Chapter 5: Shop Ingredients

Immediately buying a lucky leaf, Max looked at its attributes.

[Lucky Leaf]

Effect: Match it with the corresponding ingredients and increase your luck in dangerous situations.

This unassuming description hides the helpful power that comes with it. As the beginning of Vilonce is really peaceful, especially right now, most forget that the objective is to survive. Just a little bit of luck can help you survive countless situations. Just getting this leaf isn't enough though, as you need to match it with other ingredients to make it shine. As everyone knows, different ingredients make different martial spirits. Luckily, Max knows exactly the martial spirit he's going for and what ingredients to get.

After buying what he needed, he told Ross and Charlotte the ingredients they would need for their corresponding martial spirits.

He told Charlotte quickly snatch the [Withered Rose] that was limited to one, but also took all 100 of the starter coins. It was practically screaming that it had insane potential.

[Withered Rose]

Effect: Match it with the corresponding ingredients to reveal its full potential.

He had Ross buy a [Swift Pearl] that was only limited to 100,000 and a [Space Fruit] with a limit of 500.

[Swift Pearl]

Effect: Increases dexterity and speed

[Space Fruit]

Effect: An ingredient for users who want to focus on speed and magic.

Most people would think that the less quantity of ingredients there are, the better. This reasoning has ruined a lot of people as the more powerful an ingredient is, the more limited it is in fusing with other martial spirits.

It's quite common that someone will have one powerful and rare ingredient, then use the other remaining ingredients to support it. The only way to become truly powerful is matching rare, but somewhat weak materials to make a brand new martial spirit thats recipe needs luck or time to acquire.

The first martial spirit was the foundation, so it's necessary to not get one that is too OP or else the user will become to dependent on it and easy for opponents to read.

With these Purchases, Max was left with 33 coins and Ross 10 as each of his his Swift Pearl cost 10 coins and Space Fruit cost 80 coins. The three of them in total were left with 43 coins, but Max was ready to spend them.

"Hurry and lend me your remaining coins. I'll spend them on what we'll need later."

With that done he quickly went to the consumables and quickly bought 2 consumables, spending 13 coins in total.

[Exploding Pineapple] (Consumable)

Effect: Throw at your target and upon contact it will leave a nasty surprise.

[Rejuvenation Water] (Consumable)

Effect: Apply water to what you want to rejuvenate.

The [Exploding Pineapple] only cost 3 coins, but the [Rejuvenation Water] cost 10. It may seem like Max was going to follow through a plan with these, but that was only half-right.

These are the last 2 ingredients that were for Charlotte's and his own martial spirits.

When you first enter Vilonce, it is widely assumed that consumables are just consumables. It isn't until you finish the tutorial and enter the first trial that everyone became enlightened about the fact that consumables are also ingredients. It's basically common knowledge in the first trial. Max didn't know how many people regret not knowing when they had the opportunity to buy them from the shop at the beginning, including himself.

The only limit is that ingredients can't interact with each other before forming a martial spirit or else they'll just stay like materials forever, not being able to form a martial spirit. For example, if Charlotte used the [Rejuvenation Water] on her [Withered Rose] now, then she would get only get a super rare material that couldn't be used. If she used them separately when she formed her martial spirit, then they would combine and become an unique martial spirit to herself.

Max was preparing an unique foundation for Charlotte, a super rare one for himself, and rare one for Ross. It sound discriminatory, but there is no point of having something super powerful if it doesn't suit yourself. Mages can't really start off strong or else they'll be glass cannons. Max is preparing Ross to start off with speed supported with magic so he can survive at the beginning. His second martial spirit onwards will be mainly focused on magic.

Similar to Ross, Charlotte will start off with a thorny magic-like spirit, then work her martial spirits towards defense and vitality.

He is planning to get all three of their trees from the tutorial area as he already knows how it's laid out. Once each of them get's the tree that they need, they will be able to form their martial spirits. Once that's done he will separate from them so that they can gain experience while he completed the tasks he needs to do.