Reason #9: My family has a dangerous history (3)


The Girls Escape 


Under Ivy's request, they let the girls rest in a private room with no windows and a single-sized bed. The moment they left the girls alone, Ivy immediately turn towards Gracie and Sophia with a worried look on her face while she checks for wounds from head to toe.

"Are you both okay?" She anxiously asked, then stare at their wrist, "I can't believe they tied you up so hard. It must have been painful. But don't worry, I promise I will keep you both safe and find a way for you to escape, and I will never let those men harm any one of you and ..."

"IVY! Stop!" Gracie shouted as she saw her friend worried and flustered.

Then she held her arms to calm her, "Stop Ivy. Stop making yourself responsible for everything. You don't have to mind his words because it's not your fault. They already had their eyes on her highness. So they would've abducted her either way and as for me..."