The beginning of the beginning


June 15, 1981, I was on my way to the remote town of Mi deore Veronica. As the carriage enters the town I felt excitement, bliss and curiosity… so curious.

They said this town has been very peaceful over 149 years and luckily I get to celebrate their 150th year of being a tranquil town tomorrow.

The town is filled with beautiful ornaments, flowers and people. It was very pleasant.

"Heorte" an old English word means heart, the street where my house to be stands.

I now arrived at my house. As I was getting my belongings from the carriage I saw this huge tree that's so beautiful and fascinating to espy.

It was so alive and its branches spread heaven-bound. It was planted about 10 meters far from my house and no other shelter were built beside it.

There were also flowers beneath the tree; looks like someone placed it there.

"Ma'am" the policeman spoke with a cold voice.

Startled, I said "You scared me".

"Sorry…" he calmly replied

"you're the new girl here?".

"Yes I am. Do you need something from me?" I said while I glared at him.

"I need to ask you few questions ma'am for recording purposes", he replied.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Who's with you?" he questioned rapidly.

I stared at him with confusion while saying "Can you please slow down?"

"Just answer the question ma'am" he commanded.

I don't want to answer his questions but I answered anyway "My name is Avica Morees. I'm 20 years old…" I paused while he writes what I say.

"Please continue ma'am" said he while his eyes were fixed at the record book.

"… I'm from the Big City and… I'm living here alone".

"Thank you for your cooperation, that'll be all" he said while closing the record book.

"May I know your name?" I asked but he immediately turned his back from me. As he walks his way to the police car, questions were running through my head like, why is this guy so weird, why can't he look at me in the eyes? Do I smell bad?

While I stare at him awkwardly he promptly uttered "Arus".

"Huh?" I grunted.

He sighs and spoke once again "The name's Arus".

He immediately entered the car, sat down and started the engine like he doesn't want to talk to me long enough.

While getting myself together I tried running as fast as I could to get to him, to ask "That's it? Just Arus? No last name?"

When I was closing to his car he switched the gear and drove away. While looking at the car questions in my mind keep coming up "What's his problem?" I whispered.

I suddenly remembered I have to fix my things, so I went back, took my keys from my pocket and grabbed my bags.

As I entered I placed my bags on the floor bounced at the couch and visualized what embellishments should I put in this new house. I lied down and slowly closed my eyes.

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