Reason 14: You Are Born to Be Happy


Witches in Jail - Pt 1


After Hector officially sold Ivy to the Red Masked buyer, they move her cage into a dark cave. 

Then many routes later, they open up her cage and shove her into a jail cell.

The men who carried her there said not a single word. Right after they lock up the girl, they immediately left the girl alone.

The jail cell was big, empty, and dark, with just a couple of flickering lights hanging by the walls. There were a few people there in the other jail cells next to her, and all of them were dressed in dirty white robes, but every one of them just kept their heads down and sat in their own corner by themselves with absolutely no interest to converse.

Ivy was tired and hungry. She didn't have the will to think about her next move for survival at that time as her heart felt weak from seeing too many deaths and worrying about the fate of her family.