
You don't even know me.


Chapter 10: "You don't even know me."



Zach's pov


After i left Elle's house i came back home. So here i am sitting on my bed, my head in my hands.

She wants to forget? She wants to forget our kiss? Okay then. I might not be able to forget it but I have to move on, its clear that she doesn't want me in her life.

Suddenly my phone rings pulling me out of my thoughts. the caller ID says Kayla

"𝑌𝑒𝑠?" 𝐼 ask into the phone

"𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 '𝑦𝑒𝑠' 𝑚𝑒!"

"𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝐾𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑎?"

"𝑆𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐸𝑙𝑙𝑒 ℎ𝑢ℎ?"


"𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑑𝑢𝑚𝑏 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑒, 𝐼 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑘𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑑."

"𝐵𝑦𝑒 𝐾𝑎𝑦𝑙𝑎"

"𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑎𝑟-"

Is all i hear as i end the call.

I decide to just take a shower, and get into bed.


The next day at school


Kayla didn't come home this morning so i suppose that she'll come to school with Elle.

I enter the school building and walk over to my locker to stand infront of it playing a game on my phone. I feel eyes burning on me so i look up and see a whole group of girls looking at me as if though i am a piece of meat. I shoot them a glare and walk away.

The rest of the day goes on quickly, i hand in all my homework, and pay attention in all of my classes. I try my best to avoid Elle aswell as Kayla.


After school


After school, i decide to go to my special place. Right now i just needed to get away and think. I sit on the edge sketching the view infront of me. The sun, the sky, the lake. I get interrupted by my phone as it rings. I check the ID and see that it's Elle. I ignore the call. She phones again, i decline it. I just want to stay away from her for a bit. After i decline for the third time she gives up and doesn't call again.

I sit peacefully watching the sunset. Another day gone who knows if tomorrow will come.

Suddenly someone sits down beside me. I don't look to see who it is, as i know that it is Elle.

We sit in silence for a while before she starts speaking.

"Im sorry." She whispers

I dont say anything

"Im sorry for everything. Im sorry for judging you so quick, im sorry for playing with your feelings, im sorry for hurting you."

I ignore her

"Zach I like you. I've liked you for quite some  time. I like everything about you. I like the way you make you me feel."

I snort.

"You don't even know me." I say

"I'm willing to get to know you."

I just shake my head in disbelief. Its not that easy, I could never open up to her, im too fucked up, I've got too much baggage.

"I kissed you back because I liked it." she says randomly

"Whaat?" I ask surprised

"I liked it."

"Then why'd you say that it was a mistake?"

"Because I was stupid. I thought that you and Stacy were dating. I didn't want to intefere."

"Who's Stacy?" I ask completely confused

"The girl that you were making out with at the party."

"So that's what her name was."

"Are you serious Zach?!"

"Look Elle i don't date, i just use these girls, and they know that. I don't care about their names or their pathetic perfect lives."

She doesn't say anything

"Im a monster, i dont give two shits about anybody, i hurt everyone and i only look out for myself."

She just listens

"I don't care about you Elle. I never did. I lied. I only kissed you to get distracted. I could never like you, so just fuck out of my life. I don't need you anymore!"

To my surprise she doesn't cry, she doesn't get up and leave. She just sits still, adjusting everything i had just said.

"Its okay. You don't have to care about me. You don't have to like me but what you have to realize is, is that im not going anywhere. Im not leaving you Zach." She says calmly

"Why?" I ask, my voice soft

"Because if the situation was the other way around, you wouldn't leave me."

She's absolutely right. My eyes start to tear up and i start shaking. Loud sobs escaping my mouth. She pulls me into her as i cry into her chest.

"I-im s-so-"

"Shhh." Shes hushes me and comforts me as she rubs my back.

My eyes get heavy and i allow them to close as i fall asleep in her warm embrace.


Elle's pov


The sun is gone, the sky is dark but the moon shows it's mercy sharing its light. Here i am sitting on the edge of the cliff, my feet hanging down. Zach's head on my lap, my coat draping over his body. I smile at his perfect face as i play with his hair softly trying not to wake him up.

After a while he moves in his sleep, then opens his eyes looking at me.

"Hi there." I say, smiling

He smiles then his eyes widen in shock as he sits upright realizing its dark

"Shit! I need to get you home." He says sounding worried

I giggle

"What's so funny?" He asks in a annoyed tone

"Im not going anywhere."


"I called ma and told her that im gonna stay with you tonight."

"What about Aria?"

"Kayla and her are having manicures as we speak."

He just nods

We sit in silence, enjoying the moonlight.

Until Zach talks

"I'm Zachary Scott. Im 18 years old. I was adopted by Kayla's parents eight years ago. My dad was a alcoholic. He would come home at night and hurt my mother. He verbally abused me, said he hated me and that it was because of me that he was the way he was, That my mother and him were better off without me in their life, that i was a mistake, and that i would be better off dead. After a short period of time he became worse, he came home one night, drunk with a gun in his hand, tried to shoot me but mom took the bullet for me. He meant to shoot me but instead he shot mom, after mom's death he committed suicide. Kayla's parents took me in, gave me a home, made sure i had everything i needed and im grateful for that but how could I ever be happy again, knowing that it should have been me. It should have been me Elle!"

I look into his eyes, they are bloodshot red, i finally see the hurt, the pain, and the sadness that he tried to hide many times before. I take his hand in mine holding tight onto it.

"Im Isabelle Davis, im 17 years old. My father left when i was a baby, my mom however stayed by my side. 11 years ago she got married to Derek, Aria's father. We were never close but i took him as my own father. We moved in with him and i had to enroll in to a new school. I had a bestfriend but she replaced me. My first kiss used me and then never spoke to me again. I started developing trust issues and got depressed. While mum was pregnant with Aria, she and Derek fought alot, especially about me. Derek wasn't very fond of me. He said that i wasn't his responsibility and that i would never be part of his family. I felt like a problem, like a burden, i got tired with everything and became suicidal. I'd cut myself just to feel numb, to forget. Then Aria was born and i couldn't anymore, i needed to be strong for her. Everyday was a battle but i kept fighting, i kept going, i had to for Aria. Until last year, when mom had a heart attack. After her death Derek immediately moved away with Aria without any notice or a goodbye. Ma took me in, its been crazy but to have Aria back in my life is a miracle."

I look up and turn my head to Zach, he moves in closer to me and holds me tightly.

"I got you Elle." He whispers

My eyes close at his words and i fall into a deep sleep.



Im literally in tears.

Keep going

Stay beautiful ♡
