Day 2-Tuesday-Waning

Fat raindrops dribbled down the window of Hunter's dorm room. The sky was wonderfully gray. Hunter gathered his things and headed to the showers. The hot water felt amazing. He would have stayed in the shower longer, but there were only eight stalls and a line was forming outside.

Hunter stopped at the mirror. His reflection showed dark skin, bags under his tawny eyes, brown bed head hair poking out from under a thin shower cap. Several beige scars crept up near his neck, disappearing beyond the neck of his t-shirt. As he brushed his teeth alongside a row of other students, Hunter felt an odd sense of community. He didn't know anyone in his dorm, but if they made eye contact they would exchange hellos and good mornings. People made space when they saw his crutches, no questions asked. The generally friendly mood was already helping him forget the previous day's chain of events.

He decided to splurge and have breakfast in his dormitory cafeteria. It wasn't as big as the main one, and the food was limited, but the smell of sausage was enough to get him to fork over his cash. He sat by a pillar, using it as a rest for his crutches. He paid for extra meat and eggs--one large breakfast was all he needed daily due to his small frame. Just as He shoveled a forkful into his mouth, a voiced called to him.


Hunter looked up, his mouth full. Standing across from him was a somewhat familiar face--Malcolm Dupereon. He also had a plate of mostly meat. "I didn't know you dormed in here." He smiled, sitting down. "I thought I smelled some kin."

Hunter chewed and swallowed. The taste of meat had overtaken his other senses. "Mm. Did you start classes yet?"

"Started on the seventh last week," Malcolm said, stabbing a sausage link. "Phased in an' out. Mine get real short in the fall y'see. But longer in the springtime."

"I'm just about done riding it out." Hunter enjoyed another two forkfuls of meat and eggs. "Mine can be long."

"Yeah? Like what, a day?"

Hunter felt a stab of jealousy. "Oh yeah, something like that..."

They wolfed down their food in silence for a moment.

"So..." Malcolm came up for air. "How big is your pack?"

"About thirty near me."


"You?" Hunter chewed.

"Mm." Malcolm gulped down his orange juice. "About the same. You know how it is. People move in, people move out."

"Yeah. People are always moving from one pack or tribe to another..." Hunter kept his gaze on his food.

"Can't wait until next week." Malcolm kept the conversation going. "Then it's goodbye cane!"

Hunter gave him a small smile, not worried about his teeth for once. "Yeah, same for these crutches." Phases aside, they could both be ecstatic about the coming week. The new moon approached--a point at which their Lycanthropic urges would dwindle down to near non-existence.

"Bless the new moon." Malcolm sighed. "Smooth sailing for the rest of the month for me! How about you?"

"Well..." Hunter scratched his head. There was no reason he couldn't be honest about his condition. "I start to get back pain when the full moon creeps up. Then I'm ticked off 24/7 until the half moon is back."

Malcolm nodded in understanding. "Same thing here! I'm a rage monster during big moon week! Aw man, I dunno how I'm gonna do it." He shook his head. "My Momma's worried about me. She's trying to come down here with a cage. I don't know how my roommate's gonna feel about that..."

"That's one thing I'm not worried about." Hunter replied with a sudden need to boast. "My room might be the size of a shoebox, but at least I'm by myself."

"Ha! Lucky you! You got room for your binding stuff?"

Hunter's smile waned. "I've got space by the window..." He inhaled and exhaled. He had told himself that he could do this, but suddenly the thought of shifting alone sounded scary.

Malcolm could sense his fear. "If you feel yourself flippin' out early, let me know. I got your back."

"Thanks. And uh, same here. I'll help if I can."

Malcolm checked his wristwatch. "I thought had more time. Gotta book it." He shoveled the rest of breakfast into his mouth, chewed and swallowed as he left the table. "See you around!"

Hunter waved at Malcolm as he left and finished up his breakfast. He had managed to have a coherent, pleasant, conversation. Things were already looking up.

He got to his next class early, sat in the back, and blended in. For the following one he tried to do the same, but a leg cramp made him ten minutes late. However, his professor was understanding and carried on with the lesson as if nothing had happened.

At the end of the day, he returned to his dorm feeling more optimistic. He could do this, he decided. He could make things work.

Day 5-Friday-Waning Crescent

It was early in the morning, hours before sunrise. Hunter was awakened by a text message. He blinked at the bright screen in the dark. It was from the wolf-eared girl.

Hey Y'all it's Ash♡ I'm tryin 2 put a trip 2gether 4 ~*winter break*~ Let me know if ur interested ;) ;○((Redwood pack))

"Redwood pack..." Hunter closed his eyes. "Is that supposed to be the five of us?"

Malcolm seemed nice enough, but he felt closer to the people in his dorm than he did to the others. But maybe that would change with time. After all, they were all separated from their respective packs. Maybe there were plenty of his kinfolk, bonded into a larger pack, and awaiting their arrival. Garou had confirmed that there were more of their kind on campus. He wondered how many there were.

Day 7. Sunday, Waning Crescent

Hunter's shoulders tensed. Something wild drew near. He knew that scent. Another werewolf. While it was hard to put into words, he could pinpoint it instantly. He braced himself. The moon's effects were still waning. Would they be hostile? Territorial? He turned around.

"Hey. You like anime?"

Hunter looked down at the flyer in the individual's large hand. Today was the day of the club fair.

The campus lawn was covered with booths and tents for groups and clubs varying from such subjects as Tennis and Fencing to Air Hockey and Hamboning. The half-moon had passed several days prior, and Hunter was already feeling much better. He had abandoned his forearm crutches for a hinged leg brace and wandered across the campus lawn. While in line for free food he found himself behind another of his kin--Tom Martinez. The stocky teenager was sweating heavily, a large patch of sweat was spreading on the back of his band t-shirt. He wiped his face with a small towel as he waited for a reply.

"Not really...Some of them, I guess." Hunter shrugged. "Why, did you join?"

"That wolfgirl Ash, is in the anime club." Tom blinked and adjusted his sunglasses. "If you get too close to their table, she'll make you dance with them." He warned.

Hunter tried not to laugh. Was that why Tom seemed so worn out? "I guess she already caught you then. Thanks for the tip."

The line moved ahead.

"Did you get that text the other night?" Tom asked, looking back again.

"Oh, yeah...The trip." Hunter shrugged. It seemed like Tom was trying to make conversation, so he figured he should oblige his kin."I don't know if I'm going back home for Winter Break or not. I mean, it seems like she wants to make it a group thing but--"

"We aren't a pack." Tom said flatly. He rubbed his neck. "I mean, no offense, but we just met a few days ago. We don't know if we have anything in common besides...y'know."

Tom's response took Hunter by surprise. "Do you miss them a lot? Your pack?"

"Well yeah." Tom's voice went up an octave as if it were obvious. "Don't you?"

Hunter pushed his sunglasses back. "Yeah...some of them anyway. I wasn't in the best terms with everyone when I left."

"What happened?"

Hunter gave an irritated stare, lost behind his dark sunglasses. Tom was giving him a strange vibe. He couldn't tell if Tom was genuinely interested in the conversation or not. Still, he gave an honest reply. "Alpha trouble."

"Oh..." Tom blinked and turned back. They had finally made it to the front of the line.

"Sorry folks!" One volunteer hollered. "We're out of hotdogs!"

Tom and Hunter both grumbled in disappointment before glancing at each other and laughing.

Hunter's phone rang then. He looked at the screen. "Oh, hang on. I gotta take this." Stepping off the line, he answered the call. "Mom?"

"Hi, Baby. How are you doing?" He could hear the worry in her voice. "Is everything going okay?"

"I'm okay." He tried to assure her with a confident tone.

"Are you still on crutches or can you walk now?"

"Brace today, so I'm doing good. You?" He walked near a tree. Tom was walking towards him with a styrofoam plate of hamburgers. "Are you in the city?"

"Yeah, I'm still down here. I have to go back in a few days."

Hunter heaved a heavy sigh.

"They aren't gonna get anything out of me." She assured him. "I don't care who shows up on my lawn. Bring the Alphas, Cops, the full pack--They're gonna get knocked out if they try to mess with my baby. Lena Reeds don't play."

Hunter bit his lip to suppress his snickering. He knew she wasn't joking. While his mother was not a Lycanthrope, she could still take one down. "Stay out of trouble. If anything, you can always stay down there with Auntie."

"And who is going to take care of my garden? Miss Luna's gonna kill my plants. Look, I was just calling to make sure you're okay. If you need me to I'll come up for the full moon."

"No thanks." He took a burger off the plate Tom held towards him. "I think I've got this."

"Okay, sweetie. Gotta go. Love you."

"Mmhm." He chewed. "Bye."