
Elle, im not leaving you.


Chapter 13: "Elle, im not leaving you."


"Elle?" Zach asks

"What happened?" I ask confused

"You passed out."

I try to sit up but my head pushes me back down as i wince in pain. It's as if someone's hitting me on my head with a hammer.

I look to my side to see Zach looking at me, a concerning look on his face

"Thanks Zach."

He just nods then stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

After a while, footsteps start to approach me.

"What happened?" Aria asks sadly

"Nothing, just resting my eyes."

"You look very sick Elle."

"Im just tired."

Aria nods and walks away from me too

After a few minutes my eyes get heavy and i fall asleep.


Zach's pov


I'm worried about Elle. How is she gonna cope for the next two weeks. She's stressed and tired, she tries to keep everything together but inside she's falling apart. I wish i could just take it all away, all the weight she carries on her shoulders. She deserves happiness, she deserves the best.

"Is Elle okay?"

Im brought out of my thoughts as Aria walks into the kitchen, and sits down on one of the counter stools.

"Yeah, she's just tired." I respond

Aria just looks down


She nods and smiles

I roll my sleeves up and start cooking.

Spaghetti bolognese it is.


"What are you doing?"

I turn around to see Elle, her hands crossed over her chest, her diamond eyes burning into mine, she turns her head to Aria.

"Aria could you go set the table please?" Elle asks

"Sure" Aria replies as she skips out of the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Elle asks me again

"Urhmm standing?"

"No Zach, why'd you cook?"

"So that you and Aria can eat."

"I would've cooked."

"Yeah right."

"Excuse me?" She asks annoyed

"Can't you just be grateful?"

She sighs before responding

"Thank you Zach."


Dinner time


"That was delicious!, thank you Zach." Aria exclaims happily

"My pleasure."

"May i please be excused, im feeling a bit sleepy."

"Yeah of course." I assure her

She smiles gratefully as she leaves the table and walks out the dinning room, leaving Elle and I in silence as we finish our food.


Elle's pov


He took care of me, he made dinner, he... why?, why didn't he just go home with Kayla.

I look up from my food and turn my gaze to Zach as he gets up with his plate and walks out the dinning room not looking at me once.

I decide to follow him.

I walk into the kitchen to see Zach washing his plate and fork, then drys it up and packs it immediately away.

"Why did you do that?" I ask confused


"Why don't you just use the dishwasher?"

"I dunno, i guess i just prefer washing the dishes myself." He replies calmly

I nod slowly then walk out.

I needed some air, i walk out of the house to stand on the porch.

The cold air of the night brushes against my skin giving me a little shiver. What am i going to do? Tomorrow is school, ma is not here, and i can't just leave Aria.

Im brought out of my thoughts as strong arms are wrapped around my waist. Zach. My back leaning into his chest as he stands behind me.

"Why?" I whisper

"Why what?"

"Why did you stay?, why did you take care of me?, why did you cook for us? You didn't have to but you did, why Zach?"

"Because if the situation was the other way around, you'd do the same for me."

I smile remembering that i told him the exact same thing yesterday.



"What am i gonna do? Im so hopeless without ma, i wish she was here."

"We will figure it out."

"We?" I ask confused

"Yes Elle, we. We gonna skip school tomorrow, sort everything out, and I'll be by your side all the way. "

"Again? We already skipped school today and no this is my problem, i can't let you just drop everything for me."

"Elle, im not leaving you."

"What's wrong with you?!" I exclaim annoyed

Next thing i know im whipped around, Zach's lips on mine, i kiss him back, my heart beating fast. Everytime he kisses me, indescribable feelings rushes through my body. Ahhhh Zach.

"I like you Elle."

"I like you too, Zach but i dont-"

"I won't hurt you Elle, i promise. I know it so soon but i don't care. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

"I'd like that."


I giggle at him, i love it when he's happy, when he smiles, i love everything about him. He's perfect.




Zach decided to stay the night, so here we are lying beside each other.

"Spaghetti is my favorite." I say while putting my head on Zach's chest

"Mine too."

"Who taught you how to cook?"

"Mum. When i was younger and things were still okay, mum and I would cook and bake, we'd pretend that we owned one of those expensive restaurants in Paris. I miss those days, i miss her Elle."

"I know."

"Let's get some rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow."

I close my eyes.

"I love you."

Is all i hear before i fall into a deep sleep.


Thanks for reading.

Next chapter will be longer

Keep going

Stay beautiful ♡
