, she's pretty calm, and—" "No, I mean what's her real personality, what did she usually tell you?" You asked. "Hm... She usually speaks about you... And sometimes she could be really creepy too." Nagito said and you only sighs. "Is that so... Well, thanks for answering I guess..." You then quickly switch the topic to avoid suspicions.

After your little talk, it was quite dark now. Days actually went by fast, isn't it...? You sighed before standing up. "So Nagito, I'll go back to my room now, see ya." You waved at him and exits the music room. "Heeey (Y/N)! I have what you needed." Kokichi walked towards you with waving Ramu's phone up. "Hey! Don't do that! You don't wanna get caught!" You said quickly before dash to him and take the phone.

"Don't be like that~ Either way, the password is..." Kokichi then leaned to your ear and whispered the password. "Anyway, looking forward to tomorrow, (Y/N)~ I don't want you to mess up~"

With that he giggled and walk away...

To bE cOntInuEd CauSe iM a LazY asS.


Ramu Takeshi•


Love: -10

Friendship: 63

Jealousy: -85

Note: Ramu likes to mood swing, she's a calm person to be around, but she could easily be jealous with other people, she just doesn't show it.

Personality: Kamidere + Yandere

Opinion: ...

Kaede Akamatsu•


Love: -100

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -92

Note: Kaede's hobbies is playing piano, she likes to talk to people when interacting and she's a kind person, she's safe to talk to.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: Leon asked me to practice piano for him? Well that's strange.

Sayaka Maizono•


Love: -120

Friendship: -65

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sayaka loves singing and wishes to be a pop star. She doesn't really like you since you came here, but she'll tolerate you anyway.

Personality: Kanedere + Yandere

Opinion: I was just wandering around today...

Leon Kuwata•


Love: -99

Friendship: -97

Jealousy: -90

Note: Leon likes to play baseball and he's sometimes humorous. But sometimes he could be angry. He doesn't really like to have you around but he'll handle that.

Personality: Bodere + Yandere

Opinion: Kaede is a good piano teacher.

Chiaki Nanami•


Love: -60

Friendship: -70

Jealousy: -100

Note: Chiaki loves to play games, and often sleepy. She likes new people so she'd love to have you around.

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: Playing games is one way to relieve stress!

Nagito Komaeda•


Love: -95

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -97

Note: Nagito, well, let's say he's lucky. He likes hope and really look down on himself, so if you're talking to him, well, try to cheer him up.

- Nagito likes bagel

Personality: Hinedere + Yandere

Opinion: I talked with (Y/N), it was a nice time, I'm glad that she didn't see me as trash...

Maki Harukawa•


Love: -100

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -100

Note: Not sure what she likes to do, but she's a cold person, and doesn't like to interact with anyone.

Personality: Tsundere + Yandere

Opinion: I might wanna talk to some people instead of being alone...

Shuichi Saihara•


Love: -70

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -100

Note: Shuichi is good at investigations and detective solving stuff. He doesn't have any strong opinion on you, so he hope that you are not a bad person.

Personality: Dandere + Yandere

Opinion: I want to have (Y/N) around...

Sonia Nevermind•


Love: -90

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -100

Note: Sonia is a smart person, and she'll be open up to anyone, she's also kind and outgoing.

Personality: Deredere + Yandere

Opinion: I wonder if Ramu's busy... It seems like she has been more down than normal...

Kokichi Oma•


Love: -80

Friendship: -70

Jealousy: -110

Note: Kokichi is a deceiving person. He often lies just for attention unless if he have some sort of goal. He usually gets what he wants.

- Kokichi's statuses can jump pretty fast.

- Due to the bad end, it may effect the character's opinions on everyone.

Personality: Sadodere + Yandere

Opinion: I hope that (Y/N) can do anything well.

Byakuya Togami•


Love: -50

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -100

Note: Byakuya doesn't like interactions with anyone. He's just blunt and usually spend time on his own. Usually hard to befriend with.

Personality: Oujidere + Yandere

Opinion: Here did her phone go? Did... She just take it?

Rantaro Amami•


Love: -90

Friendship: -85

Jealousy: -100

Note: Rantaro works at a coffee shop. He seems like a chill guy to talk with. He look like he's interested in you, and maybe would want to know you better

Personality: Darudere + Yandere

Opinion: (I honestly doesn't know what he should think so let's leave this be)

Junko Enoshima•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Junko is a popular fashionista, except the fact that you doesn't know her. She's interested in your personality and ready to break you at any time... Ramu also calls her 'Despair Lord' for some reason.

Personality: Dorodere + Yandere

Opinion: Jeez, how clumsy can Mukuro be?

Mukuro Ikusaba•


Love: -100

Friendship: -100

Jealousy: -100

Note: Mukuro is some sort of Junko's guard. Mukuro doesn't like you cause she saw how well Junko want to get along with you.

Personality: Dorodere + Yandere

Opinion: I should be more careful-!

Tsumugi Shirogane•


Love: -95

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -95

Note: Tsumugi really enjoy cosplaying and want to talk about anime all day. She's also pretty cheerful.

Personality: Nidere + Yandere

Opinion: Even Ramu is busy and not hanging out with me.... TwT

Hajime Hinata•


Love: -85

Friendship: -80

Jealousy: -90

Note: Hajime is rather a not talking much type, he doesn't want to start a conversation with anyone. He feel like you're a nice person to talk to.

Personality: Bijindere + Yandere

Opinion: I should do something for her to not talk to anyone...

Celestia Ludenburg•


Love: -95

Friendship: -90

Jealousy: -100

Note: Celestia is a gambler. She likes drinking milk tea and like talking to people who's perfect to her. She seems interested in you.

Personality: Kindere + Yandere

Opinion: I enjoy reading this new book...


-The Music Will Calm Your Heart: Congratulations! This will help you easier to make friends anytime you need! Not an item to use, an ability. Obtained this ability from Sayaka.

-Fashionable Time: An onetime use item. This item will make a character increase their love for you. Be careful on which character you use it on. Obtained this ability from Tsumugi.

-A Favor? Two, Please!: A two-time use item. Which means you'll have the ability to ask one character to do favors for you at any time. But only 2 times on 1 character. It will decrease love/friendship. -2 (minimum); -5 (maximum). Obtained this ability from Byakuya.

Ability Obtained!

-Hopeful Smile: An one time use item. Once using this, the characters that are close to you will do whatever you want them to for 1 hour. This might be useful somehow in needed situations. You can also make this item effective for another character. Obtained this ability from Nagito.



On the matchmaking, use...

A/ A Favor? Two, please!

B/ Hopeful Smile

C/ None

Have a small talk with...

A/ Byakuya

B/ Ramu

C/ Kokichi

You feel being stalked in your room, you should...

A/ Go to the couch and calm down

B/ Check if there's anyone

C/ Going back to sleep cause I'm lazy to do all of these.