
I'm incomplete without you.


Chapter 15: "I'm incomplete without you."


After we're done with our breakfast at the cafe, Zach pays and we leave. The drive on the way to the hospital is quiet, i lay down on my seat and close my eyes as i dose off.


"We're here, Elle." Zach says gently

I lift my head up but fail to do so as my head pushes me back down.

"Owww!" I wince in pain

"What's wrong?" Zach asks worried

"My head... i can't lift it up."

Zach jumps out of the car and comes around to open my door, he picks me up gently carrying me bridal style and walks into the hospital building.

"Zach, you can put me down now. Please.

He does as i say, once my feet touch the ground i wobble a bit but Zach grabs my waist pulling me towards him.

"What's wrong, Elle? Are you okay?"

"Im fine."

"Ill be waiting in the waiting room for you okay?, and ill pick up Aria and come back straight away."

"I love you Zach."

Zach looks shocked but quickly smiles

"I love you too Elle."

He gives me a kiss on my forehead and then walks away.

I make my way to ma's room, i open the door and walk in. There she lays, her face blank showing no emotion.

"Hello ma."

I say taking her hand into mine

"I miss you ma. I've got a job, Aria is in school as we speak, I've got an amazing boyfriend. Im so happy and grateful for everything right now but there's still a part of me that's incomplete."

I search her face looking for anything, but there's nothing.

"I'm incomplete without you."

After five minutes of just looking at her wishing she could open her eyes, i dose off.


Zach's pov


I pull up infront of Aria's new school building, im a bit early so i switch the ignition off and wait.

I start to think about Elle, something is wrong with her, she's sick. She's always tired and... im just so worried about her, and now she has a need of wanting to pay me back for buying Aria stationery, Aria's enrollment and registration was free. I didn't have to pay. I was going to but Mr.Jacobs wouldn't let me.

Im brought out of my thoughts by the school bell. After like thirty seconds the whole parking lot is filled with kids, smiles on their faces. Along the crowd i spot Aria walking with a boy. A boy?! I jump out the car and push through the kids until i reach them.

What am i reacting like this? Why do i feel so protective over her? I turn my gaze to the boy. He's about her age, he has black hair and bright blue eyes, a smirk on his face. I know that smirk. He's a bad boy, she shouldn't be friends with someone like him.

"Zach?" Aria asks confused

"Hey! Come on let's go." I say while taking her hand and walking away from the boy. She doesn't seem to hesitate

We get into the car, i start the engine and pull out of the parking lot.

Once we on the road i speak.

"How was your day?" I ask

"It was good."

"So, who was that boy?"

"Urhmm... a friend."

"Urhmm?" I ask through a chuckle

"Where's Elle?" She asks trying to change the subject

"At the hospital."

The rest of the car ride is silent until we reach the hospital.



Elle's pov


Im awoken from my sleep by Aria, she looks so happy. I love seeing her happy.

"How was your first day?" I ask

"It was really great!"

"Im glad, you want some alone time with ma?" I ask getting up from the chair

Aria nods and so i leave her to talk with ma.

I make my way to the waiting room to sit with Zach whilst we wait.

"Hey you." I say as i approach him and take a seat besides him


"You seem tired."

"Im not." He replies through a yawn

"I'll drive us home."

"No Elle."

"Yes Zach."

"Okay fine." He gives in

After a while i talk again

"How's Kayla?"

"She's good."

"I'm such a bad friend, i didn't even check up on her."

"Don't be ridiculous, you're not a bad friend. Kayla knows you got alot going on right now."

"I guess."



At home


Zach decided to get us McDonald's on the way back. Once we get home, Aria goes to her room. Zach and i go to mine.

"Zach, we're going to school tomorrow as a couple."

"Yeah so?" He asks as he lies down on my bed

"I don't want attention."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, people are gonna see us together and i just dont want the school's talk."

"Elle i want everyone to know that we're together. I want all the boys to know that you're mine, i want all the girls to know that you're the only one for me. I love you Elle. I never thought the day would come when I'd tell a girl that besides Kayla. I never thought that a girl would ever make me feel like this. Elle you make me want to become a better person, you make me wan-"

I kiss him. I kiss him so hard. I love him too and i don't care about anybody at school. I want everyone to know that i am his and he is mine.

"I love you too." I say as i lay my head on his chest

I fall asleep to Zach's heart beat and his hand rubbing my back.

I don't want this moment to end. I just wanna lay in his arms. Safe and content. Zach's the best thing that's ever happened to me. He makes me so happy, he's so caring and kind. Nothing like the badboy everybody assumes he is.He's perfect, just perfect for me.


Thanks for reading

Keep going

Stay beautiful ♡
