Reason #1.1: I have Problems Galore

Reasons Why I Cannot Marry A Prince

Her New Plans


The next morning, I spent some time alone in my room with a piece of paper, writing down what I know and think about the possible threats that I might face ahead.

#1 The Green Jewel

Finding this jewel is my ultimate goal.

The moment I could get this magic jewel in my hands, then it will be game over, and I will finally win, but the problem is I have no idea where it is right now or what kind of stone it even is.

All I could describe was that it looks like a green round jewel and it is as big as the size of my fist, and the question it has was

~ what is the name of this world? ~

For this, I'll need to ask Leon if there is any news of it. If that fails, I'll look for grandpapa. With his underground connections, perhaps he might know someone who could help me with this.

#2 My Witch Identity